Cardiomyopathy & Pericarditis


Primary cardiomyopathies

  • HOCM is second most common cause of sudden cardiac death in adolescents and leading cause of sudden death in competitive athletes
  • Cardiomyopathy is the third most common form of cardiac disease after ischaemic and hypertensive heart disease
  • Divided into primary and secondary cardiomyopathies
  • Genetic
    • HOCM
    • Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia
    • Left ventricular non-compaction
    • Conduction system disease
      • Long QT syndrome
      • Brugada syndrome
      • Catecholaminergic polymorphic VT
      • Short QT syndrome
      • Idiopathic VF
    • Mixed (genetic and non-genetic)
      • Dilated cardiomyopathy
      • Primary restrictive non-hypertrophied cardiomyopathy
    • Acquired
      • Myocarditis (inflammatory)
      • Takotsubo
      • Peripartum cardiomyopathy

Secondary cardiomyopathies

  • Toxins
    • Ethanol, chemotherapeutics (doxorubicin), antiretrovirals (zidovudine, didanosine), phenothiazines, cocaine, methamphetamine
  • Infiltrative
    • Amyloidosis
  • Storage
    • Haemochromatosis
  • Autoimmune
    • Scleroderma, SLE, RA, dermatomyositis
  • Metabolic
    • Nutritional (thiamine, selenium deficiency)
    • Endocrine (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism)
    • Electrolyte (hypophosphataemia, hypocalcaemia)
  • Neuromuscular
    • Muscular dystrophy
    • Freiderich’s ataxia

Features of cardiomyopathies

TypeNameClinical featuresECG
Systolic + Diastolic dysfunctionDilated cardiomyopathyCCF, chest pain, MR/TRLVH, Q/QS waves and poor R wave progression

MyocarditisFever, tachycardia, myalgia, chest painNon-specific ST/T waves changes Pericarditis
Diastolic dysfunctionHOCMDyspnoea on exertion, chest pain, palpitations, syncope, prominent J waves, pulsus bisferiens, systolic ejection murmur, increases with valsalva and decreases with squattingLVH, large septal Q waves (Dagger waves)

Restrictive cardiomyopathiesSquare root sign of LV filling pressures (easily confused with constrictive pericarditis)In some, low voltage QRS; conduction disturbances, AF

Dilated cardiomyopathy

  • Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy makes up 25% of heart failure cases and is primary indication for cardiac transplant
  • Mostly diagnosed between 20-50yo
  • Systolic and diastolic dysfunction seen, often with reduced LVEF and RVEF
  • LV and often RV dilatation with normal LV wall thickness is hallmark
  • Clinical features
    • May present with congestive heart failure, embolic phenomonen from mural thrombi or chest pain (due to limited coronary reserve vs. atherosclerosis)
    • Often holosystolic murmurs at mitral and tricuspid areas heard due to impaired complete closure due to dilation
  • Diagnosis
    • Typical CCF CXR
    • ECG: LV hypertrophy and LA enlargement. Rarely normal.
    • Q or QS waves and poor R wave progression may produce pseudoinfarction pattern
    • AF and ventricular ectopy are common
    • Echo is diagnostic
  • Treatment
    • Diuretics and digoxin improve symptoms but not survival
    • ACEi (carvedilol) improves survival
    • Some patients will benefit from cardiac resynchronisation therapy
    • Complex ventricular ectopy may be at risk of sudden death and may benefit from amiodarone and/or ICD
    • LVAD’s can be used as a bridge to heart transplantation
  • Left ventricular assist devices (LVAD)
    • Implanted pump transfers blood from apex of LV to proximal aorta
    • Mostly continuous flow maintaining a normal MAP in the absence of palpable pulse
      • If some cardiac contractility remains, the LVAD assists (and does nto replace) normal CO and a pulse may be present
    • Still rely on RV function to perform lung perfusion
    • Can be in VF and clinically stable
    • Clinical features
      • ECG show have discernible QRS complexes
  • LVAD – management
    • If unstable
      • Never perform chest compressions as can dislodge leading to intractable haemorrhage
      • Auscultate the praecordium – If whirr is heard, the LVAD is functioning. If silent, search for mechanical LVAD failure – check and/or change battery but DO NOT DISCONNECT anything
      • For hypotension, give bolus crystalloids and assess for haemorrhage
      • Initiate IV pressors if this fails – Dopamine is reasonable first-line
      • Obtain ECG to rule out RV infarct/strain pattern
      • Bedside USS may show cardiac tamponade or RV failure (consider PE, RV infarct or pulmonary HTN)
      • Give heparin if PE or device thrombosis is suspected
      • VF or VT requires defibrillation as per standard protocols. Do not place pads over the driveline
      • If pulsatile VT, give amiodarone
  • LVAD – Medical complications
    • Haemolytic anaemia
    • Bleeding (usually on warfarin INR 2-3)
    • Thromboembolism
      • At risk of PE, stroke and mesenteric ischaemia, especially if INR subtherapeutic
      • Heparin is safe once bleeding ruled out
    • Infection
      • Especially the driveline exit site
      • Treat as for sepsis


