Acute renal failure

RIFLE classification

RIFLE categoryGFRUrine output
Risk1.5x baseline0.5mL/kg/hr for 6 hours
Injury2.0x baseline0.5mL/kg/hr for 12 hours
Failure3.0x baseline OR >350micromol/L and acute increase >500.3mL/kg/hr for 24 hours OR Anuria for 12 hours
LossComplete loss of kidney function >4 weeks
End-stageNeed for renal replacement therapy for >3 months


  • Pre-renal
  • Renal
  • Post-renal
  • Community-acquired
    • 70% pre-renal due to volume depletion vs. 20% intrinsic
    • 90% are reversible (mostly volume depletion)
  • Hospital-acquired
    • 70% intrinsic, especially acute tubular necrosis, vs. 20% pre-renal
    • Often in ICU with other organ dysfunction
    • Much higher mortality, dialysis requirements, rates of progression to ESRF


  • Linear correlation of severity of ARF (as per RIFLE) and mortality
    • No renal injury 4.4%
    • Risk 15.1%
    • Injury 29.2%
    • Failure 41.1%
  • ARF with sepsis increases mortality by 30% compared to ARF alone
  • Mortality for patients presenting to ED with pre-renal ARF may be as low as 7%
  • Patients >80yo with ARF have similar mortality rates to younger patients
  • Mortality in paediatric ARF is 25%!!!


  • Intrinsic
    • Can divide into tubular (ATN), glomerular, interstitial and small-vessel
    • Most common cause of intrinsic renal failure is ischaemic acute renal failure (aka ATN or AKI)
    • Occurs when renal perfusion is decreased enough to cause ischaemic injury to renal parenchyma
    • Patients with chronic hypertension can have alterations to autoregulation and suffer acute kidney injury at blood pressures that would be normal for most patients = normotensive ischaemic ARF
  • Obstructive
    • Initially increased tubular pressure with reduced driving force for filtration
    • Pressure gradient soon equalisers and maintenance of depressed GFR requires vasoconstrictor release


  • Restoration of renal blood flow is the key to recovery
  • Pre-renal: Volume restoration
  • Post-renal: Rapid relief of urinary obstruction results in prompt decrease in vasoconstriction
  • Intrinsic: Clearance of tubular toxins and initiation of therapy for glomerular diseases decreases vasoconstriction and helps restore renal blood flow
  • Remaining functional nephrons increase their filtration and hypertrophy and GFR will recover proportionately to size of remnant nephron pool
  • If nephron pool below critical number, continued hyperfiltration results in glomerulosclerosis and nephron loss ultimately leading to viscious cycle of damage and complete renal failure


  • Usually symptoms correlate with underlying cause rather than acute renal failure itself
  • Pre-renal
    • Dehydration, excessive fluid losses, third-spacing


  • Intrinsic
    • Ischaemic AKI expected post-MI, severe sepsis or systemic hypotension
    • Crystal-induced nephropathy, nephrolithiasis and renal papillary necrosis present as flank pain and haematuria
    • Pigment-induced ARF should be suspected if possible rhabdo (e.g. myalgias, prolonged seizures, recent coma, recreational intoxication, excessive exercise) and with haemolysis
    • Acute GN – Darkening urine and oedema with constitutional symptoms (possibly preceded by pharyngitis (post-strep GN), cutaneous infection or viral infection [IgA nephropathy])
    • Interstitial nephritis – Fever (27%), arthralgia and rash (15%) common, eosinophilia (23%)
      • Triad of rash, fever, eosinophilia in 10% (CLASSIC)
      • Finding of eosinophilia in ARF with no clear cause should raise suspicion for AIN
      • Urine white cell casts suggest AIN
    • Acute renal artery occlusion marked by flank pain and haematuria
    • Pulmonary-renal syndrome – Cough, dyspnoea, haemoptysis (Goodpasture’s, Wegener’s)


