

  • Massive/severe
    • Variable definition
    • >100mL per 24 hours to >1000mL per 24 hours
    • 600mL per 24 hours accepted by many
    • >600mL in <4 hours has mortality 71%
  • Minor haemoptysis
    • Small-volume expectoration of blood in a patient with no underlying lung disease, normal oxygenation/ventilation, normal vital signs and no risk factors for continued bleeding
  • Usually asphyxiate to death rather than bleed to death


  • Pulmonary arteries responsible for 99% of blood flow to lungs, but are a low pressure system and rarely the source of bleeding
  • Bronchial circulation constitutes 1% of blood flow but 90% of bleeding episodes as it is a high-pressure system
    • Responsible for delivery of oxygenated blood to bronchi, pulmonary arteries and veins, and lung parenchyma
    • Follow tortuous route of bronchi
    • Once reach capillaries, three anastomoses occur:
      • Large bronchial arteries merge with alveolar microvasculature
      • Smaller bronchial arteries merge with veins of pleural and pulmonary drainage system
      • Bronchial capillaries merge directly with pulmonary capillaries
    • These anastomoses produce physiological right to left shunt comprising 5% of total cardiac output
  • Alveolar haemorrhage rarely causes massive haemoptysis


  • TILDA acronym
  • Tracheobronchial disorders
    • Tracheobronchitis, aspiration, adenoma, carcinoma, telangiectasia, bronchiectasis, foreign body, fistula, trauma
  • Iatrogenic
    • Intubation, bronchoscopy, biopsy, suctions catheters, Swan-Gannz
  • Localised parenchymal disease
    • Pneumonia, PE, tropical (amoebiasis, ascariasis, aspergilloma, coccidiomycosis, histoplasmosis), metastatic cancer, nocardiosis, lung abscess
  • Diffuse parenchymal disease
    • Viral pneumonitis, scleroderma, Goodpasture’s, Wegener’s, SLE
  • Anticoagulants
    • Drugs, DIC, leukaemia, thrombocytopaenia
  • + Cardiac disease
  • Coughing in transient airway inflammation e.g. acute bronchitis
  • Chronic inflammatory states (COAD, TB, CF) result in neoangiogenesis with thin-walled, fragile vessels
  • Chronic bronchiectasis leads to loss of cartilagenous support, predisposing to vessel rupture
  • Aspergillus cavitary fungal balls with neoangiogenesis within cavity walls
  • PE with infarction
  • Rasmussen’s aneurysm
  • False aneurysm of dilated, tortuous branches of pulmonary arteries crossing the wall of a tuberculous cavity)
  • Tumours can invade vessel walls and lead to neoangiogenesis (SCC especially)
  • Traumatic deceleration injuries or penetrating injuries
  • Iatrogenic during procedures
  • Biopsy of a carcinoid tumour especially
  • Fistulae
    • Between aorta and its primary branches 
    • Tracheo-innominate fistulae result from erosion of a tracheostomy into the innominate artery coursing posterior to the sternum
  • Cardiac disease that leads to raised PAP (e.g. mitral stenosis; congenital HD, left-sided endocarditis)
  • Vasculitis
  • Goodpasture’s, SLE, Wegener’s granulomatosis damage the lung parenchyma leading to alveolar haemorrhage
  • Catamenial (pulmonary endometriosis)
  • Cause in 30% undetermined

Clinical features

  • Identify if truly haemoptysis (exclude haematemesis and epistaxis)
  • Expectorated blood is bright coloured if the source is upper airways or lungs
  • History
    • Smoking, TB, VTE, haematuria/renal disease, arthalgias/myalgias/rash/fevers, cyclical bleeding (catamenial), anticoagulants
  • Examination
    • Sputum – blood-streaked or clots
    • Signs of major bleeding
    • Nares and posterior pharynx for epistaxis
    • Airway patency and intubation assessment
    • Auscultation – Focal site of bleeding or wheeze suggesting chronic inflammation
    • Crackles may suggest diffuse alveolar haemorrhage or CCF
    • Murmurs of valve disease
    • Telangiectasia, petechiae, rash


  • FBC, Chem20, Coags, urinalysis
    • Thrombocytopaenia and coagulopathy increase risk of recurrence
    • Urinalysis and renal fx test help rule out Goodpasture’s and Wegener’s
  • ECG
  • Consider echo
  • Imaging
    • CXR yields diagnosis in 50%
      • In massive haemoptysis, X-ray is rarely normal
      • Diffuse alveolar haemorrhage
        • Scattered alveolar infiltrates
      • Focal lesions suggest source
    • CT angiography
      • Delineates abnormal bronchial and non-bronchial arteries
      • Can detect bleeding from Rasmussen’s aneurysm or anomalous vessel
      • Bronchial arterial bleeding almost always identified
      • Non-bronchial arterial sources identified >50% of the time
      • Limitation is that areas of bleeding can appear similar to infiltrate/tumour and active bleeding can obscure a mass


  • Mild haemoptysis
    • Normal CXR
      • Under 40, non-smoker, <2 weeks, single episode = GP follow-up
        • Treat for LRTI if suspicious
      • Over 40, smoker, >2 weeks, recurrent = Chest CT, thoracic medicine consult
    • Mass lesion
      • Labs, urinalysis and resp consult
      • Consider CT chest for staging
      • Bronchoscopy
    • Other parenchymal disease
      • Labs, urinalysis and resp consult
      • High-resolution CT +- bronchoscopy if no specific diagnosis suggested
  • Massive haemoptysis
    • Bronchial artery embolization
      • Most effective non-surgical first-line treatment
      • 80% successful
      • Recurrence rate 30%
    • Bronchoscopy
      • Adrenaline
      • Balloon tamponade
      • Need airway control, rate of bleeding amenable to visualization and haemodynamic stability
    • Surgery
      • Last-line of defence
  • Airway control
    • If tracheostomy – check for tracho-innominate fistula and apply direct pressure using Utley maneuvre
    • If requiring intubation, use largest ET possible and RSI
    • If bleeding from both lungs, head down
    • Place affected lung in dependent position if possible once intubated to prevent spillage into unaffected lung
      • However, may worsen VQ mismatch
    • If bleeding uncontrollable, may intubate main bronchus of unaffected lung only
    • Some advocate using a Foley catheter (14F/100cm) to block affected lung after intubation
    • Treat as per massive transfusion
  • Bronchoscopy
    • Awake, flexible fibreoptic bronchoscopy
      • Allows visualisation of more peripheral and upper lobes but does not provide optimal suctioning  or local treatment
    • Rigid bronchoscopy requires GA or deep sedation
      • Cannot fully view upper lobes or peripheral lesions but offers better suctioning and treatment e.g. Fogarty balloon catheters for tamponade, adrenaline instillation and ice water lavage
      • Can perform flexible bronchoscopy through lumen of rigid bronchoscope after control achieved
  • Definitive bleeding control
    • Emergency OT
      • Leaking aortic aneurysm, iatrogenic pulmonary artery injury, thoracic trauma or tracheo-innominate fistula
    • Otherwise, IR bronchial artery embolisation generally preferred for massive/recurrent haemoptysis
      • Risks include transverse myelitis due to spinal cord ischaemia and pulmonary artery infarction from spread of embolic material beyond intended site

Last Updated on October 28, 2020 by Andrew Crofton