Acid-base disorders
- Plasma pH exceeds intracellular pH by 0.6 units on average
- Water dissociation into H+ and OH- is central to our understanding of acid-base physiology
- [H+][OH-] = K’w (pKa of water)
- In aqueous solution, neutrality is attained when [H+] = [OH-]
- Therefore, [H+]^2 = K’w
- Neutral pH = 0.5xpK’w
- At 37 degrees, neutral pH is 6.8 (intracellularly) and pH is relatively alkaline at 7.4
Stewart principles
- Must meet the following at equilibrium
- [H+][OH-] = K’w
- CO2 + H20 = H2CO3 = H+ + HCo3-
- pH = 6.1 + log(HCO3-/PaCO2)
- [H+][CO3^-2] = Keq[HCO3-]
- HA- = H+ + A-
- These are the non-volatile weak acids (HA)
- Mostly albumin in plasma and Hb in red cells
- Conservation of mass
- Total concentration of non-volatile weak acids in any compartment = Atot
- Atot = HA + A-
- Electrical neutrality
- All anions with pKA <4 are strong ions
- Includes Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl, sulphate, lactate, beta-hydroxybutyrate
- Strong Ion Difference (SID) = Strong cations – Strong anions
- Gibbs Donnan forces
- Electrical and chemical gradients reach equilibrium across semi-permeable membranes
- Erythrocytes harbour most of the trapped negative anions, attract diffusible cations (Na, K) while repelling Cl-
- Only Cl- remains fully susceptible to Donnan effects (as transmembrane pumps do not alter its movement)
- Plasma SID goes up and down with CO2 via chloride shifts (Hamburger effect)
- Extracellular SID does NOT alter with CO2
- pH is therefore defined solely by PaCO2, SID and extracellular Atot
- For any individual, the PaCO2/pH relationship is a unique acid-base signature and ultimately a complex function of SID and Atot
- This is a ’charge space’ occupied by weak ions from dissociating conjugate bases
- Includes H+, OH-, HCO3-, CO3^2-, A-
- Total net charge must always equal SID
- HCO3- and A- (‘buffer base anions’) make up almost the entire SID
- SIDa = apparent SID calculated from strong ion concentrations in plasma
- SIDe = [HCO3-] x [A-] = effective SID = buffer base
- Discrepancy between SIDa and SIDe implies presence of unmeasured ions in plasma
- At any given PaCO2, a falling SID or rising Atot = metabolic acidosis
- At any given PaCO2, a rising SID or falling Atot = metabolic alkalosis
- Acute respiratory disturbances move data points to the left
in respiratory alkalosis and to the right in respiratory
acidosis - Metabolic disturbances shift the entire curve up or down
as demonstrated to the right with BE values

- Renal participation
- Traditionally considered bicarb reabsorption in proximal tubule and excretion of fixed acids through titration of urinary buffers (phosphate and ammonium)
- From the Stewart perspective, the kidneys regulate extracellular SID but manipulating urinary SID
- Modifyging tubular NH4+ as an adjustable cationic partner for Cl- and other urinary strong anions
- Modifying Atot by phosphate excretion
Stewart (Boston) vs. Copenhagen
- Copenhagen school uses base excess as integrates SID and Atot with PaCO2 remarkably well as compared to Boston school plasma SID which alters with PaCO2
Buffer systems
- At physiological pH
- Haemoglobin
- Phosphate
- Plasma proteins
- Bicarbonate
Renal influence on acid-base
- Regulate bicarb secretion and synthesis
- Renal compensation begins within 30 minutes but takes hours to days
- Bicarbonate is filtered and must be reabsorbed
- 85% reclaimed at PCT in a sodium-dependent and carbonic anhydrase dependent process
- If tubular disease inhibits PCT H+ release, a proximal renal tubular acidosis results
- 85% reclaimed at PCT in a sodium-dependent and carbonic anhydrase dependent process
- The remaining 15% of reclamation occurs in the DCT via sodium-independent process
- Again carbonic anyhydrase dependent
- H+ is then trapped in the lumen bu inorganic phosphate or ammonia (NH4+)
- Failure of H+ secretion results in distal renal tubular acidosis
- New bicarb can be synthesised via sodium-dependent process in distal tubule
- Glutamine to ammonia (NH4+) and bicarbonate
Respiratory compensation
- Never reaches normal pH as feedback loops linked to alveolar ventilation continually force the CO2 in the direction that reverses the pH perturbation
