Acute Coronary Syndrome


  • >30% of all deaths in developed countries
  • 3-6% of those thought to have an alternative cause for chest pain ultimately have short-term adverse cardiac events
    • Reserve diagnoses of non-cardiac chest pain to those with a very low likelihood of coronary artery disease (<1%) and clear evidence of alternative diagnoses only
  • 1-6% of patients with a normal ECG will ultimately be diagnosed as NSTEMI + another 4% will have unstable angina
  • Dynamic ECG changes confer
    • 84% risk of CAD with classical anginal symptoms
    • 85% risk of CAD with non-classic anginal symptoms


  • Rise and/or fall of troponin, with at least one value >99th centile + one of:
    • Symptoms of myocardial ischaemia
    • New (or presumably new) ST/T wave changes or LBBB
    • Development of pathological Q waves (>40ms wide, >2mm deep (sometimes normal in III, aVR), >25% of QRS, leads V1-3 (always pathological)
    • New loss of viable myocardium or regional wall motion abnormality
    • Identification of coronary thrombus by angiography or autopsy
  • Types of MI
    • Type I – Spontaneous due to plaque disruption
    • Type 2 – Imbalance O2 delivery/demand
    • Type 3 – MI resulting in death in absence of biomarkers
    • Type 4 – PCI–related MI
    • Type 5 – CABG-related MI

Unstable angina

  • <4% of patients have normal biomarkers and ECG with altered pattern of previously stable angina
  • New onset angina is considered unstable at first presentation
  • Rest angina
    • Angina at rest that is usually >20 min duration (most common presentation of NSTEMI)
  • New-onset angina
    • New-onset angina that markedly limits normal physical activity such as walking 1-2 blocks or climbing 1 flight of stairs or lighter activity
  • Increasing angina
    • Previously diagnosed angina that has become more frequent, of longer duration or is lower in threshold, limiting ability to walk 1-2 blocks, climb 1 flight of stairs or perform lighter activity

Risk factors

Predict CAD over time not likelihood at specific point in time

  • DM
  • HTN
  • Lipids
  • FHx <50
  • Male
  • Obesity
  • Previous MI
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Inactivity

NYHA Angina Classification

  • Class 1 – Cardiac disease without limitation of activity
  • Class 2 – Cardiac disease with slight limitation of activity
  • Class 3 – Cardiac disease with marked limitation of activity
  • Class 4 – Symptoms at rest or with any activity whatsoever

Risk stratification of confirmed ACS (NHF)

  • Very high risk
    • Haemodynamic instability
    • Life-threatening arrhythmia or cardiac arrest
    • Recurrent or ongoing ischaemia or recurrent dynamic ST/T wave changes, especially:
      • Intermittent ST elevation
      • DeWinter’s T waves
      • Wellen’s syndrome
      • LMCA syndrome
      • Widespread ST elevation in 2 or more coronary territories
  • High risk
    • Rise and/or fall in troponin consistent with MI
    • Persistent or dynamic ST segment and/or T wave changes with or without symptoms
    • GRACE score >140
  • Intermediate risk
    • DM
    • Renal insufficiency
    • LVEF <40%
    • Prior CABG/PCI
    • GRACE 109-140
  • Low risk
    • No recurrent symptoms
    • No risk criteria

Assessment of bleeding risk

  • Important pre-thrombolysis
  • CRUSADE score
    • HR
    • SBP
    • Haematocrit
    • Creatinine clearance
    • Sex
    • Signs of CCF
    • Hx of vascular disease
    • Hx of DM

STEMI criteria

  • 2 or more contiguous leads
    • >2.5mm STE in V2/3 in males <40
    • >2.0mm STE in V2/3 in males >40
    • >1.5mm STE in V2/3 in females
    • >1.0mm STE in all other leads
  • New LBBB considered STEMI equivalent and treated similarly (but not as predictive as once thought)
  • Cameron suggests >2mm in any 2 contiguous praecordial leads and >1mm in any 2 contiguous limb leads

Up to 20% of STEMI are diagnosed on serial ECG!

