ACEM Primary
Fluid and haemodynamics

Fluid and haemodynamics


  • Movement of water and salts controlled by opposing effects of hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressures
  • Increased hydrostatic or decreased colloid pressure -> increased fluid interstitial spaces -> exceeds capacity of lymph system -> oedema
  • Fluid in body cavity = hydrothorax, hydropericardium, hydoperitoneum (ascites)
  • Anasarca = severe and generalised oedema
  • Morphology = separation of ECM and subtle cell swelling

Causes =

Increased hydrostatic pressure
Impaired venous return
– Congestive heart failure
– Constrictive pericarditis
– Ascites (liver cirrhosis)
– Venous obstruction/ compression
– Thrombosis
– External pressure (mass)
– Lower extremity inactivity
Arteriolar dilatation
– Heat
– Neurohumoral dysregulation  
Transudate   Eg. DVT causes localised oedema in leg s/o regional increase in hydrostatic pressure  

CCF causing generalised oedema s/o systemic increase in hydrostatic pressure    
Reduced osmotic pressure (hypoproteinaemia)
Nephrotic syndrome
Liver cirrhosis
Protein losing gastroenteropathy  
Loss of albumin
Lymphatic obstruction
Post irradiation  
Surgical removal axillary lymph in breast cancer -> severe oedema of upper limb
Sodium retention
Excessive salt intake with renal insufficiency
Increased tubular reabsorption of sodium
Renal hypoperfusion
Increased RAAS secretion  
Cardiorenal syndrome
Inflammation  Exudate

Hyperaemia and Congestion

  • Hyperaemia = active process whereby arteriolar dilation leads to increased blood flow
    • Sites of inflammation or skeletal muscle in exercise
    • Tissues turn red (erythema) due to engorgement of vessels with oxygenated blood
  • Congestion = passive process resulting from reduced outflow of blood from tissue
    • Systemic (cardiac failure) or local (venous obstruction)
    • Dusky reddish blue (cyanosis) due to red cell stasis and accumulation of deoxygenated haemoglobin
    • Often leads to oedema
    • Chronic congestion -> lack of blood flow and hypoxia + capillary rupture and haemorrhage
    • Morphology =
      • Acute pulmonary congestion – engorged alveolar capillaries, alveolar septal oedema, focal intra-alveolar haemorrhage
      • Chronic pulmonary congestion – thickened fibrotic septa, haemosiderin laden macrophages “heart failure cells”
      • Acute hepatic congestion – distended central vein and sinusoids, ischaemic centrilobular hepatocytes, fatty change only in periportal hepatocytes
      • Chronic hepatic congestion
        • Macroscopic = red brown/ depressed centrilobular regions due to cell death – accentuated against surrounds -> “nutmeg liver”
        • Microscopic = centrilobular haemorrhage, haemosiderin laden macrophages, degeneration of hepatocytes
        • Centrilobular area – distal end of blood supply to liver – prone to ischaemia


  • Extravasation of blood into the extravascular space
  • In association with chronic congestion, haemorrhagic diathesis, inflammation, trauma, atherosclerosis or neoplastic erosion
  • Significance = depends on volume + rate of bleeding + site (intracranial = raised ICP)
  • Patterns:
Haematoma = accumulation of blood, external or confined within a tissue  
Petechiae = 1-2mm haemorrhages into skin/ mucous membrane/ serosal surface Associated with locally increased intravascular pressure, thrombocytopaenia or defective platelet function (uraemia)
Purpura = >3mm haemorrhages Associated with conditions above + trauma, vasculitis, increased vascular fragility (amyloidosis)
Ecchymoses = >1-2cm subcutaneous haematomas (bruises) Red cells are degraded and phagocytosed by macrophages Hb (red/blue) -> Bilirubin (blue/green) -> haemosiderin (gold/brown colour)
Large accumulation of blood in body cavity = Haemothorax, haemopericardium, haemoperitoneum, haemoarthrosis

