ACEM Fellowship
Abdominal trauma

Abdominal trauma


  • 15-20% of all trauma deaths
  • Liver most commonly injured abdominal organ
  • Spleen most frequent in sports injuries
  • Patients who survive initial traumatic insult suffer mortality and morbidity as a result of sepsis

Blunt trauma

  • MVA most common
  • Injury is common at transition between mobile and fixed regions
  • Ligament of Trietz and distal small bowel represent transition areas where mesenteric and small bowel injuries occur
  • Fall from height typically leads to hollow organ rupture
  • Retroperitoneal injury and haemorrhage occur as force transmitted along axial skeleton
  • Struck pedestrians, motorcyclists and bicyclists are at high risk of intra-abdominal injuries

Penetrating trauma

  • Assume any injury to the lower chest, pelvis, flank or back to have penetrated the abdominal cavity until proven otherwise

Clinical presentation

  • Cullen’s and Grey-Turner’s sign represent delayed findings in intraperitoneal haemorrhage
  • Ideally same provider serial examinations
  • Up to 45% of blunt trauma patients with initial benign abdomen are later found to have significant intra-abdominal injury
    • Reliance on physical examination alone in high-energy mechanism leads to unacceptably high miss rate
    • Repeated examination is key and with this sensitivity remains high but non-specific

Clinical presentation

  • Abdominal wall injury
    • Pain with flexion/rotation and focal tenderness to percussion
    • Rectus haematomas often present as palpable masses below the umbilicus
  • Solid organ injuries
    • Signs and symptoms generally related to blood loss
    • Hypotension may not occur until 30% blood volume loss
    • Delayed rupture can occur in liver and spleen injuries
    • Splenic injuries may cause referred pain to the left shoulder or arm
    • Liver injuries may refer pain to the right shoulder or arm
    • Pregnancy and mononucleosis predispose patients to splenic injuries

Clinical presentation

  • Hollow viscous and mesenteric injuries
    • Seen in around 5% of blunt trauma patients
    • Symptoms due to blood loss and peritoneal contamination
    • Gastric contents in peritoneum = Immediate irritation
    • Bacterial contamination of peritoneum may cause delayed peritonism
    • Delays in diagnosis and treatment are associated with increased mortality

Clinical presentation

  • Retroperitoneal injuries
    • Pancreas
      • Seen in 4% of abdominal trauma patients with significant morbidity and mortality
      • Occurs occurs in rapid deceleration, unrestrained drivers who hit steering column or bicyclists against handlebar end
      • May be initially minimally symptomatic
    • Duodenum
      • Often asymptomatic on presentation. Subtle and easily missed. Repeat abdominal examination even in negative abdominal CT scans is crucial with high index of suspicion
      • As duodenal haematoma expands, gastric outlet obstruction develops
      • Rupture often occurs in high-velocity deceleration events where intraluminal pressure of pylorus and proximal small bowel rapidly increases
      • Ruptured contents may be confined to retroperitoneum without peritoneal findings. Fever and leukocytosis in delayed presentation herald abscess/sepsis
      • Maintain high degree of suspicion in any patient with ongoing abdominal pain despite normal CT

Clinical presentation

  • Diaphragmatic injuries
    • Diaphragm spasm (winded) after direct blow to epigastrium (self-resolves)
    • Rupture due to penetrating or high-velocity deceleration with rise in abdominal pressure
    • 0.8-5% of thoracoabdominal trauma patients suffer rupture and almost exclusively left-sided
      • Now thought to be 50% each side roughly
    • Delayed diagnosis may lead to herniation/strangulation/incarceration of bowel in defect
    • Management
      • NG tube decompression
      • Careful ICC on same side if any pneumo or haemothorax at same intercostal level as usual


  • Abdominal injuries that need expanded evaluation
    • Abdominal pain, tenderness, distension or external signs of trauma
    • MOI with high likelihood of injury
    • Suspicious lower chest, back or pelvic injury
    • Inability to tolerate delayed diagnosis e.g. coagulopathy, elderly, liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension
    • Distracting injuries
    • ALOC


  • FAST for detection of free intraperitoneal fluid in unstable blunt trauma patient for decision to go to theatre vs. CT
    • Average time is 4 minutes or less
    • Massive haemoperitoneum detected with single Morrison’s pouch view in 82-90% of hypotensive patients in 19 seconds
    • Cannot detect source of bleeding
    • Difficult if inexperienced, obese, subcut air, excessive bowel gas, ascites
    • Retroperitoneal bleeds missed
  • Can also look at IVC volume (marker of intravascular volume and mortality)


  • PO contrast risks aspiration and is too time consuming
  • IV contrast allows precise localisation and grading of injury
  • Can quantify and differentiate the amount and type of fluid in the abdomen
  • Can evaluate retroperitoneal injuries
  • Multiphasic (arterial, portal and equilibrium) accurately identifies mesenteric haemorrhage and transmural bowel injuries
  • Flat IVC suggests hypovolaemia
  • Small amount of free fluid with no clear source can be managed either via exploratory laparotomy OR observation and repeat CT with oral contrast
  • Outcomes and time to definitive care are not improved by repeat CT imaging at accepting trauma centre

CT phases

  • Arterial (t = 30 seconds)
    • Bright contrast in arteries with potential for blush outside of vasculature at site of arterial bleeding
  • Portal venous (t = 80 seconds)
    • Contrast is less dense (spread out longitudinally within venous vasculature) and any arterial injury blush is brighter and larger than on arterial phase
    • Shows solid organ injury best as whole organ is enhanced

