Acute asthma
- Most attacks reversible and improve within minutes to hours of treatment with symptom-free intervals
- Many patients develop chronic airflow limitation, which impacts on diagnosis, management and prevention of further attacks
- 8% of population
- Most common chronic disease of childhood (7%)
- 50% develop before age 10 and another 1/3 before age 40
- Acute severe asthma (80-90%)
- Progression over hours or days often with b/g of poor control and recurrent presentations
- Majority female
- URTI more common precipitants
- Responds slowly to therapy
- Hyperacute fulminating asphyxic asthma (10-20%)
- Onset of symptoms to intubation <3 hours
- Mostly younger men
- High bronchial reactivity with relatively normal lung function at rest
- Responds rapidly to therapy
- Reduction in airway diameter due to smooth muscle contraction, bronchial wall oedema, vascular congestion and thick secretions
- Continuum from acute bronchospasm to chronic airway inflammatory remodelling with non-reversible loss of lung function
- Increased airway responsiveness secondary to viral infection may last 2-8 weeks
- Medication triggers
- Aspirin/NSAID’s, beta-blockers (inc. topical), sulfating agents, tartrazine dyes and food additives/preservatives
- Changing levels of oestradiol and progesterone can alter airway responsiveness in normal cycle or pregnancy
- Increased WOB
- Increased airway resistance and reduced pulmonary compliance with high lung volumes
- Lung volume can reach TLC with severe mechanical disadvantage
- VQ mismatch
- Airway narrowing, closure and impaired gas exchange
- Cardiopulmonary effects
- Critical negative intrapleural pressures increase venous return to right heart, but high pulmonary pressures due to hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction causes impaired RV outflow and LV filling
- Also get increased LV afterload due to critical negative intrapleural pressure further limiting LV outflow
- Get septal shift to LV, further reducing LV output during inspiration
- Pulsus paradoxus results with SBP drop of 10mmHg during inspiration
- Lose pulsus paradoxus with fatigue as unable to generate the same negative intrapleural pressures
- History
- Symptoms – cough, wheeze, SOB, sputum, fever
- Pattern – Perennial/seasonal, continual/episodic, onset, duration, severity, triggers
- Age at onset, chronic management, steroid use, ICU/intubation
- Risk factors for death
- Past history of severe exacerbation
- 2 or more hospitalisations for asthma in the past year
- >3 ED visits for asthma each year
- >2 canisters per month of SABA
- Difficulty perceiving airflow limitation or severity
- Low SES or inner-city resident
- Illicit drug use
- Psychiatric disease or medical comorbidities
- Dyspnoea + wheeze + cough
- Accessory muscle use indicates diaphragmatic fatigue
- Paradoxical respiration (chest deflation and abdominal protrusion on inspiration) indicates pending ventilatory failure
- Directed exam
- Hyperresonance, decreased breath sounds, prolongation of expiratory phase, usually with wheeze
- Pulsus paradoxus (inspiratory drop in SBP >20mmHg) indicates severe asthma
- Normal HR, RR and lack of pulsus paradoxus does not indicate complete relief of airway obstruction
- Upper airway obstruction
- Multiple PE
- Aspiration
- Tumors/disorders causing endobronchial obstruction
- Interstitial lung disease
- Vocal cord dysfunction syndrome
- Anaphylaxis
- FEV 1 or PEF provide direct measure of large airway obstruction
- Sequential measures help guide therapy
- Patient cooperation for this is essential and may not be possible in critical asthma
- ABG should be reserved for suspected Type 2 failure
- In critical asthma, normal or slightly elevated PaCO2 indicates extreme airway dysfunction and fatigue
- CXR indicated if suspected pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, pneumonia or CCF
- Less than 1/3 of admitted asthma patients have CXR findings
- Beta-1 agonism: Positive chronotrope/inotrope, reduced small intestinal tone and motility
- Beta-2 agonism: Bronchodilation, vasodilation, uterine relaxation and skeletal muscle tremor
