Electrical injury


  • Classification
    • High-voltage >600
    • Low voltage <600
    • Electric arc flash burns (no passage through tissues)
  • 10% complication rate
  • Ohms Law
    • Current = Voltage/Resistance
    • Current proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance
  • Bone has the most resistance to current
  • Nerves and vascular tissues have low resistance
  • Dry skin has high resistance, but sweaty or wet skin much less
  • Household electricity is AC vs. batteries and lightning DC
    • Low-frequency AC (50-60Hz) can be more dangerous than DC due to alternating current fluctuations and risk of VF
    • AC can also produce muscular tetany

Effects of current

  • Can work out path of current as will follow path of least resistance
  • What current has passed through raises suspicion for what may be injured
EffectCurrent pathMinimum current at 60Hz AC
TinglingThrough intact skin0.5-2
Pain thresholdIntact skin1-4
Inabiity to let go and tighter grasp with reduced resistanceFrom hand through forearm muscles to trunk6-22
Respiratory arrest (could be fatal if prolonged)Through chest18-30
VFThrough chest70-4000
Ventricular standstill (asystole)  – similar to defib and if current stops, sinus rhythm may resumeThrough chest>2000

Electrical injury mechanisms

  • Electrical burns
    • Severe when high voltage as only need fraction of a second of current flow
    • Less common with low voltage as little heat energy is produced
  • Electrical arc injuries
    • Thermal burn due to current through tissues + flash burn + mechanical blast forces
    • Need thousands of volts to generate this with temperatures as high as 20 000 degrees resulting
  • Tetanic contractions
    • Forceful contractions can prevent letting go of source, cause fractures/joint dislocations
    • Increased duration of contact and reduced resistance at grasp increases the heat produced and damage to deep tissues
    • Often 100x worse than if could let go immediately

Clinical features

  • Possible immediate cardiac dysrhythmias, respiratory arrest (if traverses chest) or seizures (if traverses head)
  • Cardiac dysrhythmias
    • Asystole or VF usually fatal prior to ED
    • Asymptomatic patients with normal ECG on arrival DO NOT develop later dysrhythmias after <1000V injuries
  • CNS, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system injury
    • Neurological impairment in 50% of high-voltage injuries
    • Nerve tissue has lowest resistance in body
    • Document neurological examination prior to I&V if possible

Clinical features

  • Brain injury
    • Transient LOC is common and may be followed by seizures
    • May be confused, agitated or comatose
    • May show focal neurology – need head and spine CT to rule out traumatic causes
    • MRI may be required for purely electrical damage
    • Electrical injury can cause blindness due to occipital lobe injury or direct injury to optic nerve
    • Survivors can have persistent issues with attention, memory and learning

Clinical features

  • Spinal cord injury
    • 8% of high-voltage injuries
    • Can be due to fractures, direct cellular damage or vascular injury
    • Early MRI findings may be normal despite permanent spinal cord injury
    • Delayed neurological deterioration can occur days to months later
      • Often motor predominance and may be due to progressive vascular injury to spinal arteries or delayed cell membrane damage via cumulative effect of free radicals leading to progressive demyelination
      • May present as transverse myelitis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or GBS-like illness

Clinical features

  • Peripheral nerve injury
    • Paraesthesias may be immediate and transient or delayed up to 2 years after injury
    • Extensive nerve damage can occur within minimal thermal injury
    • Palmar contact causes median or ulnar neuropathy > radial
    • Can have normal nerve conduction studies

Clinical features

  • Cutaneous burns
    • Entry and exit wounds for DC and contact wounds for AC
    • Typically painless, gray-to-yellow, depressed areas
    • Mostly need admission and care by burn specialist
  • Orthopaedic injury
    • Fractures due to tetany or falls

Clinical features

  • Vascular and muscle injury
    • Current can pass along arteries causing spasm and persistent endothelial/smooth muscle dysfunction
    • High voltage shocks are at high risk of compartment syndrome, even if contact/arc for <1 second
    • Compartment syndrome also described for low-voltage injuries with prolonged contact
    • Often c/o ongoing mucle pain with movement
    • Significant tissue damage associated with:
      • Voltage >1000
      • Prehospital cardiac arrest
      • Crush injury
      • Full-thickness skin burns
    • Need aggressive fluid resuscitation +- fasciotomy (29%) and amputation (41%) after high voltage injuries