Original Sgarbossa

  • Concordant STE >1mm (5)
  • Concordant ST depression >1mm in V1-3 (3)
  • Discordant ST elevation >5mm (2)
  • >= 3 = 90% specific for MI

Modified Sgarbossa

  • Concordant STE >1mm
  • Concordant ST depression >1mm in V1-3
  • Discordant ST elevation >25% of preceding S wave amplitude
  • If meet any of above criteria = activate cath lab (99% specific)
  • Only 80% sensitive (therefore cannot rule out acute coronary occlusion)

Specific syndromes

Atypical chest pain

  • 1/3 of MI’s have NO CHEST PAIN
  • Often present with dyspnea alone or weakness, N&V, epigastric discomfort, palpitations, syncope or cardiac arrest
  • Often diabetic, female, elderly

ST elevation

  • In general, the higher the ST elevation and the more ST segments that are elevated, the more extensive the injury
  • New ST elevation >= 1mm in two contiguous chest leads is seen in 50% of acute MI with PPV of 90%
  • 50% of acute MI have normal or non-diagnostic ECG

Acute inferior MI

  • 80-90% due to RCA occlusion; 10-20% LCx
  • ST elevation in V4R and ST elevation III>II strongly predict RCA
  • Reciprocal ST depression in V1/2 may suggest LCx (although in distal RCA occlusion without RV involvement can still get this)
  • ST elevation in V4-6 appears equally prevalent in each
  • V3:III ratio (ratio of ST depression in V3 relative to ST elevation in lead III)
    • <0.5 indicates proximal RCA
    • 0.5-1.2 indicates distal RCA occlusion
    • >1.2 indicates LCx
  • Isoelectric or ST elevation in I/aVL suggests LCx

DeWinter’s T waves

  • Tall, prominent, symmetric T waves in praecordial leads
  • Upsloping ST segment depression >1mm in praecordial leads
  • Absence of ST elevation in praecordial leads
  • ST segment elevation 0.5-1mm in aVR
  • Highly predictive of LAD occlusion

Wellen’s syndrome

  • Deeply inverted or biphasic T waves in V2-3 (may extend to V1-6)
  • Minimal STE
  • No praecordial Q waves
  • Recent history of angina
  • ECG pattern evident when pain free
  • Normal or slightly elevated troponin
  • Critical stenosis of LAD

Left main coronary artery syndrome

  • Widespread horizontal ST depression, most prominent in I, II and V4-6
  • ST elevation in aVR >1mm
    • Also seen in proximal LAD, triple vessel, diffuse subendocardial ischaemia (i.e. following resuscitation from cardiac arrest – mismatch)
    • Predicts the need for CABG
    • >0.5mm = 4-fold increase in mortality
    • >1mm = 6-7 fold increase in mortality
    • >1.5mm = Mortality of 20-75%
  • ST elevation in aVR > V1
    • Differentiates LMCA from proximal LAD occlusion

New or presumed new LBBB

  • <10% have AMI but early studies of fibrinolytic therapy found increased mortality in this group and benefit from fibrinolysis
  • Counts as STEMI in Heart Foundation guideline

Reciprocal ECG changes

  • Due to subendocardial ischaemia and denote:
    • Larger area of injury risk
    • Increased severity of underlying CAD
    • More severe pump failure
    • Higher likelihood of cardiovascular complications
    • Increased mortality


VesselMyocardial regionECG changes
Proximal LADAnteroseptalST elevation: V1, V2, V3, V4, I, aVL
ST depression: aVF, III, V5, V6
Proximal LAD after D1Anteroseptal with basolateral sparingAs above with ST depression aVL
First Diagonal – D1 (off LAD)High-lateralST elevation: I, aVL
(minimal ST elevation in V1, V2, V3)
ST depression: III, aVF  
Distal LADInferoapicalST elevation: V3, V4, V5, V6, I, II, aVF
ST depression: aVR
Main septal branch (off LAD)Septum onlyST elevation V1/V2
ST depression II, III, aVF, V5, V6
Dominant LCxInferoposteriorST elevation: II, III, aVF, I, aVL, V5, V6
ST depression: V1, V2, V3, V4
Non-dominant LCxPosteriorST elevation: Minimal I, aVL, V5, V6
ST depression: V1, V2, V3, V4
Proximal RCAInfero-posterior if dominant
Inferior only if non-dominant
ST elevation: II, III, aVF, V4R
ST depression: V1, V2, V3
Distal RCARV onlyST elevation: II, III, aVF, V4R
ST depression: Minimal
OM1 (off LCx)Isolated lateral wallST elevation: I, aVL, V5, V6
ST depression: II, III, aVF
Wrap-around LADAnteroseptal + InferiorST elevation: V1-4, II, III, aVF
Ramus intermediusIsolated lateral wallST elevation: I, aVL, V5, V6
ST depression: II, III, aVF
Left main coronary arteryAnterior, anterosuperior and posterolateral. Spares inferior usually.ST elevation: aVR > V1
ST depression: All
Bold indicates maximal ST deviation
Conduction pathwayArterial supply
SA Node60% RCA; 40% LCx
AV node90% RCA; 10% LCx
Bundle of HisMainly RCA but septal branches of LAD may contribute
RBBBSeptal branches of LAD but collaterals from RCA/LCx may contribute
Posterior fascicleProximally supplied by RCA Distally supplied by septal branches of LAD
Anterior fascicleSeptal branches of LAD

