Diabetic ketoacidosis


  • Insulin deficiency leads to fasting hyperglycaemia, counter-regulatory response (despite raised blood glucose levels) and subsequent ketosis
  • Beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetic acid are responsible largely for the ketoacidosis seen in DKA and are in equlibrium
  • Acetic acid + NADH = beta-HB + NAD
  • Acetic acid is metabolised to acetone (another major ketone body)
  • Low insulin levels decrease ability of tissues to use ketones as fuel source, further increasing ketonaemia
  • Persistently elevated serum glucose leads to glucosuria and osmotic diuresis
  • Resulting volume depletion worsens hyperglycaemia and ketonaemia
  • RAS system, upregulated by volume depletion, exacerbates renal potassium losses already occuring through osmotic diuresis leading to profound whole body potassium depletion
  • Chloride is retained in exchange for ketoanions lost in urine adding a hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis to ketoacidosis
  • Paradoxical vasodilatation occurs due to adipose tissue breakdown and prostaglandin release

Causes of DKA

  • Omission of insulin
  • Pump failure
  • Infection
  • Pregnancy
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Sympathomimetic abuse
  • Steroids, thiazides, antipsychotics, sympathomimetics
  • Heat-related illness

Clinical presentations

  • Osmotic diuresis leads to renal loss of sodium, potassium, chloride, phosphorous, magnesium and calcium
  • Prostaglandin release may also play a role in abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting frequently seen
  • As volume depletion progresses, SC insulin is poorly absorbed into systemic circulation
  • ALOC likely multifactorial due to metabolic acidosis, hyperosmolarity, low extracellular fluid volume and haemodynamic collapse
  • Alteration of conscious state correlates more closely to serum osmolality > 320mOsm/L than with severity of metabolic acidosis
  • Absence of fever DOES NOT rule out infection as underlying cause
  • Hypothermia may occur due to inappropriate vasodilation
  • Serum lipase can be elevated in DKA but is more specific for pancreatitis


  • Definition
    • Metabolic acidosis pH <7.3 or serum bicarb <15
    • Ketonaemia >3 mmol/L or 2+ on urine (may miss beta-hydroxybutyrate early)
    • BSL >11
  • Severe
    • pH <7.1, bicarb <,5, K <3.5 on admission, GCS <12, SBP <90 or SpO2 <92%
  • Caveats
    • Patients with liver failure may have impaired gluconeogenesis and lower glucose levels
    • Patients who abuse alcohol also may have impaired gluconeogenesis
    • SGLT-2 inhibitors can induce euglycaemic DKA in T2DM
  • Nitroprusside reagent used in serum and urine dipstick ketone tests are only sensitive to acetic acid (and acetone marginally; Beta-HB not at all)
  • As patient improves, ketone levels will rise as body converts more acidic beta-hydroxybutyrate to acetic acid
  • If severe vomiting, metabolic alkalosis can mask acidosis. In this situation elevated anion gap may be the only clue
  • If PaCO2 is lower than expected, suggests primary respiratory alkalosis and may be early clue to pulmonary disease as underlying cause
  • Leukocytosis is common due to stress/haemoconcentration
    • Absolute band count >10000microlitres suggests underlying infection
  • Check ECG for electrolyte changes + underlying MI

Differential diagnosis

    • Alcoholic ketoacidosis (glucose usually low or normal)
      • Beta-hydroxybutyrate predominates so dipsticks can be negative
    • Starvation ketoacidosis (glucose usually low or normal)
    • Renal failure
    • Lactic acidosis
    • Ingestions – Salicylates, ethylene glycol, methanol, paracetamol
      • Check serum salicylates and osmolar gap is suspicion exists
      • Paracetamol toxicity can cause renal failure, HAGMA and liver damage
  • HHS
    • More profound hypovolaemia, electrolyte disturbances, osmolality rise and hyperglycaemia
    • Far greater risk of VTE