- Loops driven by CSF and plasma pH acting on central and peripheral chemoreceptors respectively
- Central chemoreceptors dampen the initial response as SID equilibration between plasma and CSF is gradual, whereas PaCO2 equilibration is immediate
- Physiological effects
- Raises serum K 0.5 for every pH drop of 0.1
- Increases off loading of O2 to tissues
- May decrease Ca by direct binding (opposite to expected effect of acidosis when consider hypocalcaemia a result of respiratory alkalosis in hyperventilation)
- Depresses myocardial contractility (pH <7.1)
- Decreases clotting
- Arterial vasodilation
- Vasoconstriction of pulmonary arteries and veins
- Increased sodium channel blocking toxicity
- Symptoms usually due to reduced iCa
- Metabolic effects
- Decreases ventilatory drive
- Blunts respiratory response to raised CO2 (may be clinically relevant in chronic respiratory acidosis)
- Shifts Hb-O2 to left (reduced delivery to tissues)
- Decreased K
- Increases ammonium in CNS and may precipitate hepatic encephalopathy
- No proven benefits
- Negatives
- CNS – Lowers seizure threshold, impairs psychomotor fx and increases metabolic demands
- CVS – Vasoconstriction, decreases myocardial O2 delivery
- Resp – Increased capillary permeability, reduced compliance, inhibits normal pulmonary hypoxic vasoconstriction, worsens intrapulmonary shunt, increases airway resistance
- Metabolic – Inhibits negative feedback on lactate production normally present at low pH
- Particulary harmful in infants (risk of cerebral haemorrhage)
- Cerebral vasoconstriction and risk of infarction
Anion gap
- Measures the unmeasured anions (plasma proteins, phosphate, sulfate and organic ions e.g. lactate and conjugate bases of ketoacids)
- Do not need to correct sodium for albumin in calculating AG (as dilutes chloride by the same factor)
- Normal = 12+-4 (or 7+- 4 if using ion-specific electrodes in measurement)
- Most important is whether changes from patients baseline
- If >15 must consider abnormal
- Can also rise if unmeasured cations are significantly decreased (e.g hypocalcaemia/hypomagnesaemia)
- Metabolic and respiratory alkalosis can raise AG by 2-3 due to lactate production due to increased glycolysis
- Penicillin can increase the AG as they are themselves unmeasured anions
- If AG raised, there must be a metabolic acidosis (if unmeasured cations not decreased)
A narrow or negative AG
- May result from increase in:
- Unmeasured cations e.g lithium, calcium, magnesium
- Unmeasured positively charged proteins e.g. myeloma, PGUS
- Or significant decrease in unmeasured anions such as:
- Hypoalbuminaemia
- Should correct for abnormal albumin as this constitutes a large portion of the anion gap
- = AG + 0.25 x (Albumin ref – Albumin meas)
- Add 2.5 for every 10 albumin is reduced below normal value (30)
- Bromide toxicity causes false elevations of chloride unless ion-specific electrodes are used resulting in narrow/negative AG
- Triglycerides >600mg/dL falsely elevate chloride levels and lower sodium levls resulting in narrow or negative AG
High Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis
- Exogenous poisoning
- Methanol – Formate
- Ethylene glycol – Oxalate and organic ions
- Salicylate
- Isoniazid – Lactate
- Hippurate (seen with toluene toxicity and renal impairment
- Pyroglutamic acid – GSH synthetase deficiency seen with sepsis, starvation, pregnancy, hepatic/renal impairment and paracetamol, flucloxacillin and vigabatrin
- Paraldehyde
- Carbon monoxide, cyanide
- Alcohol/starvation/diabetic ketoacidosis
- Toluene
- Methanol/metformin
- Uraemia – Phosphate/sulfate
- Paracetamol, phenformin, propylene glycol, paraldehyde
- Iron, isoniazid
- Lactic acidosis
- Ethylene glycol
- Salicylates
Delta gap
- Increase in AG / Decrease in bicarbonate
- <0.4 = Lone NAGMA (Hyperchloraemic) i.e. AG should not be elevated at all
- HCl is additional acid and Cl- is part of AG calculation so AG doesn’t rise but bicarb drops
- 0.4-0.8 = Consider combined HAGMA and NAGMA
- 1-2 = Uncomplicated HAGMA
- >2 = Concomitant metabolic alkalosis or compensation for chronic respiratory acidosis i.e. bicarb inordinately elevated
Osmolar gap