  • Post-renal
    • Prostatic disease, IDC, alternating polyuria/oliguria, clots


  • Vitals
    • Postural tachycardia >30 is suggestive of large volume loss but not sensitive for moderate losses
    • Must assess volume status
    • Fever suggests infectious or immunological cause
  • Skin examination
    • Livedo reticularis, malar rash, digital ischaemia, palpable purpura, petechiae all suggest systemic vasculitis, atheroembolic disease or infective endocarditis
    • Maculopapular rash suggests allergic interstitial nephritis
    • Track marks suggest endocarditis
  • Eyes
    • Keratitis, iritis, uveitis suggest autoimmune vasculitis
    • Jaundice suggests liver disease
    • Diabetic, hypertensive or atheroembolic retinopathy


  • CVS
    • AF suggests embolic disease
    • Murmur suggests endocarditis or thrombus
    • S3 gallop, JVP distension, hepatojugular reflex all suggest heart failure
  • Respiratory
    • Pulmonary exam may suggest CCF, Goodpasture’s, Wegener’s
  • Abdomen
    • Examine for stones, flank tenderness, obstruction

Causes of acute renal failure

Factors that increase susceptibility

  • Failure to decrease arteriolar resistance
    • Old age, atherosclerosis, chronic HTN, CKD
    • Reduction in vasodilatory prostaglandins (NSAID’s, COX-2 inhibitors)
    • Afferent vasoconstriction (sepsis, hypercalcaemia, hepatorenal syndrome, contrast, tacrolimus/cyclosporine)
  • Failure to increase efferent arteriolar resistance
    • ACEi, ARB
    • Much more common if volume deplete as reliant on post-glomerular vasoconstriction for maintenance of GFR
  • Renal artery stenosis

Pre-renal differential

  • Hypovolaemia
    • GI loss, diuretics, third-spacing, burns, post-obstructive diuresis, poor intake
  • Hypotension (relative)
    • Sepsis, haemorrhage, reduced CO, antihypertensives, high-output failure
  • Renal artery/small vessel
    • Embolism, thrombosis, sickle cell, dissection, NSAIDs/ACEi/ARB (microvasculature), cyclosporine/tacrolimus
    • Microvascular thrombosis: Pre-eclampsia, HUS, DIC, vasculitis, sickle call
    • Hypercalcaemia


  • Risk factors
    • Increasing age
    • Male
    • Malignancy
    • Nephrolithiasis
    • Retroperitoneal disease
    • GU surgery
    • IDC
  • Significant permanent loss of renal function occurs within 10-14 days if complete obstruction exists
    • Risk significantly increased if complicated by UTI

Post-renal differential

  • Trauma
  • Blood clots
  • Urethral phimosis/stricture
  • Neurogenic bladder: Diabetes, spinal cord injury, MS, anticholinergics, alpha antagonists, opioids
  • Calculus BOO
  • Prostatism
  • Cancer of prostate, bladder, cervix, colon
  • Ureter: Stone, papillary necrosis (DM, sickle cell, pyelo), tumors of any abdominal structure, retroperitoneal fibrosis (idiopathic, TB, sarcoidosis, propranolol)
  • Aortic aneurysm, pregnant uterus, IBD, accident surgical ligation

Intrinsic renal failure

  • In community-acquired: Drugs and infection
  • In hospital-acquired: Toxins and ischaemic insults
  • DDx
    • Tubular disease
      • Ischaemic ATN
      • Nephrotoxins: Aminoglycosides, radiocontrast, cisplatin, rhabdo
      • Obstruction: Uric acid, calcium oxalate, myeloma light chains, amyloid, acyclovir, indinavir

Intrinsic renal failure

  • DDx continued…
    • Interstitial disease
      • Acute interstitial nephritis: NSAID’s, penicillin, diuretics, phenytoin, allopurinol, rifampicin, bactrim, cipro, PPI’s
        • May be an association between PPI and recurrent AIN with subsequent CKD
        • Drugs are the cause of 70-75% of cases (30-50% antibiotics)
      • Infection: Bilateral pyelo, Legionella, Leptospirosis, Streptococcal infection (4-10%)
      • Infiltrative: Sarcoidosis, lymphoma
      • Autoimmune: SLE 

