Venous thromboembolism


  • VTE in 1/500 persons per year
  • 1/300 adult ED patients diagnosed with VTE
  • 1/100 per year for adults >80yo
  • PE is second-leading cause of sudden, unexpected, non-traumatic death
  • Case fatality rates for PE
    • 58% if haemodynamically unstable vs. 15% if haemodynamically stable (deAlwis)
    • 45% if in shock (only seen in 4-5% of PE patients) (Tintinalli)
    • 1% if under 50, not in shock and no other comorbidities
    • Overall <8% if correct diagnosis and Rx (Dunn)
    • >90% of deaths occur in unrecognised PE
    • Chronic pulmonary HTN in 2-4% of patients with PE
  • Post-thrombotic syndrome seen in 20% of proximal DVT patients


  • Provoked VTE
    • Recent surgery, trauma, immobility, active cancer, pregnancy/post-partum, impaired venous flow, infection, chronic disease, oestrogen use, age >50 (each year over 50 increases risk)
    • Have higher 1-year mortality rate (likely due to underlying cause)
  • Most VTE’s diagnosed in the ED are unprovoked (50% of all VTE are unprovoked)
  • Unprovoked PE
    • 15% chance of recurrence in the next years vs. 5% for provoked PE
    • 10% risk of cancer in next 12 months
    • Important for thorough hx/examination but routine CT does not provide benefit in diagnosing cancer early
  • 1/3 of patients with DVT have concomitant PE (even if asymptomatic)
  • 80% of hospitalised patients with PE have image-confirmed DVT vs. 40% of ambulatory patients with PE
  • If no comorbidities, usually 20% of lung vasculature has to be involved before symptoms arise
    • Dual pulmonary circulation means lung infarction is rare

Risk of recurrence

TypeRecurrence at 1 yearRecurrence at 5 years
First surgical/trauma provoked VTE1%3%
First transient non-surgical provoked VTE5%15%
Provoked VTE with persistent risk factor15%45%
First unprovoked distal DVT5%15%
First unprovoked proximal DVT or PE10%30%
Second episode of unprovoked VTE15%45%


  • Principle mechanisms of death from PE
    • Sudden near-total pulmonary artery occlusion leading to PEA
    • Asystole from ischaemic effect on His-purkinje system
  • 1/3 of survivors of large PE’s go on to have right heart failure
  • 5% of patients with PE experience chronic vascular obstruction, leading to progressive lung vessel damage, pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure termed chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
  • The risk of recurrent VTE in those with a known thrombophilia is the same the risk for those who have had a prior unprovoked VTE absent that condition

Risk factors

  • Most important risk factors in ED (OR >2)
    • Previous VTE
    • Surgery in last 4 weeks
    • Unilateral leg swelling
    • Oestrogen therapy
    • SpO2 <95% on RA
    • Non-cancer-related thrombophilia
  • Trauma
    • 25% of PE’s occur within 4 days
    • 50% within one week

Risk factors

  • Surgical (recent major surgery)
  • Non-surgical
    • Transient
      • Acute medical illness with immobilization for >=3 days
      • Oestrogen therapy
      • Pregnancy/post-partum
      • Leg injury with reduced mobility for at least 3 days
      • Long-haul travel
    • Persistent
      • Active cancer
      • IBD/chronic inflammatory states
      • Antiphospholipid syndrome
  • VTE within 2 months of a transient provoking factor has half the risk of recurrence as an unprovoked VTE


  • Limb immobility
    • Risk increases depending on joint: Hip > knee >ankle >shoulder >elbow
  • Travel
    • Risk NOT increased by travel, even if >8 hours
  • Surgery
    • Average time from surgery to VTE diagnosis is >10 days and >50% diagnosed after discharge
    • Risk increases with age, longer surgery, open surgery and no thromboprophylaxis
    • Highest risk is abdominal surgery to remove cancer, joint replacement surgery and surgery on brain or spinal cord in the setting of neurological deficits
  • Cancer
    • Higher the tumour burden and the more undifferentiated = higher risk
    • Pancreatic, stomach, ovarian and renal cell cancers carry the highest risk
    • Adenocarcinoma, glioblastoma, metastatic melanoma, lymphoma and multiple myeloma are particularly high also
    • Minimal risk with localised breast cancer, cervica, prostate and SCC/BCC
    • VTE risk is high though in initial phase of chemotherapy for breast cancer
  • Smoking is not an independent risk factor
  • Obesity
    • Increased risk once BMI >35
  • Thrombophilias
    • Non-O blood type, lupus anticoagulant, shortened APTT, Factor V Leiden, Protein C/S/antithrombin deficiency
  • Bed rest becomes a risk factor at 72 hours
  • CCF
    • Risk factor depending on severity
  • Stroke
    • Greatest risk in first month
  • All oestrogen-containing preparations increase VTE risk
  • IBD/SLE/nephrotic syndrome all increase risk proportional to severity of underlying disease

