ACEM Fellowship
Paediatric Haematuria and Proteinuria

Paediatric Haematuria and Proteinuria


  • Always consider UTI
  • Microscopic = >10RBC/HPF or >50 RBC/mL (confirmed on 3 separate occasions)
  • Small numbers of red cells is normal
  • Microscopic in setting of acute febrile illness can be normal
    • UTI should be excluded and re-testing performed when well
  • Asymptomatic haematuria without other signs of renal disease is also common
  • Always consider ITP/HSP/coagulopathy

Haematuria DDx

  • Glomerular
    • GN
    • Familial nephritis (Alport’s disease)
    • This basement membrane disease (benign familial haematuria)
    • IgA nephropathy
    • Polycystic kidney disease
  • Non-glomerular
    • UTI
    • Idiopathic hypercalciuria
    • Stones
    • Anatomical abnormalities
    • Tumours 
    • Trauma
    • Sickle cell disease

Haematuria history

  • FHx
    • Familial haematuria
    • Renal tract stones (suggests hypercalciuria)
    • Sensorineural hearing loss and nephritis (suggests Alport’s)
  • Upper tract haematuria
    • Brown or frothy urine (suggests proteinuria)
  • Lower tract haematuria (less common)
    • Pink or bright red in colour
    • Blood in initial part of stream (suggests urethral)
    • Blood towards end of stream (suggests bladder)

Haematuria investigations

  • Upper tract
    • Protein
    • Dysmorphic red cells
    • RCC casts and tubular casts
  • Lower tract
    • Normal RCC shape
    • No proteinuria
  • Consider testing for nephritic/nephrotic syndrome, causes thereof, platelets, coagulation screen, renal USS, sickle screen, schistosomiasis serology

Haematuria mimics

  • Other source e.g. vaginal
  • Haemoglobinuria/myoglobinuria
  • Beeturia/blackberries
  • Urates in neonatal urine
  • Rifampicin, phenothiazines, porphyria

Isolated proteinuria

  • Screening test + (>0.3g/L on urine dipstick or >30mg/mmol protein:creatinine ratio)
    • Perform at least 2 consecutive tests 1-2 days apart to confirm
    • Check blood pressure and growth
    • If persistent, UEC and albumin levels and renal ultrasound warranted
  • Functional causes – Fever, UTI, exercise – Re-test when well
  • Orthostatic proteinuria
    • Urine >30mg/mmol creatinine in evening and <30mg/mmol creatinine in morning
  • Nephrotic range (see Nephrotic syndrome PPT)
    • Generalised oedema, heavy proteinuria, serum albumin <25

Last Updated on November 10, 2021 by Andrew Crofton