Clinical features

  • Coagulation
    • Low-grade DIC can occur due to hypoxia, vascular stasis, rhabdomyolysis and release of procoagulants from traumatised tissue
  • Blast injury
    • Electric arcs can produce strong blast pressure
    • Risk of concussion-type syndrome, ICH and arterial air emboli from blast-related alveolar disruption
  • Inhalation injury
    • Ozone can be produced by arcs leading to mucous membrane irritation, reduced pulmonary function, pulmonary haemorrhage and oedema
  • Ocular injury
    • Corneal erosion/keratitis, uveitis, retinal detachment, macular oedema, optic nerve damage and intraocular bleeding all seen
    • Cataract formation can occur years later after electrical injury to torso or electric arc burns

Clinical features

  • Auditory injury
    • Current or haemorrhage through the TM, middle ear, cochlea and vestibular apparatus
    • Can have delayed mastoiditis, sinus thrombosis, meningitis and brain abscess
    • Hearing loss may be immediate or delayed due to complications
  • GI injury
    • Suspect in all abdominal wall burns or trauma history
    • CT evaluation required with surgical consult as indicated
    • Need NG (ileus), stress ulcer prophylaxis, monitoring and surgical management as appropriate

Scene and prehospital care

  • Stay 10 metres from downed power lines and support structures
  • Turn off source of electricity if possible prior to rescue
  • Need to prevent injury to rescuer as first priority
  • Even dry wound can allow current flow at voltages >600V
  • Spinal immobilisation is crucial
  • Start rescue breaths while still on pole and then chest compressions once on ground
  • Low-voltage AC can cause VF from direct stimulation of myocardium OR secondary to respiratory paralysis if prolonged
  • High-voltage AC and DC tend to cause transient cardiac standstill and may revert to sinus rhythm once current ceases while apnoea continues (apnoea with pulses)

ED care

  • Primary and secondary survey with spinal precautions
  • Cardiac monitoring for high-voltage and symptomatic patients
  • Admission ECG may show ventricular/atrial dysrhythmias, bradydysrhythmias and QT prolongation
  • Careful vascular and neurological examination of peripheries is necessary
  • Fluid resuscitation should follow Parkland formula but if extensive subcutaneous damage exists, requirements may be even higher
    • 4mL/kg/BSA over 24 hours (current thermal burn rate is 2 in adults and 3 in children)
  • May have minimal cutaneous burn with significant compartment damage


  • High-voltage injuries should be monitored for compartment syndrome, rhabdo and renal failure
  • If myoglobinuria is suspected, aggressive fluid resuscitation targeting UO 1-2mL/kg/hr is warranted with special attention to electrolytes
  • Maintain high urine output until CK <5x ULN or urine myoglobin normalises
  • Monitor serum, not urine, pH
  • Prognostic factors associated with need for fasciotomy within 24 hours are:
    • Myoglobinuria
    • Burns >20% BSA
    • Full-thickness >12% BSA


  • Low-voltage injuries (<600V)
    • If <240V, asymptomatic and normal ECG on presentation – d/c
    • If symptomatic or ECG abnormality – monitor for 6 hours and reassess
  • High-voltage injuries (>600V)
    • Admit for observation no matter what
    • Routine cardiac monitoring only if symptomatic or initial abnormal ECG

Special populations

  • Pregnant women
    • Need CTG for at least 4 hours if >20 weeks

Special populations

  • Children
    • Improved outcomes compared to adults
    • Oral and lip burns
      • Typically end of power cord put in mouth with current flow between two wires creating significant heat and tissue damage
      • Vascular injury to the labial artery may not be immediately apparent due to vascular spasm, thrombosis and overlying eschar
      • Once eschar separates (around day 5) up to 10% of cases will have severe bleeding so admit
      • Healing often results in deforming scars and contracture of oral opening
      • Saline or hydrogen peroxide rinses and gentle swabbing to debride necrotic tissue is required to ensure healthy healing
    • Hand wounds
      • If no cardiac or neurologlcal involvement, can treat hand burn and discharge

