ACEM Fellowship
![Heat-related emergencies Heat-related emergencies](
Heat-related emergencies
- Exercise-associated collapse (EAC) is the most common heat-related illness
- Manifests at end of race when venous return reduces and cardiac output drops
- Primary mechanism is failure of prompt baroceptor responses and not haemodynamically significant dehydration
- Core body temp >41.5 results in progressive denaturing of vital cellular proteins, failure of energy-producing processes and loss of cell membrane function
- At organ level, this results in rhabdomyolysis, acute pulmonary oedema, DIC, cardiovascular dysfunction, electrolyte disturbance, renal failure, liver failure and permanent neurological damage
- Hallmark of heatstroke is failure of the hypothalamic thermostat, leading to hyperthermia and pathophysiological features above
- Heatstroke can be divided into exertional and classic (impaired thermostatic mechanisms)
- Drugs
- Serotonin syndrome (excess serotonin) and neuroleptic malignancy syndrome (central dopamine deficiency or receptor blockade) result in increased motor activity and central resetting of hypothalamic thermostat with combination resulting in hyperthermia
- Heat stroke risk factors
- Behavioural
- Army recruits, athletes, inappropriate clothing, elderly, babies left in cars, manual workers, pilgrims
- Drugs
- Anticholinergics, diuretics, phenothiazines, salicylates, stimulants/hallucinogenics
- Illness
- Delirium tremens, dystonia, infections, seizures
- Behavioural
DDx of heat stroke
- Infection: Sepsis, meningitis, encephalitis, malaria, typhoid, tetanus
- Endocrine: Thyroid storm, phaeo, DKA
- Neurological: Hypothalamic bleeding or infarct, CVA, status epilepticus
- Toxicological
- Anticholinergic syndrome
- Sympathomimetic overdose
- Salicylate overdose
- Serotonin syndrome
- Malignant hyperthermia
- Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
- Withdrawal syndromes esp. alcohol and benzodiazepines
- Education of at-risk groups to prevent exertional heatstroke
- Most often reported in shorter, high-intensity exercise where dehydration is an unlikely contributor
- Adequate fluid intake is required for prolonged exercise but not a key factor in heatstroke prevention
- High ambient temperature and humidity should limit exertion
Mechanisms of heat transfer
- Heat accumulation
- Cellular metabolism, muscle activity, radiation from sun, direct contact with hot objects. Heat absorbed from external environment when temperature higher than core body temp
- Heat dissipation
- Radiation, conduction (direct contact), convection (air or liquid moving over surface) and evaporation
- At ambient temp <35 degrees, radiation and evaporation dissipate most body heat
- Insulator zone of warmed air prevents further radiative heat loss
- Conduction of heat into water is many times more efficient than conduction into air of the same temperature
- Wind moves heat away by convection but above 32.2 degrees and 35% humidity, convection does not remove heat well
- This is why fans alone are not effective in preventing heat stroke during high environmental temperature and humidity
- When ambient temp >35, body can no longer radiate heat to environment and is dependent on evaporation
- As humidity increases, potential for evaporative heat loss dminishes
- Sweat that drips from the skin provides no evaporative heat loss and only exacerbates dehydration
- Response to heat stress
- Therma regulation begins to fail at core temp <35 or >40
- Can maintain core temp 40-42 for short periods without adverse effect
- Dilatation of blood vessels, increased sweat production, decreased heat production and behavioural heat control
- As core temp rises, sympathetic outflow of posterior hypothalamus is inhibited, leaving unopposed sympathetic outflow from anterior hypothalamus, which leads to decreased vascular tone, particularly in cutaneous circulation
- During exercise in conditions of hyperthermia, HR increases to compensate for decrease in stroke volume due to cutaneous vascular dilation
- Patients with underlying CV disease or pharmacological or physiological impairment may not be able to elevate cardiac output effectively resulting in ALOC, arrhythmias, myocardial ischaemia and exacerbations of CCF
