Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- Syndrome NOT disease
- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- First described 1967 (Ashbaugh et al.)
- Stated ‘illness closely resembled the infantile respiratory distress syndrome’
- Incidence
- Variable
- 1.5 per 100 000 (Rubenfeld) to 79 per 100 000 (Villar)
- Up to 10 fold higher incidence in US vs. Europe
AECC | Berlin | Kigali modification | |
Timing | Acute onset | Within 1 week of known clinical insult or new or worsening resp symptoms | Within 1 week of known clinical insult or new or worsening resp symptoms |
Oxygenation | P/F ≤ 200 (ALI if ≤ 300) | Mild: P/F 200-300 Moderate: P/F 100-200 Severe: P/F ≤100 | SpO2/FiO2 ≤315 |
PEEP | None | Minimum 5 for invasive MV (Non-invasive acceptable for mild | None |
Chest imaging | Bilateral infiltrates on frontal CXR | Bilateral opacities not fully explained by effusions/collapse or nodules on CXR or CT | Bilateral opacities not fully explained by effusions/collapse or nodules on CXR or USS |
Origin of oedema | PAWP <18 or no evidence of LA hypertension | Resp failure not fully explained by cardiac failure or fluid overload (need objective assessment if no risk factors present) | Resp failure not fully explained by cardiac failure or fluid overload (need objective assessment if no risk factors present) |
- Diffuse bilateral coalescent opacification
- Typically CXR features arise within 12-24 hours secondary to proteinaceous interstitial oedema

Diffuse alveolar damage
- Pathological hallmark of ARDS
- Only seen in 50% of cases
- Hyperaemia, alveolar atelectasis, interstitial and intra-alveolar haemorrhage/oedema, numerous alveolar macrophages and hyaline membranes
- Subsequent alveolar microvascular permeability and surfactant inactivation
- May be ventilator associated
- Associated with higher mortality if found on open lung biopsy
LUNG SAFE TRIAL (Bellani et al.)
- Algorithmic diagnosis using Berlin criteria vs. Clinical
- 34% diagnosed Day 1 and 60% by end of ICU stay
- Secondary endpoints
- 83% received PEEP <12
- 35% Vt >8mL/kg without Pplat measurement
- Conclusions
- ARDS under-recognised and under-treated
- Problems
- 17% of patients with ‘ARDS’ didn’t have it 24 hours later
- Measured prevalence from ICU population only (not general population)
- If no patients in 4 week period, ICU excluded from analysis (falsely high prevalence)
- Seasonal peak so not true prevalence
Mortality (Ranieri et al.)
ARDS Severity | PaO2/FiO2* | Mortality** |
Mild | 200 – 300 | 27% |
Moderate | 100 – 200 | 32% |
Severe | < 100 | 45% |
Risk factors for ARDS (Rubenfeld et al.)
- Severe sepsis with suspected pulmonary source (46%)
- Severe sepsis with suspected non-pulmonary source (33%)
- Witnessed aspiration (11%)
- Severe trauma (7%)
- Blood transfusion (3%)
- Drug overdose (3%)
- Pancreatitis (3%)
- Other (14%)
- Pulmonary contusion, severe burns, non-cardiogenic shock, pulmonary vasculitis and drowning
Diagnostic workup (Papazian et al.)
Pathogens | Species |
Bacteria | S. Pneumoniae H. Influenzae Enterobacteriaceae S. Aureus Legionella pneumophila Chalmydia pneumoniae Mycoplasma pneumoniae Pseudomonas aeruginosa Acinetobacter baumanii Stenotrophomonas maltophilia |
Viruses | Influenza A and B Rhinovirus RSV Parainfluenza Metapneumovirus Coronavirus Enterovirus Adenovirus HSV CMV |
Fungi | Pneumocystis jirovecii Aspergillus fumigatus |
Parasites | Toxoplasma gondii |
- Blood culture
- Urinary antigen testing
- Legionella pneumophila type 1
- S. pneumoniae
- Atypical serology
- Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Legionella longbeachie/pneumophila
- Respiratory viral PCR
- Fibreoptic BAL
- Gram-stain
- Giemsa-stain
- Better visualisation of host cell morphology e.g. viral inclusions, improved detection of bacteria, especially intracellular bacteria and detection of some protozoa/fungi
- Culture and PCR for respiratory viruses, Pneumocystis and Aspergillus
- Specific staining for Legionella, Pneumocystis and Toxoplasma gondii
- If no clinical risk factors for ARDS:
- BAL fluid cytology
- CT chest
- Specific immunological examinations
- Consider malignancy: Adenocarcinoma, lymphangitis
- Consider open lung biopsy

- Treat underlying aetiology + supportive cares
- Supplemental oxygen
- Non-invasive ventilation
- Intubation and ventilation with lung protective strategy
- Recruitment manoeuvres
- Prone
- Pulmonary vasodilators
- Surfactant
- Oscillation
Non-invasive ventilation
- No benefit of CPAP O2 vs. O2 (Delclaux et al.)