  • Common cause of dilated cardiomyopathy
  • Commonly associated with pericarditis
  • Viral
    • Coxsackie B virus, echovirus, influenza virus, parainfluenza, EBV, Hep B, HIV
  • Bacterial
    • Corynebacterium diphtheriae, N. meningitidis, Mycoplasma, beta-haemolytic strep (Rheumatic fever) and Lyme disease
  • Presentation
    • Fever, myalgias, headache, sinus tachycardia (out of proportion to fever) and chest pain (often angina-type chest pain and usually due to myopericarditis)
    • Heart failure symptoms if severe
    • Pericardial friction rub is often heard
  • Diagnosis
    • ECG: Non-specific ST/T wave changes, ST elevation or PR depression (pericarditis), AV block and QRS interval prolongation
    • May have raised troponin
    • Echo shows myocardial depression and wall motion abnormalities in severe cases
    • Cardiac MRI can be used
  • Treatment
    • Supportive
    • Antibiotics if suspected rheumatic fever, diphtheria, meningococcaemia
    • Immunosuppression in select patients (usually for severe cases only)

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

  • LV and/or RV hypertrophy that is usually asymmetric and involves primarily the interventricular septum
  • Hallmark is IV septal hypertrophy associated with myocardial fibre disarray
  • Familial (autosomal dominant) or sporadic
  • No apparent sex or ethnic predilection
  • Particular genotypes have more rapid progression
  • 1/500 prevalence in general population
  • Annual mortality rate is 1% per annum (4-6% per annum in childhood and adolescence)
  • Haemodynamics
    • Abnormal LV diastolic function due to reduced compliance
    • Increased LV filling pressures with often normal CO, ejection fraction and end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes
    • Systolic pressure gradient between LV and subvalvular outflow tract can be recorded at rest or with provocation
  • Clinical features
    • The older the patient, the more severe the symptoms
    • Dysnpoea on exertion is most common
      • Exercise-induced sinus tachycardia leads to abrupt rise in LV diastolic pressure and pulmonary venous hypertension
      • +- chest pain, palpitations and syncope
    • FHx of death due to cardiac disease is not uncommon
    • Chest pain is due to coronary flow/demand mismatch
      • May be exacerbated by atherosclerosis in older patients
    • AF is poorly tolerated due to loss of atrial kick in diastolic failure
  • Examination
    • Upstroke of carotid pulse is rapid. May have pulsus bisferiens
    • S1, S2 + S4 in most
    • Systolic ejection murmur heard best at lower left sternal border or at apex and rarely radiates to the carotids
    • Interventions that decrease LV filling and distending pressure of LV outflow tract or that increase force of myocardial contraction accentuate the murmur
      • Valsalva, standing
    • Interventions that increase LV filling reduce the murmur intensity
      • Squatting, passive leg raise and hand grip

HCM vs. mitral valve prolapse

ManeuvreHCMMitral valve prolapse
ValsalvaIncreasedIncreased; click closer to S1
SquattingReducedReduced; click closer to S2
Standing after squattingIncreasedIncreased; click closer to S1
Passive leg raisedDecreasedDecreased; click closer to S2
Hand gripDecreasedIncreased; click closer to S1
  • Diagnosis
    • CXR often unremarkable
    • ECG: LV hypertrophy + LA enlargement. Septal Q waves >0.3mV may be seen in anterior, lateral and inferior leads
      • Pseudoinfarction pattern of Q waves can be seen
      • Typically get upright T waves in leads with QS or QR complexes in HCM vs. TWI in leads with Q waves suggests ischaemic heart disease
    • Echo
      • Characteristic disproportionate septal hypertrophy, reduced LV end-diastolic dimensions, systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve and mid-systolic closure of the aortic valve
    • Cardiac MRI for inconclusive cases
    • Genetic testing
  • Treatment
    • Hospitalise for Ix
    • Syncope in HCM may presage death
    • Beta-blockers are the mainstay of therapy for chest pain
      • Slows heart rate, reduces LV-LV outflow tract pressure gradient, reduces myocardial demand