Intrinsic renal failure

  • DDx continued…
    • Glomerular disease
      • Rapidly progressive GN: Goodpasture’s, Wegener’s, HSP, SLE, membranoproliferative
      • Post-infectious GN: Post-strep, IgA nephropathy (post-viral)
    • Small-vessel disease
      • Microvascular thrombosis: Vasculitis, pre-eclampsia, HUS, DIC, TTP
      • Malignant hypertension
      • Scleroderma
      • Renal vein thrombosis

Intrinsic renal failure

  • Crystal-induced nephropathy
    • Precipitation of crystals in tubules leading to mechanical and inflammatory injury
    • Most often seen with elevated uric acid levels due to tumor lysis syndrome

Intrinsic renal failure

  • Radiocontrast-induced nephropathy
    • Increasing creatinine over 3-5 days, followed by complete resolution
    • Risk factors include CKD, diabetes (insulin-dependent), metformin, older age, hypovolaemia, hypoalbuminaemia
    • Significant concern if GFR <60
    • Gadolinium should not be given if eGFR <30 due to risk of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
    • Identify at risk patients, avoid other nephrotoxins, provide adequate hydration and use low or iso-osmolar radiocontrast dyes
    • No conclusive evidence for N-acetylcysteine, sodium bicarbonate
    • Some evidence that effect of contrast has been overstated (find reference)

Intrinsic renal failure

  • ACEi
    • Dilate postglomerular capillaries to increase renal blood flow and decrease the glomerular filtration fraction
    • Leads to 10-20% rise in creatinine normally but rarely can be more severe
    • Consider bilateral renal artery stenosis, volume depletion or concomitant use of other nephrotoxic agents
  • NSAID’s
    • Decrease synthesis of vasodilatory prostaglandins, resulting in reduced GFR and renal blood flow
    • Risk factors include older age, CKD, CCF, diabetes, volume depletion and use of diuretics/ACEi
  • Aminoglycosides
    • Trough concentration is most predictive of renal injury (hence once daily dosing)

Intrinsic renal failure

  • Other drugs
    • Amphotericin
    • Beta-lactams (interstitial nephropathy)
    • Sulphonamides
    • Acyclovir
    • Methotrexate
    • Cisplatin
    • Cyclosporin A
    • Tacrolimus

Papillary necrosis

  • Associated with DM, analgesics, pyelonephritis and urinary obstruction
  • Analgesic nephropathy
    • Characterised by papillary necrosis and chronic interstitial nephritis
    • Typically combination agents that contain codeine or caffeine
    • Phenacetin was particularly associated with this
    • Usually no symptoms
    • Flank pain or haematuria can occur in the setting of papillary necrosis
    • USS and CT show small kidneys, renal papillary calcifications and an indented/irregular kidney contour

Hepatorenal syndrome

  • Acute renal failure in setting of severe liver dysfunction without other cause
  • Progressive oliguria with very low urine sodium <10mmol/L
  • Other causes of acute renal failure are much more common in this setting including sepsis, paracentesis-induced hypovolaemia, raised intra-abdominal pressure, diuretic-induced hypovolaemia, lactulose-induced hypovolaemia, alcoholic cardiomyopathy
  • Avoidance of hypovolaemia with albumin use during paracentesis decreases the incidence of renal failure

Rhabdomyolysis induced ARF

  • 5-10% of acute renal failure presenting to ICU is due to rhabdo
  • Need prompt and aggressive fluid resuscitation
  • Eliminate causative agents
  • Correct compartment syndromes
  • Alkalinise urine pH >6.5
  • Maintain polyuria (>300mL/hr)
  • Mannitol is controversial