Haemostasis and Thrombosis

  • Haemostasis: NORMAL process = maintain blood in fluid state in blood vessels + permit formation of haemostatic clot at sites of vascular injury
  • Thrombosis: pathologic process = blood clot within normal vessels

Normal Haemostasis

  1. Initial injury -> reflex neurogenic mechanisms + local endothelin = brief arteriolar vasoconstriction
  2. Endothelial injury exposes ECM -> platelet adherence and activation (shape change) = haemostatic plug PRIMARY HAEMOSTASIS
  3. Tissue factor (TF) exposed -> coagulation cascade + factor VII = thrombin generation, cleaves fibrinogen to insoluble fibrin for meshwork + induces platelet activity
  4. Polymerized fibrin + platelets = permanent plug SECONDARY HAEMOSTASIS
  5. Counter regulatory mechanism (tissue plasminogen activator) activated to limit haemostatic plug at injury site

Endothelial cells

  • Non-activated = inhibit platelet adhesion and clotting
    • Prostacyclin + NO impede platelet adhesion
    • Adenosine diphosphatase -> adenosine diphosphate, inhibits aggregation
    • Thrombomodulin -> inactivate thrombin via anti-thrombin III
    • Activates protein C & S and tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI)
    • Synthesise tPA
  • Endothelial injury by trauma/ infectious agents/ haemodynamic forces/ plasma mediators/ cytokines = procoagulant phenotype -> enhanced thrombus formation

Platelet contact with ECM -> adhesions via Von Willebrand factor + TF


  • Disc-shaped anucleate cell fragments
  • Shed from megakaryocytes in bone marrow
  • Function depends on glycoprotein R, contractile cytoskeleton and cytoplasmic granules:
    •  a-granules  = adhesion molecule P-selectin on membranes, contain fibrinogen/ fibronectin, factors V + VIII, platelet factor IV , PDGF and TGF-b
    • Dense/ d-granules = contain ADP + ATP, ionized calcium, histamine, serotonin and epinephrine
  • Vascular injury -> contact ECM collagen + vWF -> 3 actions:
    • Adhesion
      • vWF acts as bridge between PLT surface R (glycoprotein Ib) and collagen
      • vWF – GpIb associations important in overcoming high shear forces of flowing blood
      • vWF disease (deficiency of factor)/ Bernard – Soulier Syndrome (vWF R)
    • Secretion: granule release
      • PLT activation by ADP -> conformational change in GpIIb-IIIa R -> induced fibrinogen binding -> promote aggregation
      • Glanzmann thrombasthenia (deficiency of GpIIb/IIIa)
    • Aggregation
      • Thromboxane A2 (TxA2) – amplifies aggregation
      • Platelet contraction = irreversible fused mass of PLT

Coagulation Cascade: Formation of thrombin

  • Extrinsic = exogenous trigger by TF -> measured by prothrombin time (PT) to assess function of VII, X, II, V and fibrinogen
  • Intrinsic = exposed factor XII (Hageman factor) -> measured by partial thromboplastin time (PTT) screens factors XII, XI, IX, VIII, X, V, II and fibrinogen
  • Several interconnections, both ultimately converge to activate factor X
  • Once activated, cascade must be restricted:
    • Anti-thrombins = inhibit thrombin/ factors via binding to heparin like molecules
    • Protein C and S = vitamin K dependent proteins, inhibit factor Va and VIIIa
    • TFPI
  • Fibrinolytic cascade via plasminogen -> plasmin (via tPA or streptokinase), breaks down fibrin into fibrin split products (fibrin derived D-dimers) 


  • Heparin – enhances action of anti-thrombin III
  • Unfractionated heparin (UFH) = inhibits factor X, II and IX
  • Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) = inhibits factor X
  • Warfarin – inhibit vitamin K metabolism and prevents carboxylation of clotting factors II, VII, IX, X and Protein C/S
  • Direct factor X inhibitors (both free and prothrombinase bound forms)
  • Rivaroxaban/Apixaban
  • Direct thrombin (II) inhibitors
    • Dabigatran

Bleeding disorders

  • Haemophilia A = factor VIII deficiency
  • Haemophilia B = factor IX deficiency
  • Parahaemophilia = factor V deficiency
  • Von Willebrands disease = vWF deficiency