Coronary anatomy

The Radiology Assistant : Coronary anatomy and anomalies


  • >95% sensitivity/specificity
    • Sensitivity improved by endovascular USS
  • Normal angiogram rules out atherosclerosis
    • Coronary artery spasm or slow flow can still precipitate symptoms
  • Complications
    • Arterial access – Haematoma, fistula, pseudoaneurysm
    • Major bleeding in 5%
    • Stroke 0.01%, ICH 0.05%
    • Nephropathy in 2%
    • VF in 4%
    • Re-stenosis (1%)
    • Dissection 1/1000
  • Results
    • Severity of lesions and size of distal vessels can be underestimated
    • 75% reduction in cross-section = 50% diameter reduction
    • 90% reduction in cross-section = 67% diameter reduction
    • Severity
      • 50% stenosis likely to cause exertional pain
      • >70% stenosis likely to cause functional impairment
      • 90% stenosis likely to cause rest pain
      • >95% stenosis likely to completely occlude within days/weeks
    • Ulcerated lesions more likely to be thrombogenic
    • The larger the area supplied by the artery, the more significant the lesion

STEMI management

  • Target SpO2 >93%
  • Analgesia
  • Antiemetic
  • GTN (S/L, tab or infusion)
  • Antiplatelet
    • Aspirin 300mg
    • PCI
      • Clopidogrel 600mg then 150mg daily
      • Ticagrelor 180mg load (unless immediate CABG possibility) preferred if diabetic, stent thrombosis, recurrent events on clopidogrel or high burden of disease on angiography
      • Ticagrelor should not be used if previous haemorrhage stroke or liver disease
    • Fibrinolysis
      • Clopidogrel 300mg
    • CABG
      • Nothing unless planned for a weeks time when ciagrelor preferred
  • Anticoagulation
    • If undergoing PCI
      • Heparin bolus 60U/kg (max 4000IU) then heparin infusion 12U/kg/hr (max 1000IU/hr) or Enoxaparin 1mg/kg SC BD
    • If undergoing fibrinolysis
      • Enoxaparin 30mg IV bolus if under 75 THEN 1mg/kg (max 100mg) beginning 15 minutes after bolus) or 0.75mg/kg if over 75 yo
  • Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors
    • At time of PCI
    • Prasugrel reduced composite (CV death, non-fatal MI or stroke) in clopidogrel-naïve patients undergoing PCI
    • Prasugrel contraindicated in prior stroke/TIA, age >75 or <60kg
  • PLATO trial
    • Ticagrelor reduced composite (CV death, non-fatal MI and stroke) and reduced CV mortality in clopidogrel naïve with STEMI or moderate-high risk NSTEMI
    • Increased non-CABG-related bleeding risk vs. clopidogrel
    • Ticagrelor associated with dyspnoea (no harm) and asymptomatic bradycardia in first week of therapy
  • Both CI in coagulopathy or liver disease
  • Clopidogrel never been compared to placebo in setting of primary PCI but high-dose superior to low-dose in OASIS trial
  • UFH vs. Enoxaparin
    • ATOLL trial
    • Enoxaparin had no increased risk of bleeding
    • Primary endpoint unchanged
    • Secondary composite endpoint improved with enoxaparin (death, recurrent MI, ACS) as well as cardiac arrest or complication of MI
    • Enoxaparin may be preferred
    • Should receive full-dose anticoagulants for at least 48 hours
  • Timing of PCI
    • If clinical presentation of STEMI within 12 hours of symptom onset and persistent ST elevation or new/presumed new LBBB, immediate PCI
    • Consider if clinical/ECG evidence of ischaemia, even if symptoms started >12 hours ago
    • Unclear if immediate PCI warranted if >12 hours and no ongoing symptoms or ECG signs of ischaemia
      • Small RCT showed myocardial salvage and improved 4 year survival in this group
      • Larger meta-analysis of late re-canalisation of occluded infarct culprit artery showed no benefit
      • Current ECS guideline states consider if 12-24 hrs and not recommended if >24 hours
  • PCI clearly superior to thrombolysis if:
    • Thrombolysis CI
    • Cardiogenic shock
    • Angiography required to confirmd diagnosis
  • PCI generally preferred if:
    • First Medical Contact to Balloon (FMCTB) < 90min (or <120min if at non-PCI centre)
    • Door-to-balloon time (DTB) <90 min
    • High risk from STEMI: Age >75, extensive anterior, high bleeding risk, previous MI/CABG or Killip Class >=3
    • Symptom onset >3 hours ago
  • Fibrinolysis generally preferred if:
    • <3 hour from symptom onset
    • PCI not available
    • Prolonged transport predicted
    • Door-to-balloon >90 minutes
    • FMCTB > 90 min (or >120min if at non-PCI centre)
  • Tenecteplase dosing guide
Body weightIUmg
  • Absolute contraindications for thrombolysis
    • Active bleeding or bleeding diathesis (excluding menses)
    • Suspected aortic dissection
    • Significant closed head or facial trauma within 3 months
    • Any prior ICH
    • Ischaemic stroke within 3 months
    • Known cerebral vascular lesion
    • Known malignant intracranial neoplasm
    • ? Chest pain with new neurology
  • Relative contraindications to thrombolysis
    • Current anticoagulation
    • Non-compressible vascular puncture
    • Recent major surgery <3 weeks
    • Traumatic or prolonged CPR >10 min
    • Recent internal bleeding (<4 weeks) or active peptic ulcer disease
    • Suspected pericarditis
    • Advanced liver disease or metastatic cancer
    • Hx of chronic, severe, poorly controlled HTN
    • Severe uncontrolled HTN on presentation (SBP >180; DBP >110)
    • Ischaemic stroke >3 months ago/known intracranial abnormality/Dementia
    • Pregnancy or within 1 week postpartum
  • ‘Failed’ thrombolysis
    • Only judged definitively with angiography
    • All patients should be transferred to PCI facility after thrombolysis within 24 hours
    • If <50% ST recovery at 60-90 minutes or haemodynamic instability – t/f immediately
    • If failure of relief of chest pain/haemodynamic/electrical compromise – t/f immediately
  • Minor infarctions (esp. inferior) and severe comorbidities, especially if risk factors for intracranial haemorrhage (age >75, female, smaller patients, prior stroke of any kind, SBP >160mmHg) should not be thrombolysed
  • Less effective for inferior STEMI (NNT 10-120)