- Increased cholinergic stimulation of the skin results in increased sweat production with sharp increase at core temp >37 up to 1.5L/hr
- Sweating activation in older individuals begins at 1.5 degrees higher than that in younger individuals
- Medications
- Anticholinergics – Impair sweating and CV response to heat
- Diuretics – Volume depletion and reduced CO
- Phenothiazine – Anticholinergic effect and deplete central dopamine which interferes with hypothalamic thermostat
- Beta-blockers – Reduce CF response to heart and reduce peripheral blood flow and ability to sweat
- CCB – As above
- Sympathomimetics – Cutaneous vasoconstriction and limit sweating
- Alcohol – Inhibits secretion of ADH leading to dehydration and blunts heat-avoidance response
- Heroin, cocaine and amphetamines disrupt endogenous endorphin and ACTH involved in heat adaptation mechanisms
- Amphetamines and cocaine increase muscle activity leading to heat generation
- LSD and phencyclidine produce hypermetabolic state
- Acclimation
- Adaptation of body to environmental changes allowing withstanding of elevated heat stress
- Lowers thermal set point in hypothalamus, which triggers sweating at lower core temperature
- Maximal rate of sweating increases from 1.5 to 3L/hour and can be sustained for longer
- Aldosterone secretion boosted and sodium reabsorption from sweat
- Plasma volume expands, heart rate reduced for any given heat load and exercise tolerance improves
- Dilation of cutaneous blood vessels occurs at lower core temperatures to promote earlier cooling
- Can be achieved from 7 days to several weeks
- Moderate exercise in hot, dry environment for 100 minutes each day is optimal
- De-acclimation occurs over 1-2 weeks
Exercised-associated collapse
- Nausea, vomiting, malaise, dizziness +- collapse
- Tachycardia and orthostatic hypotension
- Core temperature <40 in these patients and neurological function rapidly returns once lying down
- Ix
- EAC, CK, BSL, ECG +- echo
- Rx
- Supine positioning, rest and oral fluids
- IV N/S is only for profound dehydration
- Routine N/S will worsen exercise-associated hyponatraemia if ongoing inappropriate ADH release
Minor heat illness
- Heat oedema
- Mild swelling within first few days of exposure to hot environment
- Due to cutaneous vasodilation and orthostatic pooling
- Increased aldosterone and ADH contributes
- Found in elderly non-acclimatised who are physically active after a period of sitting in vehicle
- Commonly seen in healthy travellers after arrival from colder climate
- Very rarely may be pitting but does not progress to pretibial region
- Must differentiate from CCF or DVT
- Resolves spontaneously over days
- Elevation of legs and use of support hosiery may help
- Diuretics are not effective and may predispose to volume depletion, electrolyte abnormalities and more serious heat emergencies
- Prickly heat
- Pruritic, maculopapular and erythematous rash over normally clothed areas of the body
- Aka lichen tropicus, miliaria rubra or heat rash
- Acute inflammation of sweat ducts caused by blockage by macerated stratum corneum
- Itch can be treated with antihistamine
- Calamine lotion or topical steroids can help
- Chlorhexidine in a light cream or salicylic acid cleaning may provide some relief
- Light, loose clothing and avoidance of sweat-generating solutions
- Profunda stage involves prolonged or repeated heat exposure with keratin plug of sweat duct and when duct ruptures again, it does so into deeper layers of the dermis
- Can readily become chronic dermatitis
- Infection with S. aureus is common
- Can desquamate skin using 1% salicyclic acid to the affected area three times per day
- Heat cramps
- Usually in those sweating profusely and replacing fluids with hypotonic solutions
- Can occur during exercise, or more commonly, after exercise
- Non-acclimated or unconditioned individuals are at risk
- Self-limited
- Usually short duration
- Thought to be due to relative deficiency of sodium, magnesium, potassium or fluid at muscle level
- Cellular hyponatraemia results in muscle cramps with calcium-dependent relaxation
- Treatment is PO or IV fluid and salt replacement
- Maintaining adequate dietary salt intake, drinking commercial electrolyte drinks can prevent
- Salt tablets by themselves are a gastric irritant and cause N&V but can dissolve in water f desired