- BiPAP may reduce mortality and intubation rates (Ferrer et al.)
- Tested acute type 1 respiratory failure
- No benefit in ARDS sub-group but not designed for this
- BiPAP may be useful as first-line intervention in type 1 respiratory failure including mild ARDS (Thille et al.)
- Probably not helpful and possibly harmful in moderate/severe ARDS
Lung Protective Strategy
- Traditional: Vt 10-15mL/kg with control of arterial pH and PaCO2 taking precedence over lung protection
- Study aimed to ascertain if lower tidal volumes with permissive hypercapnoea/acidosis would improve clinical outcomes
- 861 patients, 10 ICU’s, intubated and MV with acute P/F ratio <300, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates and no clinical evidence of LA hypertension or PCWP <18
- Traditional tidal volume vs. lung protective strategy
- Outcomes
- 31% lung protective vs. 39.8% traditional mortality (P=0.005)
- Initial Vt = 8mL/kg PBW
- Reduce Vt by 1mL/kg at <2 hr intervals to 6mL/kg PBW
- Set initial rate to baseline MV (not > 35)
- Adjust Vt and RR to achieve pH and Pplat goals below
- Oxygenation goal
- PaO2 55-80, minimum PEEP 5
- Can use FiO/PEEP combinations as below
(not mandatory)
FiO2 | 0.3 | 0.4 | 0.4 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.6 | 0.7 | 0.7 | 0.7 | 0.8 | 0.9 | 0.9 | 0.9 | 1.0 |
PEEP | 5 | 5 | 8 | 8 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 12 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 16 | 18 | 18-24 |
- Plateau pressure goal <30cm H20
- Check at least q4h and after each change in PEEP or Vt
- If Pplat >30: Decrease Vt by 1mL/kg (min 4mL/kg)
- If Pplat <25 and Vt <6mL/kg increase Vt by 1mL/kg until Pplat >25 or Vt = 6mL/kg
- If Pplat <30 and breath-stacking or dys-synchrony: May increase Vt in 1mL/kg increments to 7-8mL/kg if Pplat remains <30
- pH Goal 7.30-7.45
- If pH 7.15-7.30: Increase RR up to max 35 until pH >7.30 or PCO2 <25
- If pH <7.15: Increase RR to 35. If pH remains <7.15, Vt can be increased by 1mL/kg steps. Can exceed Pplat >30 if necessary. Can consider HCO3
- If pH > 7.45: Decrease RR if possible
- I:E ratio goal
- Aim duration of inspiration <= duration of expiration (i.e. 1: >1)
Open lung ventilation strategy
- Involves increased PEEP in setting of lung protective tidal volumes
- No universal protocol
- May incorporate recruitment manoeuvres
- Potential benefits to increased PEEP
- Maximal recruitment of alveoli
- Minimises cyclic atelectasis and shear trauma
- Minimises de-nitrogenation atelectasis and oxygen toxicity (by allowing lower FiO2)
- Reduces inflammatory mediator release from alveolar collapse
Optimal PEEP
- Balance between regional over-stretch and regional de-recruitment
- May change over time
- Methods
- Adjust according to FiO2 (as per ARDSnet)
- Staircase recruitment manoeuvres
- Higher than the upper or lower inflection point on pressure-volume curve
- Adjust to maximise static compliance (Tv/Pplat-PEEP)
- Lowest intra-pulmonary shunt (highest mixed venous O2 saturation in pulmonary artery)
Optimal target PaO2
LOCO2 (Barrot et al.) was a prospective, multi-centre RCT in France with patients randomised to either conservative oxygenation (target PaO2 55-70mmHg) or liberal oxygenation (target PaO2 90-105mmHg)
Total of 205 patients randomised, with no statistical difference in primary outcome of death from any cause at day 28.