- Osmolar gap = Measured Osmolality – Calculated Osmolarity
- Calculated osmolarity = 2 x Na + Glucose + Urea (+ Ethanol if known)
- Osmole = The amount of a substance that yields, in ideal solution, that number of particles that wound depress the freezing point by 1.86 deg K
- Osmolality = Number of osmoles of solute per kg of solvent
- Osmolarity = Number of osmoles of solute per litre of solution
- >10 abnormal as small gap exists due to osmolar effects of chloride, K, sulfate, phosphate, calcium, Mg, lactate, ammonia, serum proteins and lipids
- Exogenous agents
- Acetone
- Ethanol
- Ethylene glycol
- Methanol
- Glycerol, sorbitol
- Glycine
- Isopropyl alcohol
- Mannitol
- Propylene glycol (diluent in IV diazepam/phenytoin)
- Non-toxicological causes of raised osmolar gap
- Alcoholic ketoacidosis
- Chronic renal failure
- Diabetic ketoacidosis
- Hyperlipidaemia
- Hyperproteinaemia
- Hypermagnesaemia
- Severe lactic acidosis
- Shock
- Trauma and burns
- A normal osmolar gap does NOT exclude toxic alcohol intoxication as even small concentrations can cause significant illness
- Also, late in the clinical course, alcohols are already metabolised to non-osmotically active compounds
- Can multiply osmolar gap by MW of suspected alcohol to work out concentration of it
- Ethanol 4.6
- Ethylene glycol 6.2
- Isopropyl alcohol 6.0
- Methanol 3.2
- Propylene glycol 7.2
Lactate gap
- = Lactate (measured by oxidase method) – lactate (dehydrogenase method)
- = Lactate (gas) – Lactate (lab)
- Glycolate is measured by gas machine as lactate therefore get elevated lactate gap in ethylene glycol toxicity
- Venous pCO2 is a sensitive screen for hypercarbia (>45mmHg) but if elevated then there is wide variation and ABG is warranted
- Therefore, to rule out is very good
- Venous lactate is clinically very useful but may be significantly higher than arterial
- VBG pH = ABG pH +- 0.02-0.035
- SpO2 usually within 2-5% of SaO2 (measured)
- Discrepancy increases with hypoxia and poor circulation
- May overestimate SaO2 if <92%
- CO will falsely elevated SpO2
- PaO2 rapidly declines below SpO2 <92% as per Hb-O2 dissociation curve
- No evidence for VBG assessment of acid-base status in mixed acid-base disorders, cardiac arrest or shock state
- Proportionally approximates PaCO2 in healthy individuals with normal VQ
- Arterial levels typically 5mmHg higher than alveolar samples
- Can include air from physiological dead space or environmental air that enters sample and in both cases etCO2 will be lower than PaCO2
- Not useful in COAD due to incomplete expiration of gases due to air trapping
etCO2 capnography
- 4 phases
- I: Inspiratory baseline
- II: Expiratory upstroke
- III: Expiratory (alveolar) plateau
- 0: Inspiratory downstroke
- Alpha angle = Transition from II to III
- Beta angle = Transition from III to 0
- If horizontal alveolar plateau, etCO2 correlates with alveolar CO2
- Flat etCO2 trace
- Disconnection
- Loss of output
- Airway not in trachea
- Capnography obstruction
- Increased etCO2
- Increased CO2 production e.g. fever, sodibic administration, tourniquet release, venous CO2 embolism, overfeeding
- Increased pulmonary perfusion
- Hypoventilation (bronchial intubation, iatrogenic MV, partial airway obstruction or rebreathing (full filter)
- Decreased etCO2
- Reduced CO2 production (hypothermia)
- Reduced pulmonary perfusion (reduced CO, PE, hypotension, hypovolaemia, cardiac arrest)
- Hyperventilation
- Elevated inspiratory plateau
- CO2 rebreathing (soda lime exhaustion)
- Oesophageal intubation
- <6 waveforms of decreasing height
- Right main bronchus intubation
- Bifid, etCO2 can increase, decrease or stay the same
- Curare cleft in partially paralysed patient on ventilator
- Small dip in alveolar plateau towards end
- Phase IV in pregnancy
- Quick upstroke before phase 0
- Alpha angle
- >90 degrees in VQ mismatch
- Beta angle
- >90 degrees if rebreathing
Compensatory mechanisms

- Bicarb change in acute respiratory acidosis by physiochemical conversion is almost immediate
- Bicarb change in chronic respiratory acidosis by renal conservation takes days