- Cause bronchodilation through stimulation of adenyl cyclase converting ATP to cAMP, which enhances binding of Ca to cell membranes, reducing myoplasmic calcium concentration and subsequent relaxation
- Also inhibit mediator release and promote mucociliary clearance
- Salbutamol is a racemic 50:50 R and S isomer mix with R isomer responsible for bronchodilation and S isomer having no bronchodilatory effect but long half-life (12 hours)
- MDI with spacer delivers the most drug to target airways, better than nebulised
- Maximum 15-20% of drug dose delivered to airways, irrespective of method
- IV infusions carry no benefit and have increased risk
- Nebulised salbutamol carries greater side effect profile
- In severe asthma, 33% of nebulised dose is actually inspired and 20% reaches bronchioles
- Mild/moderate
- 6-12 puffs 100mcg MDI via spacer every 20-30min or sooner as needed for 3 doses then as often as required with slow titration
- Severe
- 12 puffs via spacer or 5mg nebs q20min for three doses then 2.5-10mg every 1-4 hours as required
- Life-threatening
- 2x5mg nebs continuously until dyspnoea improves
- Anticholinergic effect on large, central airways (vs. salbutamol effect on smaller airways)
- Act by inhibiting post-ganglionic vagal stimulation on larger airways + reduce cGMP concentrations
- Add if poor response to SABA
- 500mcg neb or 8x18mcg puffs via spacer q20min for three doses, then q4-6hr
- Not been shown to have benefit once patient is hospitalised
- Prednisone
- 40-80mg/day in one or two divided doses until PEFR >70% predicted or best as inpatient
- Same for 5-10 days for outpatient
- Aus asthma handbook states 37.5 – 50mg continued 5-10 days OR hydrocortisone 100mg q6h
- Prednisolone preferred for children as more palatable
- IV hydrocortisone 200mg q6h
- Start reducing dose at 1-3 days according to severity
- Peak anti-inflammatory effect at 4-8 hours after IV or PO administration
- If given within 1 hour of arrival, reduces hospitalisation
- Inhaled agents recommended for all mild persistent asthma or more severe asthma
- Should provide script for this on discharge if meeting criteria
- Acute severe asthma that does not improve with usual doses of inhaled SABA and steroids
- Magnesium
- Recommended for acute, very severe asthma (FEV1<25% predicted; one word)
- 5-10mmol over 20 minutes
- 1.2-2g IV over 20-30 minutes (50mg/kg in children)
- Target serum level 1-1.5
- Nebulised magnesium is effective and can follow beta-agonist and steroid therapy – 384mg neb MgSO4 in sterile water
- May block calcium channels and possibly Ach release at NMJ leading to smooth muscle relaxation and bronchodilation
- Does not reduce admission rates but improves lung function
- Ketamine
- Inhibits reuptake of noradrenaline
- IV 0.2mg/kg bolus then 0.5mg/kg/hr infusion (14mg bolus then 35mg/hr in 70kg adult)
- Good for RSI and sedation
- Adrenaline
- Often overlooked in status asthmaticus
- IM 0.5mg in adults for refractory cases may benefit
- IV 1mg slow load over 5 minutes then 1-20mcg/min
- IV salbutamol
- 250mcg bolus then 1-20mcg/min
- No clear evidence of benefit and significant side effect profile
- Theoretical advantage in reaching lung units with severe airflow limitation
- Results in lactic acidosis in 70% of patients and can worsen respiratory acidosis and respiratory distress
- Improves airflow and respiration compared to usual care
- Decreases need for intubation, results in clinical improvement and decreases need for hospitalisation
- Do not initiate if intubation indicated (except as stop-gap while preparing) or suspected pneumothorax
- Can start at EPAP 5 and IPAP 8-10cmH20 with target of RR <25 and Vt 7mL/kg
- Can increase EPAP to 7-10cmH20 if difficulty initiating flow-triggered breaths (to match auto-PEEP/PEEPi) and can increase IPAP if Vt low
- Concerns around PEEP/EPAP above 5cmH20 are less than in mechanically positive-pressure ventilated patients as in spontaneously ventilated patients, matching autoPEEP allows a reduction in work of breathing through decreasing the negative pressures having to be generated to initiate flow
- Absolute indications for intubation
- Deteriorating consciousness