Clinical features of PE

  • Hallmark is dyspnoea unexplained
  • Chest pain with pleuritic features is the second most common symptom
    • Although 50% of diagnoses have no chest pain
  • Basilar PE can refer pain to shoulder or mimic biliary/ureteric colic
  • Proximal PE without infarction can cause pleuritic chest pain without focal pain
  • History
    • 3-4% have syncope
    • 1-2% present with new-onset seizure or confusion
    • Paradoxical embolism syndrome (20% of population has patent foramen ovale)
      • May be localised findings, staring spells, transient altered LOC, atypical myelopathy symptoms

Clinical features

  • History (Dunn)
    • Dyspnoea – 85%
    • Pleuritic chest pain – 75%
    • Apprehension – 60%
    • Cough – 50%
    • Haemoptysis – 30%
    • Sweating – 25%
    • Syncope – 15%
    • Non-pleuritic chest pain – 15%

Clinical features

  • Three main syndromes
    • Isolated dyspnoea
    • Pulmonary infarction – Pleurisy and haemoptysis
    • Circulatory collapse – Transient, shock or arrest
  • May simply present as sinus tachycardia/SVT or exacerbation of CCF/COAD

Clinical features of PE

  • Examination
    • Tachycardia, tachypnoea, low SpO2 and sometimes mild fever
    • 50% have HR <100 and 1/3 have abnormal early vital signs that normalise in the ED
    • Clot burden DOES NOT predict vital sign derangement
    • 10% of patients have temp >38, but only 2% temp >39.2
    • Rales may be heard over infarcted lung

Clinical features

  • Examination
    • RR >16 – 90%
    • HR >100 – 45%
    • Fever – 45%
    • RR <20 – 35%
    • Clinical evidence of DVT – 33%
    • Hypotension – 25%

Factors that affect presentation of PE

  • Previously healthy and young
    • Less severe symptoms and signs with 50% having normal vital signs
  • Prior cardiopulmonary disease
    • Can amplify or obscure findings
    • Describe dyspnoea as worse than usual
  • Cognitive dysfunction
    • 20% of missed PE’s have baseline dementia
  • Clot size and location
    • Proximal clots cause V-Q mismatch and dyspnoea vs. distal clots causing infarction with pain
  • Gradual loading of PE over time
    • Gradual onset of fatigue and dyspnoea 
    • Remember, <50% of patients describe sudden onset symptomatology
    • Overlaps with CCF

Clinical features of DVT

  • Swelling >2cm 10cm distal to tibial tubercle = 2x risk of DVT
  • ¼ have tenderness and erythema in affected extremity, resembling cellulitis
  • Calf vein thrombosis may cause Homan’s sign (no predictive value whatsoever)
  • Proximal DVT
    • Increased compartment pressures
      • Swollen/painful/pale limb (phlegmasia alba dolens)
      • Dusky/blue limb (phlegmasia cerulea dolens)
    • Poses threat of limb loss and can require thrombolysis/thrombectomy

Diagnosis of VTE

  • CXR
    • Most patients have at least one of basilar atelectasis, pleural effusion, cardiomegaly or infiltrate
    • Abnormal in 70-85%
    • NO change is diagnostic
    • <5% will have positive Westermark sign or peripheral dome-shaped dense opacification (Hampton hump) but very specific
      • Normal vessels should be visible within 2cm of chest wall
    • Presence of dyspnoea/hypoxaemia clear lungs suggests PE

Hampton’s hump

Westermark sign


  • ECG
    • ECG changes in 85% of cases
    • TWI in V1 (40% of all PE and 70% of large PE)
      • The more T waves inverted from V1-4, the greater the risk of haemodynamically significant PE
      • T wave inversion in >= 7 leads correlates with RV dysfunction
    • ST elevation in aVR (35%)
    • Sinus tachycardia (40% and 70% of those with haemodynamic compromise)
    • Rightward axis (11%)
    • If RV systolic pressure >40, ECG can show TWI V1-4, RBBB and classic but uncommon S1Q3T3 (25% due to acute RV dilatation)
    • S1Q3T3 in 4% overall (Large S wave in I, Q wave in III and TWI in III)
    • Atrial arrhythmias in 15%
    • RBBB seen in 12% (incomplete or complete)
    • Can use scoring method to assess severity


  • Marked increase in A-a gradient with normal CXR should raise suspicion
  • A-a gradient >20 is 95% sensitive but not good enough to rule out PE

Diagnosis of VTE

  • Low gestalt pre-test probability + PERC is reliable to rule out PE
    • 1-3% false negative rate
    • Reduces need for further testing in 10-20% of cases
  • Post-test probability <1.5-2.0% is considered acceptable to exclude PE
  • Modified Well’s score is most robust scoring system
    • High pre-test = PE in >60% of patients
    • Low pre-test probability = PE in 1.3-4%
  • Gestalt has been shown to be as good as Wells’ or Geneva scores and did not show a decrease in sensitivity based on training level
    • Low suspicion = <15% likelihood of VTE