- Respiratory compensation for acute metabolic acidosis/alkalosis takes 12-24 hours to reach steady-state. Limit is around PaCO2 of 10 (12 in Tintinalli). This is due to resistant to airflow and increased CO2 generation by muscles of respiration
- If bicarb and Co2 move in opposite directions = mixed disorder
- pH <7.10 impairs ventilation and subsequent compensation for any acidosis
Compensatory mechanisms
– 1-2-3-4-5 rule

Simple rules
- Uncompensated respiratory disturbance = SBE -3 to +3
- Compensated respiratory disturbance = pH is normal
- or SBE = 0.4x (PaCo2 – 40)
- Metabolic acidosis
- PaCO2 = last 2 digits of pH
- PaCo2 = 40 + SBE
- Metabolic alkalosis
- PaCO2 = last 2 digits of pH
- PaCO2 = 40 + SBE
Potassium and acid-base
- H+ movement into cells in setting of acidosis, results in extrusion of K+
- For each 0.10 change in pH, serum K+ will change by 0.5mmol/L in inverse direction
- In acidosis, low serum K represents massively low total body potassium (e.g. diabetic ketoacidosis)
Clinical features of metabolic acidosis
- Primary disorder symptoms predominate
- Common to all are nausea, dyspnoea, drowsiness, abdominal pain, headache and generalised weakness
- Reduced cardiac contractile function (likely impaired oxidative phosphorylation, intracellular acidosis and altered intracellular calcium concentrations)
- Threshold for VF falls and defibrillation threshold rises
- SBP, hepatic and renal perfusion decline
- Pulmonary vascular resistance rises
- Response to catecholamines is attenuated
Lactic acidosis
- Lactate >8 predicts fatality
- Lactate >10 = 83% mortality
- Clearance of lactate allows evaluation of response to therapy
- Produced at 0.8mmol/kg/hr and continuously metabolised by liver, kidney, skeletal muscle, brain and red blood cells
- Pyruvate + NADH + H+ =(LDH)= Lactate + NAD+
- Pyruvate from glycolysis (85%) and proteolysis (15%)
- Type A = Impaired tissue oxygenation
- Type B = Normal tissue oxygenation but impaired lactate metabolism
- Must consider as syndrome with its own differential
- Ethanol should never be considered the sole cause of any significant metabolic acidosis
- Type A
- Shock
- Severe hypoxaemia
- Severe anaemia
- CO poisoning
- Type B1 (underlying disease)
- Sepsis, liver failure thiamine deficiency, malignancy, phaeo diabetes
- Type B2 (drug or toxin)
- Adrenaline, salbutamol, propofol, ethanol, methanol, paracetamol, nitroprusside, salicylates, ethylene/propylene glycol, biguanides, cyanide, isoniazid
- Type B3 (inborn metabolism)
- G6PD deficiency, pyruvate carboxylase deficiency
Triple acid-base disturbance
- Metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis and respiratory acidosis alkalosis is seen with sepsis and salicylate poisoning
- Must check delta gap and expected pCO2 in all metabolic acidoses to ensure concomitant processes are not present
- Some texts refer to this as hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis but in reality, may have sodium deficiency and normal chloride with subesquent NAGMA
- What matters is the relationship of Na:Cl (should be 140:100)
- Due to:
- GIT loss of base
- Severe diarrhoea, villous adenoma, pancreatic/biliary fistulas, chronic laxative abuse or NG drainage
- Renal loss of base
- Renal tubular acidosis
- Diuretics
- N/saline resuscitation
- GIT loss of base
NAGMA – Potassium-based differential
- Hyperkalaemic
- Resolving diabetic ketoacidosis
- Early uraemic acidosis
- Early obstructive uropathy
- RTA – type IV
- Hypoaldosteronism
- HCl infusion
- Potassium-sparing diuretics
- Hypokalaemic
- RTA type I and II
- Acetazolamide
- Acute diarrhoea with loss of bicarbonate and K
- Ureterosigmoidostomy
- Ileal conduit
- Dilution acidosis (NaCl)
NAGMA – Urinary anion gap
- Na + K – Cl
- >20 considered abnormal
- Gap increased due to increased urinary ammonium
- Low or negative
- GI loss of base (lower GI losses)
- Normal
- Renal loss of base (Type II RTA)
- Elevated
- Altered urinary acidification
- Type I and IV RTA
NAGMA– Renal tubular acidosis
- Tubular dysfunction with intact glomerular filtration
- Classic/Distal/Type I
- Failure of distal portion to acidify urine
- Urine pH >5.5 despite acidaemia
- Typically hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis with alkaline urine +- stone formation
- Proximal/Type 2
- Impaired bicarb reabsorption proximally
