ACEM Primary
Antiemetic Pharmacology

Antiemetic Pharmacology

Ondansetron5-HT3 R blockade in gut and CNS (CTZ and vomiting centre) Mainly peripheral action on extrinsic vagal and spinal afferents  IV/ PO 4-9 hour duration of action Hepatic metabolism AE = dizziness, constipation, prolongation QT
MetoclopramideProkinetic agent D2 R blockade in gut and CNS Peripherally – increases oesophageal motility, increases lower oesophageal sphincter pressure, increases gastric emptying Centrally – acts at chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) of medullaIV/ PO AE = restlessness, drowsiness, extra pyramidal side effects, hyperprolactinaemia, galactorrhea
Corticosteroids:  Dexamethasone
Inhibition of PG synthesis
Exact mechanism unknown
IV/PO 4-8mg
Anti-muscarinics: Scopolamine  Block muscarinic R
Effective at preventing sea sickness
AE = sedation, dry mouth
First generation anti-histamines: Diphenhydramine Cyclizine Doxylamine  H1 R antagonist
Effective at preventing motion sickness
AE = sedation, anti-parkinsonism effects, anti-muscarinic effects, alpha blocking actions

Last Updated on August 12, 2021 by Andrew Crofton