Diagnosis of VTE

  • D-dimer testing
    • Qualitatitive testing has lower sensitivity but higher specificity
    • Quantitative testing has higher sensitivity but lower specificity
      • Sensitivity 94-98%; Specificity 50-60%
    • Has half-life of 8 hours and can be elevated for at least 3 days after symptomatic VTE
    • Age-adjusted (10x age in nanograms/mL) has been validated to give a very low false negative rate (0.3%)
    • Low pre-test with negative ELISA D-dimer = <0.4% risk of VTE in next 3 months

Diagnosis of VTE

  • False positive D-dimer
    • Age >70
    • Pregnancy
    • Active malignancy
    • Surgical procedure in previous week
    • Liver disease
    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Infections
    • Trauma
  • False negative D-dimer
    • Warfarin treatment
    • Symptoms >5 days
    • Presence of small clots
    • Isolated small PE
    • Isolated calf vein thrombosis
    • Lipaemia

Diagnosis of PE

  • YEARS study (Van Der Hulle et al. 2017 Lancet)

Diagnosis of PE

    • Outpatients or inpatients with suspected acute or recurrent PE
    • Included pregnant patients
    • 3465 patients enrolled
    • 13% absolute reduction in CTPA compared to Wells/D-dimer
    • 8% absolute reduction in CTPA compared to Wells/Age-adj. D-dimer
    • 0.61% risk of PE in rule out group over next 3 months

Diagnosis of PE

  • Pregnancy-adjusted YEARS algorithm (van der Pol et al. 2019 NEJM)
    • Same with addition of lower limb 2-point compression USS as first-step
    • 510 consecutive pregnant women
    • 46% third trimester
    • 16 patients had a PE on VQ (1) or CTPA (15) + 4 with proximal DVT
    • Of ruled out patients
      • No patient had PE in the 3 month follow-up
      • 1 popliteal DVT on USS at day 90
      • 0.42% if all patients lost to follow-up had VTE in worst-case scenario
    • Acts as an external validation of the original YEARS also
  • Specifically patients had new or worsening chest pain or dyspnoea +- haemoptysis or tachycardia
  • CTPA could be avoided in 39% of patients (32% in third trimester and 65% in first trimester reflecting rise in D-dimer with pregnancy duration)
  • 2-point compression USS may have missed some lower limb DVT
  • Not all patients underwent CTPA BUT lack of symptoms or Ix over 90 day follow-up makes the presence of any missed PE likely clinically irrelevant

Diagnosis of VTE

  • PEGeD (Kearon et al. 2019)
    • Prospective study with 3 month follow-up
    • Validated cut-off D-dimer of <1000ng/mL for low-risk pre-test probability (Wells 0-4)
    • 0 patients had missed VTE
    • Chest imaging utilised in 34.3% of patients vs. 51.9% if cut-off of <500ng/mL utilised

Diagnosis of VTE

  • CTPA
    • CTPA >90% sensitivity and specificity
    • 3-5mSv
    • 8-22% of cases will have diagnosis of alternative pathology on CTPA e.g. pneumonia
    • 15-25% of CTPA in Australian ED’s show PE while 70% of scans provide information about other diagnoses
    • Interobserver agreement for subsegmental clots is poor
    • 10% are inadequate due to secondary motion artifact or poor pulmonary artery opacification (obese or tachypnoeic patients)
    • 1/1000 suffer acute anaphylaxis or pulmonary oedema
    • 15% of patients suffer contrast-induced nephropathy (defined as creatinine >25% rise within 2-7 days)
      • Hydration with crystalloid is the only proven preventative measure
    • Contrast extravasation is also a risk with subsequent thrombophlebitis/compartment syndrome

Diagnosis of VTE

  • CTPA
    • Lifetime attributable risk for breast Ca
      • 1/1200 for women age 20
      • 1/2000 if age 30
      • 1/3500 if age 40
    • PIOPED II study showed sensitivity 83% and specificity 96%
    • LR+ 24, LR – 0.1
    • If high clinical probability but negative CTPA – 1.5% incidence of VTE in 3 weeks (approximately the threshold for further testing)
      • 0.5% if patient also has negative D-dimer so can do this
      • US only positive in 1% of these patients and is probably largely a waste of time

Diagnosis of VTE

  • VQ scan
    • 100% sensitivity to rule out PE if homogenous scintillation perfusion pattern
    • 2 or more apex central wedge-shaped defects in perfusion phase with normal ventilation = >80% probability of PE
    • Any other findings are non-diagnostic
    • 27-55% of scans are non-diagnostic
    • Preferred in pregnancy as most scans in this group are diagnostic. Can make shared decision making with mother if preferred
  • Pulmonary angiography
    • Can demonstrate smaller filling defects in vessels <3mm, can measure pulmonary artery pressures and can treat with intrapulmonary modalitities or deploy an IVC filter
    • Disadvantages include availability, radiation exposure, cardiac dysrhythmias and rarely cardiac or pulmonary artery perforation

VQ scan

  • Results
    • Normal scan
      • High NPV (96%). LR – 0.2
      • Excludes PE in low pre-test probability
      • May require further testing if high pre-test probability (post-test risk 3-5%) – other sources state 100% sensitive in this group
    • Low probability
      • LR 0.37
      • No further testing if low pre-test (post-test risk 1%)
      • Further testing if intermediate pre-test (post-test 5-10%)
      • Further testing if high pre-test probability (post-test risk 30-40%)