Non-STEMI management

  • O2 if necessary
  • Analgesia
  • Antiemetic
  • GTN
  • Aspirin 300mg
  • Withold P2Y12 receptor inhibitors if going for CABG
  • Ticagrelor 180mg or clopidogrel 300mg if intermediate or high risk
    • Leave decision up to treating cardiologist as need to weigh bleeding risk with risk of recurrent ischaemia
  • Clexane (or UFH if clexane CI) if intermediate or high risk
    • 1mg/kg SC BD (0.75mg/kg SC BD if elderly or renal impairment)
    • 60IU/kg load then 12IU/kg/hr infusion targeting APTT 45-70
  • GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors at time of PCI
  • PCI
    • For confirmed NSTEACS with intermediate/high and very high risk
      • Very high risk within 2 hours
      • High risk within 24 hours
      • Intermediate risk within 72 hours
      • Low risk – Selective invasive strategy guided by provocative testing
    • Invasive approach within 24-48 hours reduces composite of death, MI or recurrent ACS by 19% in women and 27% in men
    • More aggressive and earlier PCI in these patients is of no proven benefit
  • Statin within 24 hours
    • Atorvastatin 40-80mg or Rosuvastatin 20-40mg
  • Beta-blocker within 24 hours
  • ACEi/ARB within 24 hours

Drug-eluting stents

  • Decreased early vessel closure but increased delayed closure, particularly once antiplatelet agents (i.e. clopidogrel) is stopped

PCI vs. fibrinolysis

  • PCI reduces cardiovascular complication rate
  • The longer the duration of symptoms, the greater the benefit of primary PCI over fibrinolysis
  • PCI more effective at establishing TIMI flow and reducing reocclusion
  • PCI associated with decreased incidence of short- and long-term death, non-fatal reinfarction and ICH


  • Indicated for STEMI if time to treatment is <6 hours to 12 hours from symptom onset and ECG has at least 1mm of STE in two or more contiguous leads
  • More beneficial if given earlier and for larger infarction
  • More benefit for anterior than inferior or smaller infarctions
  • 0.5-1% risk of ICH
  • Fibrinolysis inherently exposes thrombin (potent platelet activator), which may explain limited benefit of thrombolysis and benefit of potent antiplatelet and antithrombin therapy given concurrently

Tenectaplase vs. alteplase

  • Alteplase is recombinant tPA
  • Tenectaplase is a variant of tPA with prolonged half-life (20 min), resistant to endogenous plasminogen-activator inhibitor 1 inactivation and has high fibrin specificity and binding with minimal systemic fibrinogen depletion
    • Single bolus administration and weight-based dosing