Restrictive cardiomyopathy

  • Most cases idiopathic (sometimes autosomal dominant)
  • Other causes include amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, haemochromatosis, scleroderma, carcinoid heart disease, endomyocardial fibrosis or hypereosinophilic syndrome
  • Results in restricted ventricular filling and subsequent diastolic failure of one or both ventricles
  • Systolic function usually normal with normal or increased ventricular wall thickness
  • Haemodynamics
    • Elevated LV and RV end-diastolic pressures
    • Normal LV EF
    • Marked decreased followed by rapid rise and plateau in early diastolic ventricular pressure
      • = Square root sign” due to increased myocardial stiffness
      • Also seen in constrictive pericarditis (main differential)
  • Clinical
    • LV and/or RV failure symptoms
    • Non-specific St/T wave changes
    • Cardiac conduction disturbances are common in sarcoid and amyloidosis
    • Low-voltage QRS often seen in amyloidosis and haemochromatosis
  • Diagnosis
    • Echo and angio based to rule out ischaemic diastolic dysfunction
  • Treatment
    • CT and MRI can differentiate constrictive pericarditis vs. restrictive cardiomyopathy
    • Diuretics and ACEi provide symptom relief
    • Corticosteroids for sarcoidosis
    • Chelation therapy for haemochromatosis

Acute pericarditis

  • Typically sharp or stabbing precordial or retrosternal chest pain
  • Sudden or gradual onset, radiates to back, neck, left shoulder or arm and may be pleuritic or worse with movement
  • Referral to the left trapezial ridge (due to inflammation of the diaphragmatic pleura) is a particular distinguishing feature
  • Typically worse when supine and relieved by sitting up and forward
  • Associated symptoms
    • Fever, dyspnoea (due to pleurisy) and dysphagia (if oesophageal irritation from posterior pericardium)
  • Pericardial friction rub is the most common and important physical finding but can be hard to hear
    • Best heard at apex or left lower sternal edge, sitting forward. Typically intermittent
    • Classicaly triphasic: Systolic component due to ventricular contraction, early diastolic component during early phase of ventricular filling and presystolic component synchronous with atrial systole
    • Less commonly biphasic: Systolic + early diastolic or presystolic component
    • Rarely monophasic systolic component
  • Causes
    • Idiopathic
    • Viral: Coxsackie, echovirus, HIV
    • Bacterial: Staph, strep pneumoniae, beta-haemolytic strep (Rheumatic fever), TB
    • Fungal (Histoplasma capsulatum)
    • Malignancy: Leukaemia, lymphoma, metastatic breast/lung Ca, melanoma
    • Drug-induced: Procainamide, hydralazine
    • Rheumatic: SLE, RA, scleroderma, PAN, dermatomyositis
    • Post-MI: Dressler’s
    • Radiation-induced
    • Uraemia
    • Myxoedema
  • ECG
    • Four stages over several weeks
      • I (acute)
        • PR depression II, aVF, V4-6; 
        • ST elevation I, V5/6; 
        • ST:T >0.25 (pericarditis vs. BER)
        • Knuckle sign – Reciprocal PR elevation and ST depression in aVR
      • II
        • PR isoelectric or depressed
        • ST segments isoelectric
        • T wave amplitude decreases; inversion rare
      • III
        • PR isolectric or depressed
        • ST segments isoelectric
        • T wave inversion I, V5, V6
      • IV
        • All normal
  • Sensitivity of ST:T wave amplitude >0.25 is >85% and specificity >80%
  • Echo
    • Ech0-free fluid in anterior or posterior space is always pathological
    • Normally 50mL of fluid only and not visible on bedside echo
    • Quantification of the size is arbitrary but mild thought to be only posterior and only in systole
    • CT is equally sensitive as echo in diagnosing effusion
    • Can diagnose tamponade with echo though
  • Troponin rise indicates associated myocarditis or alternative diagnosis
  • Treatment
    • Idiopathic or presumed viral
      • Benign course 1-2 weeks usually
      • Symptoms respond well to NSAID’s for 7 days to 3 weeks
        • Ibuprofen 400mg TDS preferred
      • Colchicine 0.5mg BD may be a beneficial adjuvant and prevent recurrent episodes
      • Hospitalisation only necessary for associated myocarditis and follow-up echo is not required unless symptoms fail to resolve or reappear
      • Indicators of poor prognosis
        • Fever >38
        • Subacute onset over weeks
        • Imunosupression
        • Previous oral anticoagulant use
        • Associated myocarditis (trop leak or CCF)
        • Large pericardial effusion (echo-free space >20mm)