VQ scan

  • Results
    • Intermediate probability
      • LR 0.93
      • Excludes PE if low pre-test probability (post-test risk 2-3%)
      • Further testing required if intermediate or high pre-test probability
    • High probability
      • LR 14-18
      • PPV 96% when combined with high pre-test probability
      • PPV only 56% if low pre-test probability
      • Consider further investigation if low or moderate pre-test probability

VQ scan

  • Disadvantages
    • Does not provide info on other diagnoses
    • Need normal CXR
    • High rate of non-diagnostic scans that then require a follow-up CTPA anyway
    • Reduced breast irradiation but increased fetal irradiation
    • Not as easily obtainable or rapid as CTPA
    • Not suitable for unstable patients
    • Interpretation closely linked to pre-test probability

Diagnosis of VTE

  • Venous US
    • 90-93% sensitivity and 95% specificity
    • Sensitivity of 40% as surrogate method to diagnose PE
    • Sensitivity of trained ED physician scans is 96.1% and specificity 96.8% compared to experienced ultrasonographer
    • Colour flow doppler may indicate recanalisation, suggesting a chronic clot, and may not then need anticoagulation
    • Presence of proximal DVT warrants anticoagulation with no further testing and in the setting of haemodynamic compromise can warrant thrombolysis
    • Useful as adjunct in pregnant patient to alleviate need for CTPA if positive
  • CT venogram
    • Low rate of clinical utility, increased gonadal radiation, poor technical resolution and low interobserver reliability for below-knee DVT points away from routine use
    • May be helpful in intra-abdominal/pelvic venous clot studies

Diagnosis of VTE

  • What if high pre-test probability but CTPA negative?
    • Likely need to go on to D-dimer, CT venogram, duplex uSS lower limbs or VQ scan or conventional pulmonary angiogram
  • What if high pre-test probability and VQ scan negative?
    • Probably do not need any further testing
  • What if CTPA is indeterminate for PE?
    • Venous USS
      • Positive – Treat as for DVT/PE
      • Negative
        • D-dimer 8x ULN – Treat as for DVT/PE
        • D-dimer normal or <150% ULN – VQ scan
          • VQ scan – Low-probability – Do not treat and repeat US in 2-7 days to help exclude PE
          • VQ scan – Indeterminate – Weigh up bleeding risk and consider treatment. Repeat US 2-7 days

Diagnosis of VTE

  • What if high risk for DVT on Well’s, USS negative?
    • D-dimer negative – Ruled out
    • D-dimer positive – Repeat US in 1 week

Suspected PE if previous thromboembolism?

  • This is incorporated into PERC and Well’s
  • Just follow the algorithm

Prognostic factors associated with poor short-term outcomes in normotensive PE

  • Syncope or seizure with respiratory distress at presentation
  • Age >70
  • Presence of CCF
  • COAD
  • Prior PE
  • >50% pulmonary vascular occlusion
  • ECG: TWI in V1-4, atrial arrhythmias, bradycardia <50, tachycardia >100, new RBBB, inferior Q waves, anterior ST segment changes and TWI, S1Q3T3
  • HR : SBP >1.0
  • SpO2 <94% on room air
  • Increased troponin levels
  • RV dysfunction on echo or CT
  • Cancer
  • Immobilisation due to neurological disease

Right heart strain pattern

  • TWI in V1-V4 +- II, III, aVR
  • Other findings (not seen below)
    • ST depression V1-V4
    • Right axis deviation
    • Dominant R wave in V1
    • Dominant S wave in V5/6


  • Raised in 20-40% of PE
  • Correlates with TTE findings of RV dysfunction
  • Correlates with CTPA findings and more segmental defects on VQ
  • 18% mortality vs. 2.3% if normal (including haemodynamically stable pts)
  • NPV is 93% for mortality
  • PPV is too low to guide treatment in isolation

Treatment of VTE

  • LMWH preferred over UFH re: bleeding/death/cost risk
    • UFH if CrCl< 30 or morbidly obese
  • Rivaroxaban is also an option
  • If uncertain about PE presence, benefit of empiric anticoagulation for 24 hours exceeds the risks (bleeding, HITTS) if pretest probability of PE >20%
  • Delay in anticoagulation of patients with PE increases risk of death (no study has shown benefit of pre-CTPA dosing however)
  • If severe renal insufficiency, UFH is preferred over LMWH
  • Treat upper extremity DVT the same as lower limb
  • Heparin interferes with thrombophilia screening but DO NOT DELAY UFH for any added thrombophilia screening when VTE is clearly present
    • Evaluation can be postponed to the future
    • There is no clinical benefit in thrombophilia screening to guide intensity or duration of anticoagulation
  • DOACs and warfarin not in pregnancy. Warfarin in breastfeeding. LMWH preferred