Pharmacoinvasive therapy

  • TRANSFER-AMI trial showed benefit of transfer to PCI-capable centre after fibrinolysis within 6 hours
    • 6.2% absolute risk reduction in composite endpoint of death, reinfarction, recurrent ischaemia, new or worsening HF or cardiogenic shock at 30 days

Facilitated PCI

  • Planned initial fibrinolysis followed by PCI not recommended
  • ASSENT-4 trial showed no benefit and higher incidence of death, CCF or shock at 90 days


  • GpIIb/IIIa inhibitors are more potent than aspirin as interrupt platelet activation regardless of stimulating agonist
  • Aspirin only inhibits platelet aggregation stimulated through the thromboxane A2 pathway


  • Inhibition lasts 8-12 day life of platelet as they cannot produce new cycloxygenase
  • Relative reduction in mortality of 23% in STEMI alone
  • NNT – 41 and NNH – 167 (non-dangerous bleeding) – ISIS2 (Lancet 1998)
  • Do not withold from those with vague allergy, history of remote peptic ulcer or GI bleeding as benefit is massive
  • Clopidogrel is a viable alternative if truly contraindicated


  • Reversible P2Y12 receptor antagonist
  • Effect lasts 3 days
  • PLATO study compared ticagrelor to clopidogrel in all ACS patients
  • 1.9% absolute RR of composite endpoint
    • No increase in bleeding risk
    • In those with STEMI undergoing PCI, increased risk of stroke 1.7 vs 1%


  • Addition to aspirin and antithrombin therapy in those undergoing fibrinolysis improves cardiovascular outcomes as shown in CLARITY-TIMI 28 trial and COMMIT trial
    • Improves hospital and 30-day outcomes
  • NSTEMI/unstable angina
    • Addition to aspirin reduces composite outcome of death, AMI and stroke
    • CURE trial showed 20% reduction in death, AMI or stroke between 3 and 12 months
    • Did increase bleeding risk but was reduced in patients receiving lower dose aspirin
  • For those undergoing urgent PCI, 600mg is preferred to 300mg to prevent post-procedure MI but does increase bleeding risk
  • Consider alternatives in:
    • Patients on omeprazole have 50% reduction in antiplatelet effect
    • Patient with CYP2C19 variant gene have reduced ability to active prodrug and increased risk of stent thromboses and recurrent ischaemia

GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors

  • Abciximab chimeric antibody binds irreversibly
  • Eptifibatide binds reversibly
  • Tirofiban binds reversibly
  • All require IV infusion for sustained benefit
  • Initiation prior to PCI has not shown benefit as compared to delivery at time of PCI
  • 40% reduced risk of death or AMI in 30 days (13% over 3 years)
  • Very minimal benefit in unstable angina/NSTEMI (especially if not undergoing early PCI)



  • Reduces risk of AMI and death in unstable angina when combined with aspirin by 56%
    • This benefit is almost certainly dominated by aspirin
  • Enoxaparin preferred as more reliable clinical effect (unless primary PCI for STEMI, in which case heparin preferred)
    • 0.9% reduction in death or recurrent AMI vs. UFH
  • SYNERGY trial showed consistent therapy with a single antithrombin agent had improved outcomes and less bleeding
  • Cochrane (2014)
    • Heparin for NSTEMI vs. placebo
      • No change in mortality
      • No change in revascularisation
      • No change in recurrent angina
      • Small decrease in non-fatal MI
      • Small increase in major bleeding
  • Heparin for STEMI going for PCI without thrombolytics
    • Recommended but no evidence for this
  • Heparin for STEMI treated with thrombolytics
    • 3 RCT showed no benefit
    • AMI-SK showed small benefit in non-fatal MI balanced by small increase in major bleeding
    • CREATE study showed LMWH had 0.9% mortality benefit over UFH but partially balanced against increased risk of major bleeding


  • Binds to antithrombin III to form an antithrombin complex very specific for Factor Xa inhibition
  • Similar efficacy to UFH in STEMI
  • Recommended to be used with UFH or bivalirudin before PCI
  • Recommended by European Socitety of Cardiology over enoxaparin for unstable angina/NSTEMI if conservative management regime employed


  • Direct thrombin inhibitor
  • Reduces short-term risk of post-ischaemic complications relative to UFH in patients undergoing PCI
  • Safe and effective for intermediate-to-high risk NSTEMI/unstable angina patients undergoing PCI
  • Reduced bleeding for STEMI going for primary PCI than UFH + GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors

Other medications


  • Also inhibit platelet aggregation
  • When used in patients not treated with thrombolytics they reduce infarct size, improves regional function and decreases rate of cardiovascular complications
  • 35% reduction in mortality
  • In most studies, IV GTN used to reduce MAP by 10% (in normotensive patients) or 30% in hypertensive patients rather than titrated to symptom resolution = THIS IS WHAT YOU AIM FOR
  • Data is confounded in those receiving thrombolytics
  • IV GTN recommended for STEMI with recurrent ischaemia, CCF or hypertension for 24-48 hours
  • IV GTN recommended for NSTEMI if not responsive to S/L GTN
  • Avoid use for 24 hours after sildenafil and 48 hours of tadalafil


  • No benefit from early use (<24 hours) in recent trials
  • Recommendation is to start PO beta-blockers within 24 hours if none of the following:
    • Signs of HF
    • Evidence of low CO state
    • Increased risk of cardiogenic shock: Age >70, SBP <120, sinus tachycardia >110 or bradycardia <60 and longer duratino of STEMI symptoms before diagnosis and treatment
    • PR >0.24 seconds, 2nd/3rd degree AV block, active asthma, reactive airways disease


  • Reduce LV dysfunction and LV dilatation and slow development of CHF after AMI
  • Oral ACEi lower mortality after AMI
  • STEMI or heart failure patients should receive ACEi within 24 hours
  • NSTEMI/unstable angina patients should receive ACEi within 24 hours if pulmonary congestion or LVEF <40% in the absence of hypotension or contraindications
  • Contraindications include hypotension, bilateral RAS, renal failure or history of cough/angioedema from ACEi


  • Correct documented hypomagnesaemia and give for torsades-type VT with prolonged QT interval
  • No clear evidence outside of torsades


  • Do not reduce mortality after AMI and may be harmful
  • Verapamil and diltiazem may have a role in ongoing ischaemia or AF with RVR if no CCF, LV dysfunction, AV block and beta-blockers are contraindicated

Complications of ACS

  • Dysrhythmias seen in 72-100% of AMI patients admitted to CCU
  • Consequences include reduced haemodynamic performance, compromised myocardial viability, increased myocardial demand and predisposition to more serious arrhythmias due to reduced VF threshold
  • Loss of atrial kick in healthy heart reduces SV by 10-20% and up to 35% in those with reduced LV compliance
  • Pump failure may lead to sympathetically driven sinus tachycardia, AF/flutter and SVT
  • Cardiogenic shock seen in 6-7% of AMI with 80% mortality

Early dysrhythmias

  • Bradydysrhythmias
    • Sinus brady 35-40%
    • 1st degree block 4-15%
    • Type 1 second-degree 4-10%
    • Type 2 second-degree 0.5-1%
    • 3rd degree 5-8%
    • Asystole 1-5%
  • Tachydysrhythmias
    • Sinus tachy 30-35%
    • Atrial premature contractions 50%
    • SVT 2-9%
    • AF 4-10%
    • A flutter 1-2%
    • Ventricular premature beats 99%
    • Accelerated idioventricular rhythm 50-70%
    • Non-sustained VT 60-69%
    • Sustained VT 2-6%
    • VF 4-7%
  • Sinus tachy
    • Prominent in anterior MI and associated with a poor prognosis due to increased O2 demand
    • Seek cause (anxiety, pain, LV failure, fever, pericarditis, hypovolaemia, atrial infarction, PE or medications) and treat if possible
  • AF
    • Mostly in first 24 hours and usually transient
    • Warrants anticoagulation
    • Treatment depends on clinical status and previous anticoagulation
  • Sinus bradycardia
    • If no hypotension, does not carry mortality risk
    • Atropine indicated if hypotensive, ischaemia or ventricular escape rhythms OR treatment of AV nodal block (e.g. type 1 second-degree)
    • In the setting of AMI, atropine may induce infarct extension, VF and excessive myocardial O2 demand so use with caution
  • Complete heart block
    • Seen in anterior and inferior MI as AV conduction system receives blood supply from AV branch of RCA and septal perforating branch of LAD
    • In absence of RV involvement, mortality is 15%. In the setting of RV involvement, mortality is >30%
    • Complete heart block in anterior MI portends a grave prognosis
  • Mortality in heart block in AMI is related to extensive infarction rather than heart block itself and as such, pacing does not confer a mortality benefit but is still recommended to prevent/treat hypotension, acute ischaemia or ventricular dysrhythmias