- Heat stress/exhaustion
- Occurs through water depletion and sodium depletion
- Water depletion in elderly and those working in hot environments
- Salt depletion tends to occur in unacclimatised individuals who replace fluids with large volumes of hypotonic solutions
- Presents with headache, nausea, vomiting, malaise, dizziness and muscle cramps + tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension and/or near-syncope
- Temp <40 (usually) and no signs of CNS impairment
- If not drinking, get hypernatraemia. If drinking salt-containing fluids, get isotonic hypovolaemia
- Treatment
- Volume and electrolyte replacement
- Can progress to heat stroke if not removed from hot environment
- If do not respond to 30 minutes of fluid replacement removal from heat, should be cooled until temp <39
- Occurs through water depletion and sodium depletion
Confinement hyperpyrexia
- E.g. Children left in cars
- Nonventilated vehicles in hot environments may reach temperatures of 54 to 60 degrees in <10 minutes
- Classic triad: Neurological dysfunction, core temp >41.5 and hot, dry skin
- Mortality 10-50%
Clinical presentation
- Altered LOC is a constant feature of heatstroke but is often improved by time they reach ED
- Must measure core temp (oral or axillary temps may mislead by normal range)
- Profuse sweating is more common than previously thought (50%)
- Tachycardia, hyperventilation, seizures, vomiting and hypotension can also occur
- Seizures can occur during cooling phase
- Multiorgan dysfunction is the rule
- FBC, UEC, CK, Coag screen, LFT, urinalysis, serum glucose, VBG, CXR, ECG
- True medical emergency with mortality approaching 80% if prompt and effective treatment not undertaken
- Therapeutic goal is reduction in core temperature to <42 degrees within 15 minutes of arrival
- Early recognition and aggressive treatment can prevent substantial morbidity and mortality
- Aggressive cooling of at least 0.1 degree/min should be achievable and targeted
- Target 38-39 degrees to prevent core afterdrop of >2 degrees if cool down to 36
- Initial treatment protocol
- Remove all clothing, spray with fine mist of tepid water (40 degrees) while gentle warm forced air is commenced
- Vascular region packed with ice packs
- Ice bath offers more rapid cooling but may not be practicable in ED
- Safe in young exertional heat stroke but may increase mortality in the elderly
- One option is body bag filled with ice slurry
- Ice-cold IV fluids can aid in rapid cooling but can be difficult to optimally mange IV fluid and electrolyte requirements
- Further treatment
- Diazepam 5-10mg IV (shivering, seizures must be controlled)
- Chlorpromazine 25-50mg IV second line as lowers seizure threshold and may cause hypotension
- Neuromuscular paralysis with NDMR if resistant to external cooling
- Rarely require any further therapy after this
- Urine flow must be maintained by initial fluid bolusing and later with mannitol and/or frusemide to prevent secondary renal injury
- Close monitoring of electrolytes, acid-base and coagulation
- Invasive cooling is rarely required once intubated and paralysed
- Cardiopulmonary bypass/ECMO are the most rapid methods of treatment
- Cold water gastric lavage, peritoneal/pleural/urinary bladder lavage and rectal lavage are all options but risk water intoxication, are invasive and only for extreme cases
- Aspirin and paracetamol are not effective and should be avoided. Require intact hypothalamus to function and may have side effects (e.g. bleeding or liver respectively)
- Dantrolene is not indicated
Serotonin toxicity
- Usually combinations of drugs
- Drugs
- MAOi, SSRI, SNRI, St John’s Wort, TCA
- Pethidine and tramadol
- Amphetamines and MDMA
- Presentation
- CNS: Agitation, anxiety, confusion, reduced LOC, seizures
- Motor: Clonus, hyperreflexia, hypertonia, incoordination, myoclonus, tremor
- Autonomic: Diaphoresis, diarrhoea, HTN, hyperthermia, tachycardia
- Clinical diagnosis that develops after a latent period (hours to days)
- Only the most serious will develop hyperthermia (usually in the setting of muscular rigidity) with rhabdomyolysis, DIC and renal failure
- Most cases resolve within 24-48 hours of drug cessation
- Treatment