Treatment of VTE

  • Fluid loading
    • Beneficial to optimally fill RV but if overfilled, can raise RV pressures and impair LV filling with subsequent deleterious effect on CO
  • Vasopressors
    • Must increase MAP and reduce RV pressure to improve right coronary artery perfusion
    • Noradrenaline is the most appropriate; Adrenaline may be helpful also
    • Risk with systemic vasodilators of reducing MAP and impairing RV coronary flow
  • IABP and ECMO may be considered as last ditch attempts
  • Ideally, get CVL prior to thrombolysis to allow ongoing vasopressor delivery

Treatment of VTE

  • Phlegmasia cerulea dolens
    • Requires rapid action to reduce venous pressure
    • Anticoagulation, place limb at neutral level, removal constrictive materials and arrange catheter-directed thrombolysis
    • Consider systemic fibrinolytics if catheter-directed thrombolysis not available and no contraindications
      • E.g. 50-100mg alteplase IV over 4 hours

Treatment of VTE

  • Superficial thrombophlebitis
    • Previously thought to be benign but concomitant DVT seen in 25% and PE in 5%
    • Extent is often under-estimated clinically
    • Oral NSAID or topical diclofenac if <5cm and >3cm from sapheno-pop or saphenofemoral junction
    • Risk factors for extension (and therefore anticoagulation)
      • >5cm long
      • Within 3cm of SFJ and SPJ
      • Male
      • Non-varicose vein
      • Severe symptoms
      • Above knee
      • Previous VTE
      • Active cancer
      • Recent surgery
    • Compression stockings are not helpful
    • 45 days prophylactic LMWH recommended if anticoagulating

Treatment of VTE

  • Isolated calf vein thrombosis
    • Soleal, gastrocnemius and saphenous veins
    • Options
      • 3 months of oral anticoagulation
      • No treatment with repeat US in 1 week to check for progression of clot
      • Outpatient LMWH
    • Who should get treated (UpToDate)
      • Symptomatic
      • Near popliteal vein
      • Unprovoked
      • D-dimer >500
      • >5cm; >7mm diameter
      • Multiple veins
      • Persistent/irreversible risk factor e.g. Cancer
      • Prior VTE
    • If history of VTE or risk factors for VTE, should receive 3 months of full-dose anticoagulation unless contraindicated

Treatment of VTE

  • Outpatient PE management
    • Safe in highly selected group (Hestia or simplied PE severity index score)
    • If deemed low risk and no high-risk features (troponin, BNP, RV strain ECG or bleeding risks can treat as outpatient after ED stay up to 23 hours
    • This is more achievable with Rivaroxaban due to difficulties in setting up monitoring for warfarin, injection education for LMWH

Treatment of VTE

  • Simplified PE Severity Index Score
    • 0 = Low risk; 1 = High risk
    • Age >80
    • History of cancer
    • History of heart failure or chronic lung disease
    • HR >110
    • SBP <100
    • SpO2 <90%

Treatment of VTE

  • Hestia criteria
    • SBP >100
    • No thrombolysis required
    • No active bleeding
    • No O2 required >24 hours to maintain SpO2 >90%
    • Not already anticoagulated
    • Absence of severe pain requiring narcotics >24 hours
    • Absence of other medial/social reasons to admit
    • CrCl >30
    • Not pregnant, liver disease or HIT


  • Signs of right heart strain on Echo
    • Seen in 30-40% of patients with PE and extent of dysfunction directly correlates with degree of perfusion deficit on CTPA
    • Increased RV size
    • Decreased RV function (TAPSE <2cm)
      • Insensitive (53%) and non-specific (61%)
    • Tricuspid regurgitation
    • Abnormal septal wall motion
    • McConnell’s sign
      • Normokinesia/hyperkinesia of apical segment of free wall despite hypokinesia/akinesia of remaining parts of AV free wall (apical sparing)
      • 77% sensitive but highly specific (can help differentiate pulmonary HTN [global dysfunction] vs. PE)
    • Lack of IVC collapse in inspiration
  • Other signs
    • RV thrombus – 35% have PE
    • Pulmonary artery thrombus – Definitively diagnoses PE


  • Roles
    • In shocked patient, bedside echo can guide treatment
    • Absence of RV strain on echo rules out PE as cause of haemodynamic distress
    • Can rule out or diagnose other differentials e.g. tamponade
    • In non-high-risk patients, can prognosticate low-risk vs. intermediate-risk patients and can be considered for patients with elevated troponin or BNP


  • CT risk stratification
    • RV enlargement on CT indicates fivefold increase of death in next 30 days
    • 40% of patients deteriorate if this is seen on TTE vs. 10% if seen on CT
  • Signs of right heart strain on CT
    • Flattening of IV septum
    • Paradoxical IV septum bowing (towards LV in systole)
    • RV enlargement > LV
    • Pulmonary trunk enlargement (> aorta)
    • Signs of RV failure
      • IVC contrast reflux
      • Dilated azygous venous system
      • Dilated hepatic veins +- contrast reflux

Treatment of VTE

  • Severity and fibrinolysis
    • Massive PE/High-risk
      • SBP <90 for >15 minutes (50% mortality rate)
      • SBP <100 with hx of hypertension or
      • >40% reduction in baseline systolic blood pressure
      • +- markers of RV dysfunction or myocardial injury (not mandatory)
      • Short-term mortality 15%