Three primary abnormalities: Virchow’s triad

  • Endothelial injury = dysfunctional endothelial cells -> procoagulants
  • Stasis or turbulent blood flow = countercurrents and local pockets of stasis -> endothelial injury
    • Atherosclerotic plaques – turbulence
    • AMI/ aneurysm/ hyperviscosity – stasis
  • Hypercoagulability = alteration of coagulation cascade that predisposes to thrombosis
Primary (genetic)Secondary (acquired)
COMMON Factor V mutation Factor V Leiden: 2-15% Caucasian carry mutation -> factor V cannot be cleaved by protein C -> antithrombotic pathway lost Prothrombin mutation Elevated prothrombin levels Homozygous C677t mutation Increased levels of factors VIII, IX, XI or fibrinogen   RARE Anti-thrombin III deficiency Protein C and S deficiency Fibrinolysis defects Homozygous homocystinuria (deficiency of cystathione beta synthetase)HIGH RISK Immobilisation MI, AF Malignancy Tissue injury – surgery/fracture/burn Prosthetic valves * DIC *HIT *APL   LOW RISK Cardiomyopathy Nephrotic syndrome Hyper-oestrogenic states (pregnancy, post partum) OCP Sickle cell anaemia Smoking
*Heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia (HIT) Follows administration of unfractionated heparin -> Ab recognise heparin/ platelet factor 4 complexes on PLT/ endothelial cells -> PLT activation/ aggregation/ consumption PLT consumption + endothelial damage = prothrombotic state

*Anti-phospholipid Syndrome (APL) Various clinical presentations: recurrent thromboses, miscarriage, stroke, bowel infarctionBinding of Ab to epitopes on plasma proteins (prothrombin) that are somehow induced/ unveiled by phospholipids = hypercoagulable state in vivo

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Sudden onset widespread fibrin thrombi in microcirculation -> fibrinolytic mechanisms activated + consumption of PLT/factors -> bleeding catastrophe  
  • Morphology = thrombi are prone to fragmentation and embolization, have laminations “Lines of Zahn” -> platelet and fibrin deposits alternating with dark red cell-rich layers -> thrombus formed in flowing blood (s/o antemortem)
    • Cardiac mural thrombi
    • Cardiac valve thrombi “vegetations” = infective/ non bacterial/ associated with SLE (Libman- Sacks endocarditis)
    • Arterial thrombi (occlusive) = friable meshwork of platelets, fibrin, red cells etc.
    • Venous thrombi = red cells > platelets “red thrombi”
    • Post mortem clots = gelatinous, dark red lower portion (red cells settled) with yellow “chicken fat” upper portion
  • Fate of thrombus = propagation (growth), embolization (dislodge and travel), dissolution (shrinkage) or organisation + recanalization (converted into connective tissue)


= Detached intravascular solid/liquid/gaseous mass that is carried by blood to a site distant from its origin

Most represent dislodged thrombus ~thromboembolism

Rare forms include fat droplet, nitrogen bubbles, atherosclerotic debris, tumour fragments, bone marrow or foreign bodies

  • PE = formed from fragmented thrombi of DVT -> main pulmonary artery, bifurcation or smaller vessels -> sudden death, RVF or cardiovascular collapse
  • Systemic thromboembolism = intracardiac mural thrombi associated with AMI/ AF/ valve vegetations/ atherosclerotic plaques -> lower extremities, brain, bowel, other organs
  • Fat/ marrow embolism = trauma, burns due to rupture of marrow vascular sinusoids or venules. Fat Emboli Syndrome:
    • Mechanical obs + biochemical injury
    • 1-3 days post injury, develop pulmonary insufficiency, neurologic symptoms, anaemia and thrombocytopaenia
      • Anaemia – RBC aggregation/haemolysis -> occlude pulmonary/cerebral vasculature
      • Thrombocytopaenia – PLT adhesion to fat globules -> diffuse petechial rash
      • Release of fatty acids -> toxic to endothelium
  • Air embolism = gas bubbles coalesce to form frothy mass which obstructs vascular flow
    • Post operatively
    • ~100cc air required for clinical sx
    • Decompression sickness = rapid formation of gas bubbles within tissues. Air breathed at high pressure (diving) -> increased amount of gas (nitrogen) dissolved into blood. If diver ascends too rapidly (depressurises) nitrogen comes out of solution into tissues -> “bends”
  • Amniotic fluid embolism = sudden post partum dyspnoea, cyanosis, shock -> neurologic impairment, APO, DIC secondary to thrombogenic substances released from amniotic fluid
    • Infusion of amniotic fluid into maternal circulation via tear in placental membrane/ rupture uterine veins
    • Findings = foetal skin squamous cells, lanugo hair, fat from vernix caseosa and mucin from foetal respiratory/ gastrointestinal tract