There was, however, a statistically significant trend towards higher mortality at 90 days in conservative group vs. liberal group (44.4% vs. 30.4%)
The trial was terminated early after 5 episodes of mesenteric ischaemia in the conservative group occurred.
Evidence for open lung strategy
- ALVEOLI (2004) – No difference in mortality between high and low PEEP with lung protective strategy
- LOVS (2008) – Improved oxygenation and less rescue intervention (i.e. ECMO) but no difference in mortality
- EXPRESS (2008) – More ventilator-free days, more organ-failure free days but no difference in mortality
- Briel (2010) –Meta-analysis of above 3 showed higher PEEP improved mortality among ARDS but not ALI patients
Pressure-volume (compliance) curves
FiO2 | 0.3 | 0.4 | 0.4 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.6 | 0.7 | 0.7 | 0.7 | 0.8 | 0.9 | 0.9 | 0.9 | 1.0 |
PEEP | 5 | 5 | 8 | 8 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 12 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 16 | 18 | 18-24 |
P-V curves in ARDS
- Appears sigmoidal between FRC and TLC
- Normally linear and concave down at higher lung volumes between FRC and TLC in healthy subjects
- Lower volume excursion to TLC
- Entire curve shifted down on absolute volume axis

- Static compliance
- Vt/(Ppeak – PEEP) (i.e. ΔP/ Δ V)
- Assumes linear relationship when true curve sigmoidal
- If increase PEEP, improved static compliance may just be movement up pressure-volume curve
- Quasi-static PV curves
- Multiple methods but essentially measure multiple P-V points with tidal breaths in between along both inspiratory and expiratory limbs to generate curve
- Reflects balance of chest wall and lung parenchymal forces
- Lung volume where outward chest expansion balances inward retraction of lung parenchyma = FRC
- Chest wall contributes to most curvature below FRC; lung contributes most to curvature above FRC
- Increased compliance on descending limb of P-V curve vs. inspiratory limb
- Minimal with small volume changes but increases as volume excursion increases
- Mainly determined by air-liquid surface interactions within alveoli
- Results from 4 processes:
- Recruitment/derecruitment
- Surfactant
- Stress relaxation of lung i.e. previously collapsed or fully inflated prior to measurements
- Gas absorption during measurements of P-V curves
Recruitment manoeuvres
- Involves transient elevation in airway pressure applied during mechanical ventilation to ‘recruit’ lung units and increase number of alveoli involved in gas exchange
- Cochrane review (Hodgson et al.)
- 10 trials (1658 patients) involved. Heterogenous study group and many co-interventions that could lead to bias
- Reduced ICU mortality (RR 0.83, P=0.02)
- No difference in 28 day mortality
- No difference in in-hospital mortality
- No difference in risk of barotrauma
- Methods
- 40cmH20 for 40-60 seconds
- 3 consecutive sighs/min with Pplat of 45cmH20
- 2 min peak pressure of 50cmH20 and PEEP above upper inflection point
- RAMP: Low slow increase in insp pressure up to 40cmH20
- Stepped increase in pressure (e.g. Staircare Recruitment Manoeuvre)
- Disadvantages
- May require heavy sedation/paralysis
- Transient benefits at times
- Haemodynamic instability (reduced preload)
- Hypercapnoea
- May worsen VQ matching
- Overdistension and repeated opening of lung leading to ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI)
- Risk of pneumothorax
- Early high-dose methylprednisolone no benefit on mortality (Bernard et al.)
- Prolonged low-dose methylprednisolone in prolonged ARDS (>7 days) no benefit on mortality (Steinberg et al.)
- Significantly increased mortality if initiated 2 weeks or more after onset
- Early (before day 14) and prolonged (>7 days) glucocorticoids accelerate resolution and decrease hospital mortality (Meduri et al.)
- Unclear which steroid (hydrocortisone or methylprednisolone) or what level of dosing provides benefit
Neuromuscular blockade
(Papazian et al.)