Treatment of VTE

  • Submassive PE
    • Not hypotensive (as above) but other evidence of cardiopulmonary stress
      • Any positive HESTIA or simplified PE severity index criteria
      • Shock index >1.0
      • SpO2 <95%
      • Echo: RV hypokinesis, RV dilatation, RSVP >40 or CT findings of right heart strain
      • Elevated Tn, BNP (>90), D-dimer
    • May benefit from fibrinolysis (improved survival and QoL but increased bleeding risk – PEITHO)
    • No difference in long-term pulmonary hypertension outcomes (long-term PEITHO)
    • Overall short-term mortality 3-15%
  • Less severe PE
    • All the others
    • Short-term mortality 3%
      Normotensive without signs of RV dysfunction

Treatment of VTE

  • Systemic fibrinolysis
    • Consider if no contraindications and any of:
      • Cardiac arrest
      • Hypotension (SBP <90 for >15 min)
    • Major contraindications
      • Intracranial disease
      • Uncontrolled HTN at presentation
      • Recent major surgery or trauma (<3 weeks)
      • Metastatic cancer
    • Alteplase 10mg bolus the 90mg over 2 hours (total 100mg) + heparin 80IU/kg bolus then 18U/kg/hr infusion after thrombolysis given
      • Some authors advise tenecteplase as for weight-based STEMI dosing
    • In cardiac arrest, can give 50mg IV bolus then repeat in 15 minutes if necessary
    • If high haemorrhage risk, can stop as soon as haemodynamic stability achieved
    • It is not clear whether anticoagulant (UFH) should be stopped while thrombolysis is delivered (US stop and Europe do not)
    • 10% risk of major haemorrhage, 0.5% risk of ICH and benefit up to 14 days post-onset (Oh’s)

Complications of systemic thrombolysis

  • ICH 1.8%
  • Major bleeding 9-13%
  • Minor bleeding 23%
  • Bleeding rates lower when non-invasive imaging techniques used to confirm PE

Treatment of VTE

  • Catheter-directed thrombolysis
    • Better outcomes than heparin alone but no better than systemic tPA
    • May confer lower bleeding risk due to lower alteplase dosing
    • May be an option for:
      • Age >65 where intracranial bleeding risk is highest
    • Half-dose alteplase is also an option with safety advantages in patients at increased bleeding risk
    • Mortality still around 20-30%
  • Surgical embolectomy
    • Option in young patients with large, proximal PE accompanied by hypotension with contraindications to thrombolysis or where lysis has failed or PFO with intracardiac thrombus
    • Contraindicated if no ROSC after cardiac arrest
    • Mortality rate of 30% (often delayed) – more recent data showed 8-14% perioperative mortality
    • Removal of large clot burden may improve later cardiopulmonary complications
    • Little evidence to compare to systemic thrombolysis

Treatment of VTE

  • Low-dose thrombolysis in submassive PE
    • MOPETT trial
    • Moderate-risk PE (CT or angiography findings of >70% involvement of embolism in >=2 lobar arteries or main pulmonary arteries or by high probability VQ in >= 2 lobes
    • tPA dose was <= 50% of usual
    • Lower rates of pulmonary HTN (by echo), lower pulmonary artery systolic pressures, faster resolution of pulmonary HTN and similar rates of bleeding
    • Prevalence of RV dysfunction was low in this group
    • Echo not the optimal tool for assessing right heart pressures
    • Not enough to recommend this therapy

Treatment of VTE

  • Special populations
    • Pregnancy
      • CTPA still warranted if suspected and positive D-dimer
      • Pregnancy-corrected D-dimer may become commonplace but not validated at this stage
    • Isolated subsegmental PE
      • Filling defect in one small pulmonary artery; usually <3mm diameter and in the absence of DVT
      • Found in 1-5% of CTPA done for ?PE
      • Radiologists often disagree on this
      • May be a radiographic artefact vs. true disease
      • No strong data to support withholding treatment in anyone else
      • Most still receive standard anticoagulation for minimum 3 months
      • Treatment especially important for higher risk patients (poor cardiorespiratory reserve, active cancer, pulmonary HTN, concomitant DVT and RV dilatation)

Treatment of VTE

  • Indications for admission for DVT
    • Extensive iliofemoral DVT with circulatory compromise
    • Increased bleeding risk requiring close monitoring
    • Limited cardiorespiratory reserve warranting monitoring
    • Poor compliance risk
    • CI to LMWH and inability to use oral agent necessitating IV heparin
    • Known or suspected PE with any one of simplified PE severity index score or HESTIA
    • High suspicion of HIT with or without thrombosis
    • Renal insufficiency requiring anti-Xa level monitoring or use of UFH