Non-traumatic cardiac tamponade

  • If fluid accumulates to degree that intrapericardial pressure rises above right heart filling pressures, cardiac tamponade results
  • Point at which this occurs depends on pericardial fluid accumulation rate, pericardial compliance and intravascular volume
  • Causes
    • Metastatic malignancy (40%)
    • Acute idiopathic pericarditis (15%)
    • Uraemia (10%)
    • Bacterial/TB pericarditis (10%)
    • Chronic idiopathic pericarditis (10%)
    • Haemorrhage (anticoagulants) (5%)
    • Other – SLE, post-radiotherapy, myxoedema (10%)
  • Clinical features
    • Non-specific; dyspnoea on exertion or at rest
    • Symptoms of underlying cause
    • Examination
      • Sinus tachycardia, low BP, narrow pulse pressure
      • Pulsus paradoxus (dropped beats with inspiration)
        • <10mmHg drop in SBP during inspiration in supine position suggests restricted cardiac filling
        • If >10mmHg drop suggests true tamponade
      • Distended neck veins
      • Apical impulse may be indistinct or tapping
      • Distant or soft heart sounds
      • Pulmonary rales usually absent
      • RUQ tenderness from hepatic venous congestion may occur
      • Beck’s triad: Soft heart sounds, distended neck veins, hypotension
  • Low-pressure pericardial tamponade
    • Haemodynamically significant effusion with intrapericardial pressure lower than expected
    • Classically chronic effusions with superimposed hypovolaemia
    • Respond well to fluid bolus
    • Don’t show typical neck distension but will show echocardiographic evidence of tamponade physiology
  • Diagnosis
    • ECG:
      • Low voltage QRS <0.7mV and ST elevation (due to epicardial inflammation) with PR depressions as in pericarditis
      • Electrical alternans is classic but uncommon
      • Echo
        • Large pericardial fluid volume
          • <10mm = Small
          • 10-20mm = Moderate
          • >20mm = Large
        • Diastolic RA compression (highly specific and sensitive)
        • Diastolic RV collapse (highly specific but less sensitive)
        • LA collapse (highly specific)
        • Small, slit-like LV
        • Abnormal respiratory variation in mitral and tricuspid flow velocities
        • Dilated IVC with lack of inspiratory collapse
        • Swinging heart
  • Treatment
    • Volume expansion temporising measure
    • Pericardiocentesis

Constrictive pericarditis

  • Pericardial inflammation with fibrous thickening, which prevents passive diastolic filling of cardiac chambers
  • Causes
    • Post-cardiac trauma, pericardial haemorrhage, pericardiotomy (as in CABG), fungal/TB pericarditis and in chronic renal failure
    • Most cases idiopathic
  • Clinical features
    • May mimic CCF with restrictive cardiomyopathy
    • If pericardial effusion arises, may have sudden effusive constrictive pericarditis
    • JVP distension, rapid ‘y’ descent, Kussmaul sign (inspiratory neck vein distension), paradoxical pulse is occasionally seen
    • Early diastolic pericardial ‘knock’ may be heard (may mimic S3 of CCF)
  • ECG
    • Low-voltage QRS <0.7mV, inverted T waves are common
  • Echo may show thickened pericardium, effusion and abnormal ventricualr septal motion
  • Cardiac CT and MRI preferred
  • Cardiac cath with intraventricular pressure measurement is diagnostic with square root sign of dip and rapid rise/plateau of RV pressure trace
  • Pericardiectomy is the surgical treatment of choice

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy

  • First described in Japan in 1980’s
  • Acute reversible LV dysfunction triggered by emotional or physical stress
  • Classically transient apical akinesis/hypokinesis and basal hyperkinesis that resolves over days to weeks
  • Name derived from Japanese octopus trap appearance of LV on echocardiogram
  • 90% of cases are in women
  • 2% of all troponin-positive patients presenting with suspected ACS
  • Reverse takotsubo
    • Basal hypokinesis with apical hyperkinesis
    • Associated with younger age, less reduction in EF
  • ECG abnormalities
    • ST elevation minicking STEMI
    • TWI
    • New BBB
    • Prolonged QT
  • Diagnosis of exclusion once angiogram performed and myocarditis ruled out
  • Supportive treatment only
  • Recurs in 10% of patients
  • Complications may include pleural effusion, pericardial effusion and LV thrombi

Last Updated on May 14, 2024 by Andrew Crofton