- Fanconi’s syndrome with impaired reabsorption at proximal tubule of glucose, amino acids, bicarbonate, phosphate and uric acid
- Type 4 RTA
- Impaired cation exchange in distal tubule with reduced H+ and K+ secretion (so presents as hyperkalaemic unlike the other two)
- Most patients have renal disorders but GFR >20
- If using potassium-based differential, need to correct K for accurate use given low pH
- All diuretics cause a contraction alkalosis and subsequent metabolic acidosis seen with potassium-sparing diuretics may not be evident (as cancel each other out)
- Probably due to secondary hyperaldosteronism
- Crucial to check PCO2 compensation with normal AG to ensure no other respiratory acid-base disturbance is occurring
- If inadequate respiratory compensation, treat this first
- Buffer therapy
- Bicarb therapy produces CO2 which may worsen intracellular acidosis (esp. CNS) and may worsen respiratory acidosis abruptly
- Also imposes osmotic and sodium load, causes hypokalaemia, decreases iCa
- Bicarbonate therapy may be appropriate for:
- Severe hypobicarbonataemia (<4): Insufficient buffer may lead to massive increase in acidaemia with small increase in acidosis
- Severe acidaemia (<7-7.1) in causes of HAGMA with signs of shock, myocardial irritability as therapy of underlying cause requires adequate organ perfusion
- Severe hyperchloraemic acidosis: Replacement of HCo3 lost in urine or gut
- Hyperkalaemia
- Rhabdo
- Severe sodium channel blocker toxicity, salicylate toxicity, cyanide toxicity and toxic alcohols
- Dose is 0.5mmol/kg for each mmol/L rise in bicarb desired
- Goal is >8 or clinical improvement
- Give as slowly as clinically possible
Metabolic alkalosis
- Clinical features
- Underlying disorder + nausea, weakness, dizziness, myalgia, palpitations, paraesthesias, muscle spasm or twitching
- Tetany, neuromuscular abnormalities and seizures are common
- Reduced H+ causes reduced plasma Ca, K, Mg and phosphate through protein binding (no longer have H+ to bind)
- Particularly concerning in COPD patients as oxygen dissociation curve shifts to the left with impaired tissue oxygen delivery, depresses respiratory drive
- Many patients with COPD are on diuretics which cause a contraction alkalosis (RAS activation with increased bicarbonate reabsorption at PCT, increased H+ secretion in DCT and K+ secretion in DCT with subsequent hypokalaemia seen in contraction alkalosis)
- Need both an initiating process and maintenance process
- Initiating
- Addition of HCO3 = Citrate or NaHCO3
- Loss of acid = Kidneys or GI
- Maintenance – Impaired renal bicarb excretion either through reduced filtering or increased reabsorption at tubules
- Chloride depletion
- Potassium depletion
- Reduced GFR
- Volume contraction
- Chloride-responsive (loss of chloride – urinary Cl <10)
- Vomiting, diarrhoea, previous diuretic therapy and chloride-wasting CF or enteropathy lead to contraction alkalosis with RAS activation and hyperaldosteronism
- Resultant increase in serum bicarbonate overcomes reabsorption processes with subsequent alkaline urine with urinary Cl <10 (except with diuretics)
- Result is hypovolaemic, hypokalaemic, hypochloraemic metabolic alkalosis with low urinary Cl that responds to normal saline
- Non-chloride responsive (urinary chloride >20)
- Usually associated excess RAS activation and hypertension without volume or chloride loss
- Urinary chloride >10 and alkalosis not responsive to NaCl
- Metabolic alkalosis is primarily driven by hypokalaemia and until this is fixed, will not resolve
- Causes
- Hypertensive: Renal artery stenosis, renin-secreting tumours, adrenal hyperplasia, hyperaldosteronism, Cushing’s, Liddle’s syndrome, licorice or fludrocortisone
- Normotensive: Bartter’s and Gitelman’s syndromes, acute diuretic use
Treatment of metabolic alkalosis
- Usually does not require urgent therapy
- If suspected chloride-responsive, give NaCl
- If severe (HCO3 >45), consider HCl administration (100mmol/L solution) at 0.1mmol/kg/hr through CVL
Respiratory acidosis
- 5-10% of patients with severe emphysema will demonstrate CO2 retention and inadequate response to chronically elevated pCO2 >60-70 and subsequently respond only to hypoxic drive via carotid and aortic body chemoreceptors