Therapeutic Anticoagulation

  • LMWH, fondaparinux, IV/SC UFH, rivaroxaban/apixaban or warfarin
  • Only rivaroxaban and apixaban are licensed for ’dry start’ anticoagulation
  • Rivaroxaban 15mg BD for 30 days then 20mg daily
  • UFH
    • Preferred if massive PE where subcut absorption may be impaired or considering thrombolysis
    • Also preferred in severe renal impairment and those at high bleeding risk (as can reverse rapidly)
    • 80IU/kg bolus then infusion 18U/kg/hr and target APTT
  • LMWH
    • Probably preferable to UFH in most other situations
    • First-line if active malignancy, pregnant
    • Enoxaparin 1mg/kg total body weight BD (no max dose in obesity)
    • Risk of recurrent VTE less with BD vs. 1.5mg/kg/day dosing
    • Consider anti-Xa monitoring if Creatinine 30-60, BMI >35 or <20

Greenfield filters

  • Indications
    • Recurrent PE despite anticoagulation
    • Life-threatening ilio-femoral or proximal DVT in patient with limited cardiorespiratory reserve
    • Anticoagulation contraindicated
    • High-risk trauma patients: Severe TBI, spinal injury, pelvic/lower limb long bone fractures
  • Removed once risk of PE is sufficiently low
  • If acute DVT or PE is present, should be removed after at least 3 weeks of anticoagulation
  • USS prior to removal if purely prophylactic
  • Evidence
    • PREPIC study prevented symptomatic PE (15% vs. 6%) but no reduction in mortality or post-phlebitic syndrome


  • CTPA overall 83% sensitivity and 96% specificity
  • PPV of PE with positive CTPA
    • High pre-test probability = 96%
    • Intermediate 92%
    • Low 58%
  • NPV of PE with negative CTPA
    • Low pre-test probability = 96%
    • Intermediate 89%
    • High 60%
  • Overall CTPA over-diagnoses possibly insignificant peripheral PE in low-risk patients and underdiagnoses PE in high-risk patients

Long-term PEITHO outcomes

  • No long-term improvement with systemic thrombolysis for submassive PE
  • Therefore, goal is purely avoidance of short-term mortality by preventing arrest
  • Half-dose thrombolysis could play a role, especially in patients >65 or other risk factors for ICH


  • Recurrence rate of VTE 1% per year while on therapy
  • Recurrence rate 2-10% per year once therapy ceased

Cardiac arrest due to PE

  • Mortality rate 66-95%
  • Thrombolysis shows clear benefit
  • No absolute CI to thrombolysis in this setting
  • Can deliver thrombolysis more rapidly
    • 50mg then another 50mg in 15 min if no ROSC
    • If given thrombolysis should continue CPR for 2 hours
    • Improves ROSC, may improve survival to discharge
    • Concern regarding bleeding risk post-prolonged CPR has been dispelled

Duration of anticoagulation

  • Most patients should receive minimum 3-6 months
  • Extending beyond this is unusual if provoked VTE unless
    • Significant risk factors persist, idiopathic PE or documented past VTE, phlegmasia cerulea dolens
  • Persistently raised D-dimer is associated with increased risk of recurrence
  • If cancer:
    • LMWH specifically for 3-6 months recommended
    • Extended with LMWH or warfarin if active cancer and if recurrent despite anticoagulation
  • Indefinite if:
    • Unprovoked proximal DVT, symptomatic PE or with active cancer and low risk of bleeding in whom stable anticoagulation can be achieved
    • Recurrent unprovoked VTE

VQ scan interpretation

  • Modified PIOPED criteria
    • High-risk
      • Two or more large mismatched segmental defects or equivalent moderate/large defects wth a normal CXR 
      • Any perfusion defect substantially greater than the radiographic abnormality
    • Intermediate probability
      • Multiple perfusion defects with associated radiographic opacities
      • >25% of a segment and <2 mismatched segmental perfusion defects with:
        • Normal radiograph
        • One moderate segment
        • One large or two moderate segmental
        • One large and one moderate segment
        • Three moderate segmental
      • Triple match: solitary moderate-large matching segmental defect with matching radiograph

VQ scan interpretation

  • Low probability
    • Non-segmental defects: Small effusion, blunted costophrenic angle, cardiomegaly, elevated diaphragm, ectatic aorta
    • Any perfusion defect with a substantially larger radiographic abnormality
    • Match VQ defects with a normal CXR
    • Small subsegmental perfusion defects
  • Normal scan

Inherited thrombophilia

  • Currently identified inherited thrombophilias present in 15% of general Caucasian population but 50% of those with first episode of VTE
  • All patients with VTE have proven themselves to have a prothrombotic tendency and as such there is no justification to treat patients who test negative differently to those that test positive
  • Positive results do NOT change duration of therapy either except:
    • Helps work out balance of bleeding vs. recurrent VTE risk
    • If moderate or high levels of antiphospholipid antibodies
      • Probably warrant lifelong anticoagulation, even if initial VTE provoked by surgery or trauma
      • 40% higher risk of recurrence in unprovoked VTE than those without lupus anticoagulant
    • If multiple thrombophilias, increases benefits of anticoagulation
    • Even strongest prothrombotic abnormalities (Antithrombin, Protein C and Protein S deficiencies) increase risk of recurrence by 50% at most
  • Clinical benefit lies in obtaining at least a partial explanation of cause for VTE and avoidance of COCP/HRT + antepartum/postpartum anticoagulation