Lightning injuries

  • 70-90% survival but ¾ will have permanent sequelae
  • 10 million to 2 billion volts
  • Current duration 10micros to 3 milliseconds
  • DC
  • Skin flashover usually (especially if wet); deeper pathways result in severe deep burns
  • Results in asystole and apnoea
  • Blunt injury can throw person and cause eardrum rupture
  • Can cause burns through moisture on skin turning to steam, electric current through deeper tissues and through resistance heating of objects on skin or in pockets
  • Can get retinal damage or cataracts due to intense photic stimulation


  • Neurologic and muscular stunning after lightning strike
  • Lower limb weakness > upper limb
  • Sensory abnormalities, pallor, coolness and diminished peripheral pulses all thought to be due to autonomic dysfunction
  • May persistent >1 hour and in such cases amnesia and neuroses often slowly clear over a week

Types of lightning strikes

  • Direct strike
    • Victim struck directly
  • Side flash
    • Nearby object struck and current traverses through air to the victim
    • May injure multiple victims at once
  • Contact strike
    • Lightning strikes object person is holding
    • E.g. indoor telephone use during lightning storm

Types of lightning strikes

  • Ground current
    • Lightning hits ground and current transmitted to nearby victims
    • Stride potential can occur with differing potential between each foot so current runs up one and down the other causing isolated neurovascular injury to the lower limbs
  • Upward streamer
    • Weak upward current does not reach the completed lightning channel but courses through person

Cardiac arrest

  • Get total myocardial depolarisation with asystole
  • Immediate respiratory arrest occurs due to depolarisation and paralysis of the medullary respiratory centre
  • Cardiac automaticity may spontaneously return, but respiratory arrest may continue leading to secondary hypoxic cardiac arrest
  • The duration of apnoea vs. duration of cardiac arrest seems to be the critical prognostic factor

Care at the scene

  • Reverse triage
    • Should treat those that appear dead FIRST
    • Prolonged CPR may be helpful
  • Aggressive resuscitation is indicated at ED as have better prognosis than coronary artery disease arrests
  • Hypotension warrants searching for haemorrhagic blood loss

Cardiac effects

  • HTN and tachycardia commonly seen
  • May get myocardial stunning, coronary artery spasm, pericardial effusion and arrhythmias
  • ECG may show acute ST elevation and QT prolongation
  • TWI often seen, especially in setting of neurological injury

Neurological injury

  • Unconscious or temporary lower limb paralysis are common
  • Seizures may be due to current or mechanical head injury or hypoxia
  • Autonomic dysfunction may result in pupillary dilation, anisocoria and therefore these signs have no prognostic significance in comatose lightning-strike victims
  • Transient amnesia, confusion, lower limb paralysis are common
  • Delayed seizures, muscular atrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, parkinsonism, progressive cerebellar ataxia, myelopathy with para/quadriplegia and chronic pain syndromes are seen
  • CT is indicated in comatose/ALOC/headache patients to ensure no underlying mechanical trauma has been sustained

Vascular effects

  • Vasomotor spasm is common often with cycle of severe vasoconstriction and colour change from white to blue to red with hyperaemia after vasodilation resumes
  • Compartment syndrome is rare in lightning strike so should check intracompartmental pressures prior to fasciotomy if suspicion exists

Ocular injury

  • Lightning-induced cataracts are most common
    • May be due to radiation injury even without current flow through head
    • May occur weeks to years later
  • Can cause hyphaema, vitreous haemorrhage, corneal abrasion, uveitis, retinal detachment, retinal haemorrhage, macular holes and optic nerve damage
  • Any symptoms warrant careful examination and ophthalmology follow-up

Auditory injury

  • Telephone injuries at highest risk
    • Persistent tinnitus
    • Sensorineural deafness
    • Ataxia
    • Vertigo
    • Nystagmus

Cutaneous injury

  • Lichtenberg figures
    • Pathognomonic with superficial feathering/ferning pattern due to electron showering over skin
    • Disappear within 24 hours
  • Flash burns (mild erythema)
  • Punctate burns
    • Full-thickness <1cm like cigarette burns
  • Contact burns due to metal close to skin
  • Superficial erythema and blistering burns
  • Linear burns <5cm wide in skin folds


  • Admit almost all lightning strike victims
  • Definitely admit those with ongoing muscle pain, ECG changes, persistent neurological or vascular abnormalities
  • Need close follow-up for delayed sequelae

Last Updated on October 9, 2020 by Andrew Crofton