- Firstly, compare PCO2 with level of ventilation (if high MV and PCO2 of 40 = impaired ventilation)
- Compensation
- Acute: HCO3 rises 1 for 10; pH drops 0.8 for 10
- Chronic: HCO3 rises 4 for 10; pH drops 0.03 for 10
- Effects
- Sweating, vasodilation, confusion, tachycardia, impaired myocardial contractility, mydriasis
- Causes
- CNS tumors, stroke, infections, pregnancy, hypoxia and toxins e.g. salicylates, theophylline toxicity, progresterone
- Anxiety, pain and iatrogenic hyperventilation
- Reduction in plasma H+ results in free plasma anions that then bind calcium leading to paraesthesias and tetany
- Hypocapnoea also significantly reduces cerebral blood flow and oxygen delivery with left shift of O2-dissociation curve
- Chronic respiratory alkalosis can be completely compensated (unique)
- Treatment
- Calm reassurance better than paperbag (risks hypoxia)
- Acetazolamide for altitutude-induced respiratory alkalosis
Respiratory alkalosis
- Each 10mmHg drop in PCO2 decreases HCO3 by 1 acutely and 4 chronically
- Each 10mmHg drop in PCO2 increases pH by 0.05-0.08 acutely and 0.03 chronically
Calculated PaO2, A-a gradient and P/F ratio
- Five times the FiO2 is a good rule of thumb
- PAO2 = FiO2 x (760-PaO2) – 0.8/PacO2
- A-a gradient = PAO2 – PaO2
- Normal = <15 in young adults
- A-a gradient increases by 4-8mmHg per decade = Age /4 + 4 (same as paediatric ET size)
- P/F ratio = PaO2 / FiO2
- 300 = Minimal impairment of oxygenation
- 200 = Moderate
- 150 = Severe
- 100 = Very severe
Base excess
- Amount of HCl or NaHCO3 has to be added to blood sample at PCo2 of 40 to achieve pH of 7.4 at 37 degrees
- Measure of magnitude of metabolic component
- Issues
- Not independent of PaCO2 in vivo (blood is a better buffer than total ECF at it contains Hb and is susceptible to Gibbs Donnan forces)
- Does not distinguish between compensatory and primary metabolic disorder
- Standard base excess
- Calculates BE at Hb of 50, replicating mean extracellular Hb concentration and more closely resembling the extracellular environment
- In metabolic acidosis = Quantifies the increase in extracellular SID needed to shift the curve back to the normal position without changing Atot
- In metabolic alkalosis = Decrease in extracellular SID needed to shift the curve back to normal position without changing the Atot
Sodium bicarbonate therapy
- Primary role is to replace bicarbonate in severe NAGMA, urinary alkalinisation or improving cardiovascular function in setting of critical acidosis
- Indications
- Hyperkalaemia with metabolic acidosis
- Severe NAGMA
- Lost bicarbonate cannot be rapidly regenerated as no extra organic anions
- Cardiac arrest with pH <7.1
- Critical acidosis with pH <7.1 with associated haemodynamic instability
- Salicylate toxicity
- TCA toxicity
- Propranolol toxicity
- Controversial
- Possibly increases mortality but may play a role if pH < 6.8 and shocked to improve haemodynamics/catecholamine function
- May slow clearance of ketones and increase lactate production
- Severe pulmonary hypertension with RV failure to improve RV function
- Severe ischaemic heart disease where lactic acidosis may contribute to arrhythmia risk
- Adverse effects
- Hypernatraemia
- Hypervolaemia
- Hyperosmolarity (causes arterial vasodilation and hypotension)
- Hypokalaemia
- Ionised hypocalcaemia
- Impaired oxygen delivery to tissues secondary to left shift in Hb-O2 dissociation curve
- CSF acidosis
- Removal of acidotic inhibition of glycolysis by increased activity of phosphofructokinase
- Hypercapnoea (CO2 produced by bicarbonate passes intracellularly and worsens intracellular acidosis)
- Tissue necrosis if extravasation should occur
- Increased lactate production
- How does bicarb increase lactate production?
- Increases activity of phosphofructokinase thereby removing acidotic inhibition of glycolysis
- Impairs oxygen delivery to tissues by left-shift of Hb-O2 dissociation curve
- Need to ensure adequate ventilation to ensure CO2 produced is able to be removed
Last Updated on November 22, 2021 by Andrew Crofton
Andrew Crofton
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