

  • Mostly from drugs of abuse
  • Common final endpoint is failure of Na/K ATPase and Ca pump leading to intracellular calcium accumulation and muscle cell necrosis
  • Most common metabolic derangement is hypocalcaemia due to deposition of calcium salts in necrotic tissue
    • Get later hypercalcaemia as calcium is released
  • Also get early hyperphosphataemia and late hypophosphataemia
  • Hyperuricaemia is seen with crush injuries from muscle cell release of nucleotides, with conversion in the liver to uric acid
  • Uric acid levels correlate with CK levels
  • Hyperkalaemia
    • Occurs in 10-30% of cases from injured skeletal muscle
    • Presence of renal failure is the most important determinant of hyperkalaemia


  • Alcohol and drugs of abuse – Amphetamines, MDMA, caffeine, cocaine, heroin,LSD, opiates (MOST COMMON CAUSE)
  • Medications – Antipsychotics, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, colchicine, corticosteroids, lithium, MAOi, narcotics, salicylates, SSRI, statins, theophylline, TCA, zidovudine
  • Muscle disease – Dermatomyositis, polymyositis, compartment syndrome, ischaemic limb
  • Trauma – Crush, electrical injury
  • Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
  • Seizures – Delirium tremens
  • Immobility
  • Infection – Necrotising fasciitis, viral infection (Coxsackie, EBV, enterovirus, HIV, influenza, rotavirus)
  • Strenuous activity – Weight-lifting more than endurance exercise
  • Heat-related illness


  • Can lead to rhabdo through comatose positioning +
    • Hypokalaemia, hypomagnesaemia, hypophosphataemia all increase risk
  • Alcohol and drugs play a role in 80% of rhabdo in adults

Statin-related myopathy

  • Myalgia with/without CK rise
  • Muscle weakness
  • Rhabdomyolysis
    • Rare (1%)
    • Dose-related
    • More common with lostatin (0.19%)


  • Influenza is the most common cause
  • Legionella is the most frequent bacterial cause


  • Injury to muscle fibres with release of intracellular contents
    • Myoglobin
    • CK
    • Potassium
    • Calcium
    • LDH
    • Aldolase
    • AST
  • Common terminal event is failure of Na/K ATPase and calcium transport with rising intracellular calcium concentrations and muscle cell necrosis

Clinical features

  • Muscle symptoms (<50%) – Myalgias, stiffness, weakness, malaise, low-grade fever and brown urine
  • ALOC can occur due to uraemia
  • A minor will show swelling and tenderness of muscle groups and overlying skin haemorrhagic discolouration
  • Commonly postural muscles of back, calves and thighs are involved
  • Often diagnosed based solely on raised CK or myoglobinuria with minimal clinical findings


  • Elevated serum CK is more sensitive and reliable diagnostic indicator
  • Degree of CK elevation corresponds to degree of muscle injury and severity of illness but NOT development of renal failure or other morbidity
  • Fivefold increase above ULN, in the absence of cardiac or brain injury, is diagnostic
  • CK rises within 2-12 hours of muscle injury, peaks at 24-72 hours and declines at constant rate of 39% of previous days value
  • If fails to decrease, suggests ongoing muscle injury
  • Risk of AKI low if CK <20 000 on admission
  • Myglobin levels return to normal within 1-6 hours of muscle necrosis so absence DOES NOT rule out diagnosis (like post-MI)
  • Found in only 20% of patients at diagnosis
  • Check K, Ca, Phos, urea levels, creatinine 
  • Consider baseline coags as DIC is a potential complication


  • Acute renal failure (0-50% of patients)
    • Due to hypovolaemia, acidosis, aciduria, tubular obstruction with myoglobin and uric acid crystals and nephrotoxic effect of myoglobin 
    • Ferrihemate is toxic breakdown product of myoglobin – toxic only if hypovolaemic ancd aciduric pH <5.6
    • Rare in exertional rhabdomyolysis unless concomitant hypovolaemia, heat stress, trauma, sepsis, acidosis or sickle cell anaemia
    • Initial elevated urea and creatinine + large base deficit increases risk of acute renal failure in rhabdomyolysis


  • Metabolic derangement
    • Hyperkalaemia seen in 10-40%. Greatest determinent is presence of acute renal failure rather than degree of muscle injury itself
    • Hyperuricaemia seen especially with crush injuries due to release of muscle adenosine nucleotides and conversion to uric acid
    • Hyperphosphataemia initially, then later hypophosphataemia
    • Hypocalcaemia early due to deposition of calcium salts in injured muscle, hyperphosphataemia and decreased 1,12-dihydroxcholecalciferol. Get hypercalcaemia later due to release from muscle


  • DIC
    • Usually resolves over days spontaneously
  • Mechanical complications e.g. compartment syndrome, peripheral neuropathy
    • Peripheral neuropathy usually resolves within days to weeks


  • Pre-hospital
    • IV rehydration should be initiated if considered at risk
    • Early and vigorous IV rehydration is the most important determinent in preventing ARF
    • Once a limb is extracted, 1L/hr of N/S
  • ED care
    • Continue aggressive IV rehydration for 24-72 hours (2.5mL/kg/hr) targeting UO 2mL/kg/hr (200-300mL/hr in other texts)
    • No proven benefit of urinary alkalinisation or forced diuresis
    • IDC
    • ECG monitoring (for 24-48 hours)
    • Haemodynamic monitoring if comorbidities
    • Serial electrolytes, CK, U&E
    • Hyperphosphataemia should be treated with oral phosphate binders if >7mg/dL (??)
    • Hypophosphataemia should be replaced IV if <1mg/dL (??)
    • Treat hyperkalaemia aggressively if arises – Insulin/dextrose may be less effective than usual due to reduced muscle uptake of K

Last Updated on October 7, 2020 by Andrew Crofton