- Severe exhaustion
- Arrest
- If severe respiratory acidosis but consciousness remains – continue with maximal therapy
- Hypercarbia may not be tolerated by those with myocardial depression
- More likely to be required in acute severe asthma vs. hyperacute asthma and should consider this when making decision to intubate
- If complaining of exhaustion or deteriorating despite therapy – intubate early
- Mucous plugging is frequent leading to increased airway resistance, atelectasis and pulmonary infection, air trapping and increased residual volume (iPEEP)
- Use rapid inspiratory flow rates (80-100L/min), RR <12 and long I:E (>1:4) may alleviate this, expiratory time >=4s is ideal
- Volume control ventilation is commonly used with frequent checking of pressures
- Oh’s states to use ZEEP initially as PEEP will further increase lung volume
- In reality, PEEP is usually set to 0-5cmH20 to compensate for resistance of ventilatory circuit
- Higher PEEP risks raising overall airway pressures above safe levels
- This is different to spontaneously ventilating patients in whom attempts to match autoPEEP reduce the work of breathing by reducing the negative pressure needing to be achieved to initiate flow
- Permissive hypercarbia with pH >7.2 tolerated
- Risk of raised ICP, impaired myocardial contractility, vasodilation, pulmonary vasoconstriction
- Ongoing paralysis will be required
- Use largest ET possible and limit circuit length (take out any unnecessary components)
- Load with IV fluids and have vasopressors ready
- Target Pplat <25 and PEEPi <12
- Recognised complications within 10 minutes of intubation
- 20% of patients set to safe levels of initial mechanical ventilation can suffer this due to rapid DHI
- Immediate disconnection for 60-90 seconds
- Heliox or ECMO may be required
- Displaced ETT
- Obstructed ETT
- Pneumothorax
- Equipment
- Mucous plugging is common
- If PTX causing hypoxia, likely to be visible even on supine CXR
- Almost always tension due to severe airflow obstruction
- May be due to positive pressure ventilation, DHI, subclavian line or intercostal catheter insertion for ‘pneumothorax’ during arrest
- Pneumothorax on one side leads to impaired ventilation of that side and subsequent worsened DHI on other side with consequent bilateral PTX
- As soon as PTX identified, reduce RR to reduce risk to other lung
- Insert ICC’s by blunt dissection only
- DDx – Sedation drugs, DHI, PTX, hypovolaemia, right main intubation, arrhythmias, myocardial depression or positive pressure ventilation impaired venous return
- Steps
- Disconnect for 60 seconds
- Slow RR
- Fluid load
- Auscultate
- Check etCO2 and ECG
- Urgent CXR (not USS as not reliable if minimal air movement)
- Treat cause
- Consider heliox/ECMO

- Heliox (80% helium/20% O2)
- Lowers airway resistance
- Does not reliably avert intubation, change ICU or hospital admission rates/duration or decrease mortality
- Methylxanthines
- Risk of seizures and cardiac dysrhythmias but consider for life-threatening asthma
- Aminophylline 6mg/kg load then 0.5mg/kg/hr (targeting levels of 30-80micromol/L)
- Mast cell modifiers (Cromolyn and nedocromil)
- Neither indicated for acute bronchospasm
- Leukotriene receptor antagonists (montelukast)
- No indication in ED
- Anaesthetic gases
- Halothane, isoflurane and enflurane
- Risk of myocardial depression, hypotension and arrhythmias
- Isoflurane first-line due to least myocardial depression and arrhythmic effects
- Good response to therapy
- Observed for at least 1 hour after dyspnoea/respiratory distress has resolved
- PEFR or FEV1 >70% predicted or best
- No risk factors for death
- Educated re: spacer and ICS requirement
- Asthma action plan
- Close GP follow-up
- Good social situation
- Compliance with medications
- If not meeting above, SSU or admission is warranted
- Systemic steroid use at time of ED presentation
- Pregnancy is not considered a risk factor for admission despite the slightly increased risk of maternal complications and perinatal mortality
Last Updated on March 8, 2023 by Andrew Crofton
Andrew Crofton
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