Indications for temporary pacing

  • Transcutaneous
    • Unresponsive symptomatic bradycardia
    • Mobitz II or higher AV blocks
    • New LBBB and bifascicular blocks
    • RBBB or LBBB with first-degree block
    • Stable bradycardia and new or presumed new BBB (sometimes)
  • Transvenous
    • Asystole
    • Unresponsive symptomatic bradycardia
    • Mobitz II or higher AV bocks
    • New or presumed-new LBBB
    • Alternating BBB
    • RBBB or LBBB with first-degree block
    • Consider in RBBB with LAFB or LPFB
    • Overdrive pacing in unresponsive VT
    • Unresponsive recurrent sinus pauses (>3s)

Other dysrhythmias

  • Accelerated idioventricular rhythms in those with AMI do not affect prognosis or require treatment
  • Primary VT (soon after symptom onset) does not confer poor prognosis
    • Late VT is usually associated with transmural infarction and LV dysfunction, induces haemodynamic deterioration and is associated with a mortality of around 50%
  • Primary VF (soon after symptom onset) does not have a large effect on mortality and prognosis, as long as it is quickly treated
    • Delayed or secondary VF during hospitalisation is associated with severe ventricular dysfunction and carries 75% in-hospital mortality
  • New RBBB
    • Seen in 2% of AMI (mostly anteroseptal MI)
    • The first branch off the LAD supplies the right bundle so indicates proximal LAD occlusion
    • Associated with increased mortality and complete HB
  • New LBBB
    • <10% of patients with AMI and associated with higher mortality
    • Left posterior fascicle is larger than anterior and subsequently left posterior hemifascicular block carries higher mortality as represents larger area of infarction
    • Bifascicular block (RBBB + LAFP/LPFB) has increased likelihood of progression to complete heart block and represents a large infarction, more frequent pump failure and higher mortality

Heart failure

  • 15-20% of AMI patients have some degree of heart failure
    • 1/3 of these have shock
  • The greater the LV dysfunction, the greater the mortality
  • Mortality for AMI
    • No HF – 10%
    • Mild HF 15-20%
    • Frank pulmonary oedema 40%
    • Cardiogenic shock 50-80%
  • Raised BNP early on portends worse 30-day outcome

Mechanical complications

  • Ventricular free wall rupture
    • 10% of AMI fatalities
    • Usually 1-5 days after infarction
    • Rupture of LV free wall = >90% lead to tamponade and death
    • Tearing or sudden severe pain
    • Surgical therapy required
  • Rupture of IV septum
    • Size of defect determines degree of shunt and prognosis
    • Presents with chest pain, dyspnoea, new holosystolic murmur with palpable thrill and heart best at lower left sternal border
    • Most common in anterior MI and extensive three-vessel CAD
    • Surgical therapy required
  • Papillary muscle rupture
    • 1% of AMI and mostly inferior MI
    • Usually 3-5 days post-MI
    • Often occurs with small to medium sized infarcts (as opposed to free wall or IV septal rupture)
    • Present with acute dyspnoea, worsening heart failure and new holosystolic murmur consistent with MR
    • Posteromedial papillary muscle is most commonly ruptured as it receives blood supply from only one coronary artery, usually the RCA


  • Early post-AMI pericarditis seen in <5% (previously 20% prior to PCI)
  • More common with transmural AMI or delayed presentations
  • Usually 2-4 days post-MI
  • Resorption rate of any pericardial effusion (if even present) is many months
  • Treatment is symptomatic with aspirin or colchicine
  • Dressler’s syndrome
    • Late post-AMI syndrome seen 2-10 weeks after AMI with chest pain, fever and pleuropericarditis

Right ventricular infarction

  • Isolated RV infarction is rare but is seen as part of 1/3 of inferior MI
  • Significant increase in mortality and cardiovascular complications
  • RV infarction with concurrent LV dysfunction has a particularly devastating effect on haemodynamic function
    • Pulmonary congestion already exists with raised PAP
    • Each contraction of the LV causes the IV septum to move into the RV and expel blood into the pulmonary circulation
    • Pre-morbid CO already reduced and further diminished by reduced LV filling pressures
  • Factors that reduce preload, increase RV afterload (LV failure) or impair atrial function (AF/flutter, atrial infarction) all lead to significant haemodynamic derangements
  • Treatment consists of increasing preload, avoiding nitrates, reducing RV afterload and early inotropic support (dobutamine if 1-2L of crystalloid fails to show improvement)
  • High-degree AV block is common and restitution of AV synchrony is crucial and may require AV sequential pacing

Other complications

  • LV thrombus
  • Arterial embolisation
  • VTE
  • Post-infarction angina
  • Infarct extension