- Hypothesised to assist open lung ventilation strategy
- In moderate-severe ARDS, Cisatracurium infusion vs. placebo significantly improved mortality once adjusted for baseline P/F ratio, plateau pressure and SAP II score
Prone positioning
- Potential benefits (Pelosi/Gattinoni/Pappert/Gillart)
- Prone positioning optimises both lung recruitment and VQ matching
- Collapse due to gravity of ventral lung segments in prone is less than that of dorsal segments in supine position, while lung perfusion in prone is more evenly distributed
- Enhanced postural drainage of secretions
- Meta-analysis (Sud et al.) showed prone positioning >14 hours per day for median 4.7 days improved mortality in subgroup with P/F ratio <140
- Reduced VAP
- Risks of pressure ulcers, ET obstruction and dislodgements
- RCT of only P/F ratio <150 (Guerin et al. PROSEVA) showed at least 16 hrs continuous proning per day showed significantly reduced mortality (16% vs. 32%)
Nitric oxide
- Inhaled nitric oxide is selective pulmonary vasodilator with minimal systemic effects
- Taylor et al.
- No significant effect on mortality in moderate-severe ARDS but induced rapid improvement in oxygen lasting 24 hours
- No study performed with primary mortality outcomes
- Shown to improve PaO2 and reduce PAP as well as inhaled NO (Van heerden et al.; Walmrath et al.; Zwissler et al.)
- Cochrane study found insufficient evidence to support or refute its use
- IV prostacyclin
- Systemic vasodilation leading to reduced systemic arterial pressure
- Non-selective pulmonary vasodilation with reversal of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction leading to perfused of non-ventilated alveoli
- Paediatric studies have shown improved oxygenation, reduced duration of ventilation and improved survival in:
- Preterm infants with surfactant deficiency
- Term infants with pneumonia and meconium aspiration [Auten/Findlay/Khammash/Lotze]
- 5 RCT’s of exogenous surfactant use in adult ARDS failed to demonstrate sustained benefit
High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV)
- Lungs held inflated to maintain oxygenation
- CO2 cleared by small volumes of gas moved in and out of lungs at 3-15Hz
- Theoretically minimises shear forces and opening/closing trauma
- OSCAR trial (Young et al. 2013)
- No significant difference in mortality at 1 month in moderate-severe ARDS
- No significant difference in mortality at 1 month in moderate-severe ARDS
- OSCILLATE (Ferguson et al. 2013)
- Study terminated early due to markedly higher mortality in HFOV group (47% vs. 35%)
- Rationale for use
- Rescue therapy for severe refractory hypoxaemia, hypercapnoea or both
- Typically venovenous ECMO or venoarterial if significant cardiac dysfunction
- To replace/reduce mechanical ventilation and reduce harmful effects of ventilator-induced lung injury
- Venovenous ECMO or ECCO2R (studies ongoing)
- Rescue therapy for severe refractory hypoxaemia, hypercapnoea or both
- H1N1 Pandemic (Davies et al.)
- 68 patients received ECMO in Aus/NZ
- 78% survival rate vs. 52-70% in previous studies without ECMO support
- 2009 UK prospective RCT
- Severe respiratory failure taken to central site and treated with ECMO vs. conventional ventilation
- 90 patients in each group from 68 centres
- Significant improvement in mortality (37% vs. 53%)
- Issues
- Not all patients assigned to ECMO received it (some died on the way or improved enough to not need it)
- Only a few of conventional group received protective ventilation strategy
- SUPERNOVA and REST studies ongoing
- Ultraprotective strategy with extracorporeal low-flow CO2 removal
- Ongoing multicentre pilot study of lower Vt at 4mL/kg facilitated by ECCO2R
- Aspirin (Kor et al.)
- Aspirin vs. placebo in patients at risk of ARDS showed no statistical difference in incidence of ARDS or mortality
- Aspirin vs. placebo in patients at risk of ARDS showed no statistical difference in incidence of ARDS or mortality
- Statins (Xiong et al.)
- Statin vs. placebo meta-analysis of patients at risk of diagosed with ALI/ARDS showing no significant difference in incidence of ARDS or mortality
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Last Updated on December 29, 2021 by Andrew Crofton
Andrew Crofton
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