Inherited thrombophilia

  • It is not necessary to ascertain thrombophilia status at the time of VTE diagnosis
  • Many tests ordered at this point in time can have falsely low results due to active thrombosis
  • The presence of anticoagulants can cause false positives (esp. antiphospholipid antibodies)
  • Anyone with a previous VTE warrants prophylaxis at times of increased risk irrespective of thrombophilia screening results
  • Patients with provoked VTE have a low risk of recurrence irrespective of thrombophilia status

Inherited thrombophilias

  • Testing recommended for people with confirmed VTE (UpToDate):
    • FHx of VTE in first-degree relative
    • No FHx and:
      • <45yo
      • Recurrent thrombosis
      • Multiple venous sites or unusual venous beds
      • Warfarin-induced skin necrosis
      • Arterial thrombosis at risk of antiphospholipid syndrome
  • Major benefit is risk management in future high-risk periods e.g. surgery/pregnancy, avoiding hormonal contraception/HRT
  • Not recommended outside of above after first unprovoked VTE
  • Not recommended for upper limb DVT

Occult malignancy

  • Other than age-appropriate cancer screening, routine evaluation for occult malignancy is not recommended in unselected patients
  • Testing leads to increased identification of cancer but no survival advantage
  • Incidence of cancer after confirmed VTE is 2-25% (mean 10%)
    • Most commonly haematological malignancy and occult cancers of pancreas, ovary, liver, kidney and lung
  • More aggressive/extensive approach suitable for:
    • Symptoms/signs of underlying malignancy
    • Recurrent VTE
    • Hepatic/portal vein thrombosis
    • Arterial thromboembolism suggestive of nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis
    • Splanchnic vein thrombosis or cerebral vein thrombosis 

Upper limb DVT

  • 80% due to secondary causes
    • E.g. catheter, cancer, surgery, trauma
  • Less likely to be due to thrombophilia (??) – UpToDate states higher risk of thrombophilia than lower limb DVT and that screening is warranted
  • Always consider strenuous exercise of arm in young males (so-called effort thrombosis)
    • Can cause thoracic outlet syndrome
  • Risk factors
    • Younger age, athletic muscular male, strenuous upper arm activity, cervical rib, thrombophilia
  • D-dimer testing is unreliable
  • Less risk of post-thrombotic syndrome and recurrence
  • PE rate 6% (vs. 15-32% for lower limb DVT)
  • Treatment – At least 3 months anticoagulation
  • If <2 weeks duration and moderate-severe symptoms, may warrant catheter-directed thrombolysis
  • Thoracic outlet decompression may be required if anatomical predisposition exists

Age-adjusted D-dimer

  • Can safely reduce the rate of subsequent imaging by 10-25%
  • Age x 10 microg/L for patients >50
  • Has been derived and validated for DVT and PE
  • Increases specificity without reducing sensitivity
  • Systematic review also showed benefit without loss of safety

Risk factors for recurrence

  • Strong
    • Unprovoked
    • Previous VTE
    • Antiphospholipid, protein C or S deficiency
    • Persistent risk factor e.g. active cancer
    • PE or proximal DVT
  • Moderate
    • VTE provoked by non-surgical transient risk factor
    • Male sex
    • Elevated D-dimer after cessation of anticoagulation
  • Little or no effect
    • Factor V Leiden or prothrombin gene heterozygosity
    • Residual thrombus on imaging

Non-thrombotic emboli

  • Needle embolism
    • Seen in IVDU
    • Can be left alone and observed with removal if complication

Fat embolism

  • Mostly following long bone trauma
  • 1% incidence for multiple femoral fractures
  • Usually 12-36 hours after trauma
  • Lipid release from marrow leads to complement activation within vasculature with combination of respiratory distress, haematological, neurological and cutaneous features
  • May have fulminant RV failure, CVS collapse and ARDS
  • More often gradual relative hypoxia, confusion/ALOC, petechial rash (upper thorax, conjunctiva, arms), thrombocytopaenia (45%) and unexplained anaemia (65%)
  • CXR shows ARDS-type
  • Supportive management and overall low mortality risk
  • ORIF of femoral fractures within 24 hours reduces risk

Amniotic fluid embolism

  • 1/8000 to 1/80 000 pregnancies
  • 80% maternal mortality and 40% fetal mortality
  • Seen in difficult/prolonged labour, fetal death in utero and C/S
  • Small tears in uterine veins during labour lead to amniotic fluid pressurised delivery into circulation
  • Sudden obstruction of pulmonary vasculature leading to acute RV failure, collapse, ARDS and DIC response

Recurrent VTE despite anticoagulation

  • Subtherapeutic anticoagulation is most common cause
    • Malabsorption
    • Discontinuance for procedure
    • Poor compliance
    • Altered pharmacokinetics e.g. dietary vitamin K, weight change
    • Incorrect dosing
  • Ongoing prothrombotic stimuli e.g. malignancy, Protein C/S/Antithrombin deficiency and antiphospholipid syndrome

Last Updated on August 28, 2023 by Andrew Crofton