  • Priorities – Volume, potassium, insulin + Treat underlying cause
  • Fluid bolus 10-20mL/kg N/S if shocked initially
  • Fluids
    • Improves response to insulin therapy
    • Average free water deficit of 100mL/kg (5-10L)
    • Average sodium deficit of 7-10mmol/kg
    • Average potassium deficit 3-5mmol/kg
    • Aim to replace deficit over 24 hours (48 hours if comorbidities or young adults/children)
  • Fluid regimes
    • Cameron
      • First litre at 1000mL/hr
      • 2nd litre at 500mL/hr + K
      • 3rd litre at 500mL/hr + K
      • 4th litre at 500mL/hr + K
      • 5th litre at 250mL/hr + K
    • Tintinalli
      • First litre within 30 minutes of arrival 
      • First 2 litres over 0-2 hours
      • Next 2 L over 2-6 hours
      • Next 2 litres over 6-12 hours
  • Fluids
    • Add 10% dextrose at 125mL/hr if BSL <15mmol/L
    • Potassium
      • Only add once making urine
      • If serum K <5, add 10mmol/100mL over each hour
      • If serum K <3.5 add 2x 10mmol/100mL over each hour
      • Development of severe hypokalaemia is likely the most dangerous and life-threatening electrolyte derangement during treatment of DKA
  • Insulin (Cameron)
    • Should be started within first 60 minutes
    • 50IU soluble insulin in 50mL N/S = 1U/mL
    • 0.1IU/kg/hr (maximum 6 units/hr) adjusting rate to achieve drop in glucose of 3mmol/L/hr with a rise in bicarb of at least 3mmol/L/hr
    • Once BSL <15, halve insulin infusion rate and adjust to maintain BSL 9-14mmol/L
    • Withold until K >3.5 if initially hypokalaemic
  • Calculating free water deficit
    • = 0.6 x BW x (Current Na/140 -1)
    • E.g. If current Na 160 then FWD = 0.6 x 70 x (160/140 – 1) = 6
  • Failure to respond to insulin
    • If glucose level does not fall with insulin therapy can double rate to 0.2IU/kg/hr
  • Continue insulin until ketonaemia resolved and anion gap normalised
  • Phosphate
    • Crucial for ATP and oxygen delivery at tissue level through 2,3-DPG
    • Intra- to extracellular shift in DKA with subsequent whole body depletion due to osmotic diuresis
    • Re-enters cells with insulin therapy and serum levels can fall precipitously
    • Usually most severe 24-48 hours down the line
    • If critically low, can replace IV 
  • Magnesium
    • Whole body Mg depletion
    • HypoMg impairs PTH release causing hypocalcaemia and hyperphosphataemia
    • Replace
  • Bicarbonate
    • Disadvantages
      • Severe and worsening hypokalaemia
      • Paradoxical CNS acidosis
      • Worsening intracellular acidosis
      • Impaired (left shift) O2 delivery to tissues
      • Hypertonicity
      • Sodium overload
      • Delayed recovery from ketosis
      • Elevation in lactate
      • Precipitation of cerebral oedema
    • Possible advantage in critical acidaemia impairing myocardial contractility, vascular tone or critical hyperkalaemia
    • Some studies have shown increased mortality with bicarbonate use in DKA
  • Mildly unwell ketotic hyperglycaemic non-acidaemic insulin-dependent diabetics
    • 10% of total daily dose of insulin as SC of rapid-acting insulin (in addition to usual regime)
    • Monitor hourly BSL and ketones
    • Can repeat stat dose SC insulin q2-4h until ketones <1.0mmol/L


  • Prognostic factors
    • Higher serum osmolality, BUN, glucose and lower bicarb = higher mortality
    • Precipitants: Infection and MI are main contributors to high mortality
    • Old age
    • Hypotension
    • Coma
    • Underlying renal or cardiovascular disease
    • Severe volume depletion increases risk of DVT precipitously (especially in the elderly)


  • Overall mortality of DKA and HHS 6.2%
  • HHS has 2-3x mortality however DKA is 6x more common
  • Most common causes of death
    • Pneumonia (37%)
    • MI (21%)
    • Mesenteric/iliac thrombosis (16%)


  • Hypoglycaemia
  • Hypokalaemia
  • Hypophosphataemia
  • ARDS
    • Typically seen with overzealous fluid administration with decrease in plasma oncotic pressure and fluid leak
  • VTE very common in HHS and DKA
  • Cerebral oedema (0.5-1%)
    • Mostly in children (<12yo) between 4-12 hours after initiation of therapy
    • Risk factors: Degree of hypocapnoea and dehydration, failure of serum sodium to rise with Rx and use of bicarb
    • Can occur up to 48 hours from presentation
    • Often seen when patient improving clinically and biochemically with precipitous decline and high mortality
    • No evidence of any association between volume or content of IV fluids or rate of change in glucose
    • Gradual replacement of water and sodium deficits and slow correction of glucose may lessen the risk
    • Young age and new-onset diabetes are the only known risk factors
    • Warning signs include: Severe headache, incontinence, change in arousal or behaviour, pupillary changes, BP changes, seizures, bradycardia or altered temperature regulation
    • IV mannitol 1-2g/kg stat or 3% saline 5-10mL/kg and straight to CT

Late complications

  • Metabolic acidosis refractory to usual therapy may be secondary to unrecognised infection, insulin antibodies (rarely) or iatrogenic mistake in insulin delivery
  • Shock unresponsive to fluid boluses suggests Gram-negative sepsis or silent MI
  • Must monitor anion gap during therapy not serum bicarb as patient retains Cl- in exchange for ketoanions (bicarb equivalents) during therapy
  • Late vascular thrombosis can occur in any vessel although cerebral vessels most at risk
    • No study has shown prophylactic anticoagulant use to be of benefit however

Insulin pumps

  • Turn off and treat as like anyone else

DKA in pregnancy

  • Leading cause of fetal loss (fetal mortality 30%)
  • Physiological changes
    • Maternal fasting glucose levels are lower, leading to relative insulin deficiency and increase in baseline free fatty acid concentrations
    • Increased levels of counter-regulatory hormones
    • Chronic respiratory alkalosis leads to decreased bicarb levels (compensatory renal response) with decrease in buffering capacity when metabolic acidosis does occur
    • Increased incidence of vomiting and UTI which can precipitate DKA
  • Maternal hyperglycaemia causes fetal hyperglycaemia and osmotic diuresis
  • Maternal acidosis causes fetal acidosis, decreased uterine blood flow and fetal oxygenation AND shifts Hb-O2 dissociation curve to right (reduced Hb affinity)
  • Maternal hypokalaemia can lead to fetal dysrhythmias
  • Treat the same however

Last Updated on October 6, 2021 by Andrew Crofton