- In mild cases, small doses of benzodiazepines may be all that is required while awaiting spontaneous resolution
- In severe cases, institute neuromuscular paralysis early, especially if marked alteration of mental state
- Duration of treatment is partly judged on half-life of agents
- Anti-serotonergic agents
- Chlorpromazine 12.5-50mg IV/IM
- Cyproheptadine 4-8mg PO q8h
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
- Rare idiosyncratic reaction to neuroleptic agents
- Incidence of 0.02-3%
- Occurs in response to single agents, usually at therapeutic doses (unlike serotonin syndrome)
- At risk groups:
- Patient: Agitation, dehydration, male 2:1, organic brain disease
- Drug: Depot, high initial dosing, high potency (e.g. haloperidol), rapid dose increases
- Usually drug just initiated or dose increased
- Associated almost all antipsychotics including first and 2nd generation
- Also seen in rapid withdrawal of dopaminergic drugs e.g. in parkinsonism
- Four classic signs: Fever, rigidity, altered mental status and autonomic instability
- Difficult to distinguish from serotonin syndrome without good medication history
- Only the more severe cases suffer hyperthermia and its complications
- Treatment
- Early recognition and treatment is key
- Dopamine agonists
- Bromocriptine 2.5-10mg TDS (PO or NG)
- May reduce the duration
Malignant hyperthermia
- Triggering agents
- Inhalational anaesthetics e.g. halothane, isoflurane, enflurane
- Succinylcholine and ketamine
- First signs
- Failure to achieve muscle relaxation
- Tachypnoea and tachycardia
- If not recognised and treated
- Acidosis, rhabdomyolysis and hyperthermia
- Sometimes can be delayed or even reappear after apparently successful treatment e.g. post-operative fever
- Untreated mortality 70% but only 7% if appropriately managed
- Treatment
- Full supportive care
- Dantrolene 2.5mg/kg IV, q15min up to 30mg/kg
- Inhibits Ca release from sarcoplasmic reticulum
Complications of heat stroke
- Early
- Vascular – Hypotension, cardiac failure, APO
- Temp – Hypothermic overshoot, Hyperthermic rebound
- Muscular – Rhabdomyolysis
- Neurological – Delirium/comam, Seizure
- Renal – Oliguria
- Metabolic – Hypokalaemia, Hypo/hypernatraemia
- Late
- Neurological: Cerebral oedema, encephalopathy, persistent neuro deficit
- Cardiac: Myocardial injury
- Pulmonary: ARDS
- Renal: Renal failure
- GI: Intestinal ischaemia, pancreatic injury, hepatic dysfunction
- Metabolic: Hyperkalaemia, hypocalcaemia, hyperuricaemia
- Haematological: Thrombocytopaenia, DIC
- Hypotension
- Fluid bolus and ongoing cooling
- If low CO and raised CVP, dopamine or dobutamine
- Potent vasoconstricting agents may impede cooling by redirecting blood flow away from skin
- Thermal injury to liver is common
- Peak at 24-72 hours due to centrilobular necrosis
- Almost always reversible
- Hypotension, low CO and falling cardiac index are poor prognostic findings
Prognosis and disposition
- Heatstroke
- Max core temp and duration of elevation predict outcome
- Prolonged coma and oliguric renal failure are poor prognostic indicators
- Mortality 10%
- Most survivors will not suffer long-term sequelae
- Refer all suspected heatstroke to ICU
- Mortality corresponds to degree of temp elevation, time to cooling initiation, number of organs involved, anuria, coma and cardiovascular failure
- Exercise-associated collapse
- Most short stay or treatment on-site at event
- Drug-related
- Prognosis depends on complications before treatment initiated
- Early referral to ICU in most cases
- Malignant hyperthermia mortality 7% even with treatemnt
- Re-assess medication regime
- In neuroleptic malignant syndrome, may be able to initiate low-dose agent in future
- Malignant hyperthermia will warrant modification of future anaesthetics and family member susceptibility testing
Recommendations for prevention
- Decrease or reschedule strenuous activity
- Light and loose-fitting clothing
- Increasing carbohydrate intake and decreasing protein intake to decrease endogenous heat production
- Drinking plenty of fluids even if not thirsty
- Avoid alcohol
- Using salt tablets as well as fluids
- Avoid direct sunlight
- Take advantage of the shade
Last Updated on November 23, 2021 by Andrew Crofton
Andrew Crofton
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