Clues to bleeding site

  • Sentinel clot
    • Higher density blood is seen around the site of actual injury within free fluid pockets of the abdomen
  • Subcapsular haematoma vs. peri-organ haematoma
    • Subcapsular haematomas show mass effect on organ parenchyma
    • Peri-organ haematomas show normal organ contours
  • Arterial bleeding is much brighter on both arterial and venous phases than venous bleeding
  • May see river of contrast into a haematoma in arterial bleeding
  • Pseudoaneurysm
    • Punctate contrast vascular abnormality without a river of contrast
    • Often actively bleed later and often warrants interventional embolisation to prevent deterioration
  • AV fistula
    • River of contrast without a haematoma
    • May visibly track between an artery and vein
  • Urinoma vs. haematoma
    • Urinomas will show contrast leak into it if a delayed phase is performed once contrast has been filtered through kidneys
  • Right and left inframesocolic spaces
    • Blood forms triangles within the centre of the abdomen and is usually from a small bowel or mesenteric injury
    • Small bowel perforations may not show free gas as often fluid-filled
  • Lesser sac
    • Usually duodenal or pancreatic injury
  • Paracolic gutters
    • Intraperitoneal bleeding, often solid-organ in origin
    • Lie in front of and either side of the ascending and descending colon
    • Remember, behind the ascending and descending colon is retroperitoneal

Penetrating trauma diagnosis

  • CT, US still used
  • Mandatory exploration of patients with stab wounds yields unacceptably high rates of non-therapeutic laparotomy
  • Physical examination alone misses important intra-abdominal injuries
  • Locally explore anterior abdominal wall wounds to assess for violation of the peritoneum
  • CT helps guide operative vs. conservative management if haemodynamically stable
  • If unstable, straight to theatre (red blanket)


  • Laparotomy
    • Rarely misses an injury
    • Allows for complete evaluation of the abdomen and retroperitoneum
    • All patient with persistent hypotension, abdominal wall disruption or peritonitis require surgical exploration
    • Extraluminal, intra-abdominal or retroperitoneal air also warrants surgical exploration

Indications for laparotomy

AbsoluteAnterior abdo wall injury with hypotensionInjury to abdomen, back and flank with hypotension

Abdominal wall disruptionAbdominal tenderness

PeritonitisGI evisceration

Free gas on erect CXR or CTHigh-suscpicion of trans-abdominal trajectory of gunshot

Positive FAST and unstableCT-diagnosed injury requiring surgery

CT-diagnosed injury requiring surgeryFree gas on erect CXR
RelativePositive FAST in stable ptPositive local wound exploration

Solid visceral injury in stable pt

Haemoperitoneum without clear source

Non-operative management

  • CT grading of solid organ injury
    • Does not always correlate with laparotomy findings and does not always predict the success of conservative management
    • Operative grading may underestimate internal organ damage
    • CT is a single snap-shot in time rather than a dynamic assessment
  • Conservative therapy is far riskier in elderly patients (capsules weaken and consequences of re-bleeding far higher)
  • Patients without vascular injury can usually be managed conservatively
    • If vascular injury does exist, percutaneous transcatheter embolisation can arrest haemorrhage
  • Interventional radiology is primarily utilised for non-operative management of solid-organ injury with haemorrhage/vascular injury following blunt trauma


  • Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta
  • For patients with suspected abdominal trauma in extremis
  • Maintains or increases perfusion to heart and lungs in the setting of blunt or penetrating abdominal trauma while avoiding the morbidity of emergent thoracotomy for aortic clamping
  • Femoral artery accessed, latex balloon placed inside sheath (based on zone target):
    • Zone I: Descending thoracic aorta between origin of left subclavian and celiac trunk
    • Zone II: Between celiac and lowest renal artery
    • Zone III: Between lowest renal artery and bifurcation of aorta
  • Sixty minutes of aortic occlusion is tolerable and recoverable
  • In one small observational study, was associated with fewer early deaths and improved overall survival compared with resuscitative thoracotomy
  • AAST review comparing 85 REBOA with 202 resuscitative thoracotomy patients, survival to discharge was 10% with REBOA and 3% for thoracotomy
    • For those not requiring CPR, survival to discharge was 22% vs. 3%
  • Physiology
    • May increase central perfusing pressure by up to 50mmHg, albeit temporarily to prevent cardiac arrest
    • Animal models have shown survival benefit in torso trauma
    • May limit bleeding (although potentially limited benefit in venous bleeding)
  • Indications
    • Not clearly elucidated
    • Abdominal or pelvic haemorrhage with detectable pulse but SBP <80mmHg
    • Cardiac arrest if thoracic haemorrhage and tension ruled out
  • Abdominal trauma with shock
    • Zone 1 REBOA
    • Left subclavian to celiac trunk
  • Pelvic trauma with shock
    • Zone III REBOA
    • Infrarenal aorta
  • Contraindications
    • If not candidates for resuscitative thoracotomy
    • If penetrating thoracic trauma
    • If thoracic haemorrhage
  • Outcomes
    • One retrospective review of 259 REBOA patients showed no difference in any outcome
    • Unclear benefit
  • Complications
    • Arterial injury at site
    • Thromboembolic complications
    • Ischaemic to internal organs and lower limbs
    • Reperfusion injury
    • Delay to definitive surgery potentially


  • Need appropriate follow-up and instructions to return if discharged
    • Fever, vomiting, increased pain, dizziness, weakness or fatigue
  • May require observation or admission for conservative management
  • Much riskier if no CT performed

Last Updated on May 14, 2024 by Andrew Crofton