  • Patient with low baseline Creatinine can lose up to 50% of functioning nephrons before creatinine is “elevated
  • Those with lower muscle mass have lower GFR’s for any creatinine level
  • GN causes increased tubular secretion of creatinine and falsely decrease serum creatinine (thus falsely elevating GFR)
  • Trimethoprim, cimetidine and salicylates decrease tubular secretion of creatinine and falsely increase serum creatinine (thus falsely depressing GFR)
  • In patients with no glomerular filtration, creatinine rises 90-270micromol/L/day
    • If faster than this, suggests rhabdo
    • If slower than this, suggests residual nephron function


  • Urea:creatinine ratio
    • Both passively filtered at glomerulus 
    • Creatinine remains in tubule
    • Urea is passively reabsorbed with sodium
    • In setting of active sodium reabsorption (hypovolaemia), urea clearance is as low as 30% of GFR with resultant Urea:creatinine ratio >100 (mmol/L:mmol/L)
      • Remember creatinine provided in micromol/L so need to divide by 1000
    • Caveats:
      • Urea may be elevated by GI haemorrhage, protein loading or trauma
      • Urea may be low in malnutrition and hepatic synthetic dysfunction


  • Urine microscopy
    • Red cell casts and dysmorphic cells occur in glomerulonephritis due to increased tonicity of the renal medulla
    • In ATN tubular epithelial cells break down allowing protein and epithelial cells to enter urine


  • Urine microscopy
    • Casts
      • Hyaline casts: Common in prerenal failure but can be normal
      • Pigmented granular casts: Ischaemic or ATN
      • Brown granular casts: Pigment nephropathy
    • Hb on dipstick with no red cells on microscopy = myoglobinuria


  • Fractional excretion of sodium
    • Measured percent of filtered sodium excreted in urine to differentiate pre-renal from ATN
    • If pre-renal, get low FENa <1% as kidneys attempt to reabsorb Na
    • If ATN, get failure of tubular function and subsequent failure to reabsorb Na with FENa >2%
    • If 1-2%, could be either
    • = (UNa x Serum Creatinine) / (Serum Na x Urine Creatinine) x 100


  • Rule out lower tract obstruction with bedside USS
  • Upper tract obstruction 
    • USS
      • Preferred with 90% sensitivity and specificity for hydronephrosis due to mechanical obstruction
      • Hyperechogenicity indicates diffuse parenchymal disease
      • Colour flow Doppler allows assessment of renal blood flow
      • Caveats
        • May have functional hydronephrosis in chronic reflux nephropathy
        • May not show hydronephrosis even with complete obstruction in the setting of retroperitoneal fibrosis
        • Intermittent or partial obstruction may not result in hydronephrosis
    • Non-contrast CT KUB
      • Sensitivity equivalent to USS but will localise obstructing pathology

Diagnostic sequence

  • ABC
  • Volume status
  • VBG/ECG for hyperkalaemia
  • CXR for volume/effusions/pneumonia
  • Find and treat underlying cause
    • Exclude urinary obstruction early
  • Find and treat complications
  • Labs as above
  • Postvoid residual >125mL suggests bladder outlet obstruction and need to leave IDC in until cause and solution found

Post-obstruction diuresis

  • Seen following prolonged obstruction, usually with ARF
  • Admission recommended if diuresis >250mL/hr for >2 hours with otherwise uncomplicated urethral obstruction
  • Can be fatal

Medical Therapy

  • Manage hyperkalaemia aggressively
  • Frusemide
    • If hypervolaemic and NOT anuric UpToDate advises 80mg IV trial
  • Sodium bicarbonate
    • Jaber et al. 2018 showed potential benefit on mortality and time on vasopressors and need for haemodialysis in a predominantly septic group with AKI
    • Target pH 7.25-7.30 and normal serum bicarbonate
    • Risks of hypocalcaemia, hypokalaemia, hypervolaemia and CO2 accumulation if not able to hyperventilate
    • 100mmol over an hour is a reasonable start
    • If patient is anuric, remember 1000mOsm/L means will rapidly draw free water into vascular compartment and potentially worsen APO