= Area of ischaemic necrosis caused by occlusion of arterial supply or venous drainage

  • Thrombotic or embolic occlusion OR local vasospasm, haemorrhage into atherosclerotic plaque, extrinsic vessel compression (tumour), torsion of vessel (testicular torsion), traumatic rupture or vascular compromise by oedema (compartment syndrome)
  • Morphology: colour +/- infection
    • Red infarcts = haemorrhagic
      • venous occlusions (ovary)
      • loose tissues or tissues with dual circulations (lung) -> blood collects in infarcted zone
      • tissues previously congested with sluggish venous outflow
      • when flow is re-established (angioplasty to arterial obstruction)
    • White infarcts = anaemic
      • Arterial occlusions in solid organs, where tissue density limits seepage of blood from nearby capillary beds into necrotic area (kidney)
    • Wedge shaped with occluded vessel at apex
    • Ischaemic coagulative necrosis is dominant histologic feature
  • Factors influencing development of infarct:
    • Nature of vascular supply (lungs/liver have dual supply – more resistant)
    • Rate of occlusion development (slow = collaterals = less likely infarct)
    • Vulnerability to hypoxia (neurons more sensitive than fibroblasts)
    • Oxygen content of blood (anaemia/ cyanosis = infarction)


= Systemic hypotension due to reduced cardiac output or reduced circulating blood volume -> impaired tissue perfusion and cellular hypoxia


  • Cardiogenic = myocardial pump failure
  • Hypovolaemic = loss of volume
  • Distributive = septic/anaphylactic
  • Neurogenic = loss of vascular tone
  • Obstructive = tamponade/pneumothorax/ PE

Septic Shock

  • Systemic vasodilation + peripheral blood pooling -> hypoperfusion
  • Stages of Shock:
    • Non progressive (compensatory mechanisms: RAAS, catecholamine release, ADH, sympathetic stimulation)
    • Progressive (hypoperfusion, lactic acidosis)
    • Irreversible (lysosomal leakage causing cell injury)
    • Death
  • Morphology = changes seen in hypoxic injury in brain/ heart/ lungs (diffuse alveolar damage)/ kidneys (ATN), adrenals (cortical cell lipid depletion)
  • 5 major factors contributing:
Inflammatory mediators  Toll-like R recognise microbial elements G protein R detect bacterial peptides Inflammatory cells -> TNF, IL-1/12/18, IFN-y PG, PAF and ROS Activated endothelial cells -> adhesion molecule expression, procoagulant phenotype, cytokines Activated complement cascade
Endothelial cell activation and injury  3 sequelae Thrombosis Increased vascular permeability Vasodilation Coagulation derangement -> DIC
Metabolic abnormalities  Insulin resistance Hyperglycaemia ß gluconeogenesis ß cytokines, stress hormones (glucagon, GH, glucocorticoids) + catecholamines Reduced neutrophil function Acute surge in glucocorticoid production -> adrenal insufficiency, may progress to necrosis (Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome)
Immune suppression  Anti-inflammatory cytokines and mediators
Organ dysfunction  Systemic hypotension, interstitial oedema and small vessel thrombosis = decreased delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues

Last Updated on August 20, 2021 by Andrew Crofton
