ACEM Primary
Pharmacology of diabetic medications

Pharmacology of diabetic medications

InsulinsActivates insulin receptor (ligand regulated tyrosine kinase R)   Promotes uptake of glucose from blood into tissues and promotes glycogen synthesisRapid acting (lispro)
Intermediate (protamine)
Long acting (detemir/ glargine)  
Can be given IV/ SC AE = hypoglycaemia, weight gain, lipodystrophy at injection site
Sulfonylurea: Glipizide Glicazide  Insulin secretagogue Inhibition of K+ efflux on beta cells leads to opening of calcium channel Stimulate insulin release
Reduce serum glucagon levels
PO Duration of action 10-24 hours AE = hypoglycaemia, weight gain
Biguanides: MetforminExact mechanism of action unknown Reduces hepatic gluconeogenesis Does not require functioning beta cellsPO T ½ 1.5- 3 hours Excreted by kidneys as unchanged compound AE = gastrointestinal upset, contraindicated in renal/ hepatic dysfunction, HAGMA
Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 (DPPV 4) Inhibitors: Sitagliptin LinagliptinBlocks degradation of GLP-1, raises circulating GLP-1 levels to increase glucose mediated insulin releasePO T ½ 12 hours Toxicity = rhinitis, URTI, headaches, pancreatitis, allergy
Sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2): Dapagliflozin EmpagliflozinBlocks renal glucose reabsorption, increases glucose excreted in urinePO T ½ 10-14 hours Toxicity = genital and urinary tract infection, polyuria, pruritis, osmotic diuresis and constipation

Last Updated on August 12, 2021 by Andrew Crofton