Indications for emergency dialysis

  • Oliguria (UO <200mL/12hrs)
  • Anuria (0-50mL/12hrs)
  • Refractory hyperkalaemia >6.5 or rapidly rising
  • Refractory metabolic acidosis pH 7.1
  • Refractory fluid overload with hypoxia
  • Uraemic encephalopathy/pericarditis/myopathy/neuropathy
  • Serum Na <115 or > 165
  • Life-threatening dialysable intoxication e.g. lithium, aspirin, methanol, ethylene glycol or theophylline
  • Temperature >40
  • Controversial excessive urea/creatinine levels
    • Urea >35
    • Creatinine >400

Renal replacement therapy

  • Water removal
    • Ultrafiltration by driving pressure achieved by generating a transmembrane pressure which is greater than oncotic pressure (HF or IHD) or increasing the osmolarity of the dialysate (PD)
  • Solute removal
    • Electrochemical gradient across membrane using a flow-past system with toxin-free dialysate (diffusion) (as in IHD and PD)
    • Creating a transmembrane pressure-driven ‘solvent drag’, where solute moves with solvent (convection) across a porous membrane, is then discarded and replaced with toxin-free fluid (HF)

Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT)

  • Continuous venovenous haemodialysis/haemodiafiltration
    • Dialysate is delivered countercurrent to blood flow to achieve either pure diffusive clearance or mixed diffusive/convective clearance
    • Dosing
      • Expressed as effective effluent per kg per hour
      • Typically 25mL/kg/hr
    • Anticoagulation
      • Low-dose heparin (<500IU/hr) is sufficient in most patients to achieve adequate filter life (24 hours) and has almost no effect on patient coagulation profiles
      • Regional heparin/protamine anticoagulation is an option if frequent filter clotting occurs and further anticoagulation of the patient is considered dangerous
      • Heparinoids may be required if HITTS is suspected


  • Filter clotting
    • Often due to inadequate flow, inadequate access, kinking rather than inadequate anticoagulation
    • Simply increasing anticoagulation is a mistake
    • 13.5Fr at femoral position have the least risk of inadequate flow (<200mL/min)

Intermittent HD

  • Countercurrent dialysate flow is still used
  • Higher dialysate flows (300-400mL/min) and runs for only 3-4 hours every 2nd day
  • Rapid volume removal can cause hypotension
  • Solute removal is episodic
  • Shifts in brain water content can raise ICP


  • Charcoal cartridge used instead of dialysis membrane
    • Remove molecules fo 300-500Da MW
  • Ion exchange resin (Amberlite) can also be used
  • Can cause rapid shift in intravascular volume due to large volume for priming of cartridge (260mL)
  • Glucose absorption is significant
  • Thrombocytopaenia is common
  • May be useful in life-threatening theophylline toxicity

Plasmapheresis/plasma exchange

  • Plasmafilter (allows passage of molecules up to 500kDa and filtrate (plasma) is discarded
  • Post-filter replacement of 50/50 FFP/albumin for example
  • Effective for TTP, GBS, cryoglobulinaemia, myaesthenia gravis, Goodpasture’s due to antibody removal

SLEDD (slow low-efficiency daily dialysis)

  • 12 hour treatments
  • No anticoagulation required
  • No mortality difference vs. CRRT
  • Can use SLEDD-F (SLED-diafiltration) to remove middle molecules in SIRS
  • Cheaper than CRRT
  • Unknown effects on drug clearance
  • Risk of hypophosphataemia and hypothermia

What sort?

  • Fear of early dialysis stems from risk of cardiovacular instability seen with intermittent HD
  • Continuous RRT and slow low-efficiency daily dialysis (SLEDD) minimise these effects
  • Targets
    • Urea 15-25 with protein intake around 1.5g/kg/day
    • Easily achieved with 35-45L/day urea clearance rate with CVVHDF

Last Updated on November 11, 2020 by Andrew Crofton

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