Recurrent or refractory ischaemia

  • Options include continued medical management (e.g. GTN infusions), rescue angioplasty, CABG
  • Warrants cath and antithrombin/antiplatelet therapy
  • If haemodynamically unstable or cath not immediately available, intra-aortic balloon pump counterpulsation may be used to improve coronary flow and cardiac output, thereby decreasing oxygen demand and myocardial ischaemia

Post-procedure chest pain

  • Assume abrupt vessel closure until proven otherwise
  • Seen in 4% of patients 2-14 days after stent placement
  • Bare metal more likely to re-stenose in short term and drug-eluting more likely to re-stenose at 9-12 months after clopidogrel ceased
  • Can be confused with post-MI pericarditis

Amphetamine-induced ACS

  • AMI occurs in 6% of patients with chest pain after cocaine use
  • Beta-blockers are contraindicated in first 24 hours after cocaine use but otherwise treatment is the same
  • Cocaine-associated STEMI still warrants PCI
  • Benzodiazepines are effective in addition to usual therapy

Acute medical disorders and ACS

  • GI bleeding, stroke and severe infection carry risk of AMI
  • GI bleeders admitted to ICU have 13% risk of MI and may have increased risk of death (33 vs 8% in one study of all GI bleeders, not just ICU admits)
  • 17% of acute stroke have raised troponin, associated with 3.2 relative risk of death
  • Conversely, risk of stroke post-MI is 0.6-1.8% but carries 17-27% risk of in-hospital mortality
  • SAH shows elevated troponins in 28% and transient ECG changes + LV dysfunction but simultaneous STEMI is very uncommon
  • AMI occurs in 5.3% of admitted CAP patients and 15% of those with severe pneumonia

OMI Manifesto

  • Aims to change paradigm from STEMI vs. NSTEMI to 
    • Occlusion Myocardial Infarction (OMI) vs. Non-occlusion Myocardial Infarction (NOMI)
  • History of reperfusion
    • Fibrinolytic therapy trialists (FTT) in 1994 showed in 60 000 patients randomized to thrombolysis vs. placebo a NNT of 56 for mortality benefit
      • 4 out of 9 included trials had no ECG criteria
      • 1/3 of patients had no ST elevation appreciable
      • Subgroup analysis of ST elevation NNT improved to 43 for mortality
        • ST depression and normal subgroup analysis found no benefit to thrombolysis and these terms were not defined
      • Primary indicator for thrombolysis was concerning story and undefined ECG findings
      • Did not have any angiographic confirmation of acute coronary occlusion or not
  • Schmitt et al. 2001
    • 25-30% of ‘NSTEMI’ have acute coronary occlusion
    • 50% of these misses were left circumflex territory
  • Wang et al. 2009
    • 27% of NSTEMI had acute coronary occlusion
    • Coronary occlusion group had higher 6-month risk-adjusted mortality
  • Pride et al. 2010
    • 26% of anterior ST segment depressions had occluded culprit arteries despite not meeting STEMI criteria
    • 50% of these were LCx lesions
  • Khan et al. 2007
    • Meta-analysis showed ¼ of NSTEMI had acute occlusion with increased all-cause mortality in short and long term

Early vs. delayed angiography for NSTEMI

  • Mehta et al. TIMACS 2009
    • Early <=24 hrs vs. delayed >= 36 hrs
    • Mean time 14 vs. 50 hours (not actually early)
    • Early is considered <2 hours
    • No difference in death, MI or stroke
  • Hoedemaker et al. ICTUS 2017
    • Early within 24-48 hours vs. selective invasive 
    • No difference in 1-year mortality or spontaneous MI
    • No difference at 10 year mortality or spontaneous MI
    • Patients excluded if refractory ischaemia, haemodynamic instability or congestive heart failure
  • Van’t Hof et al. ELISA 2003
    • Early vs. late – Mean 6 vs. 50 hours
    • No difference at 30 days
    • Refractory ischaemia excluded
    • Still not early (<2 hours)
  • Thiele et al. LIPSIA-NSTEMI 2012
    • Immediate <2 hours vs. 10-48 hours (Mean 18 hours)
    • No difference in MI or death at 6 months
    • Excluded refractory ischaemia
    • Most likely explanation is that those with refractory ischaemia also had acute occlusion and so were excluded from study
  • Montelascot et al. JAMA 2009
    • Refractory ischaemia excluded
    • Immediate or next working day
    • 70min vs. 21 hours
    • No difference in TnT, death, MI or revascularization at 1 month
    • Likely no difference due to refractory ischaemia exclusion (= OMI)

Last Updated on September 21, 2022 by Andrew Crofton